
Illustration  •  Submitted
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Many years ago in a small European Jewish village a man had become dissatisfied with the local rabbi.  He engaged in gossip about the rabbi all over town.  As time went by, the rabbi became very sick and was on his deathbed.  The man was convicted about his gossiping and didn’t want the rabbi to die with the bad blood between them so he went to the rabbi, confessed his sin and asked for forgiveness.  He asked if there was anything he could do to undo the damage his gossip had caused.

“Of course, I will forgive you,” the old man said, “and these something you can do if you are willing.”

“Anything,” the repentant gossiper anxiously replied.

“I want to take a sack of chicken feathers,” came the request, “go up on the big hill on the outside of town and release them into the wind.”

Thinking this was a very odd request indeed but wanting to demonstrate his contrition, the man did exactly as asked.  He returned to the rabbi and asked him if there was anything else.

“Just one thing,” the dying man said. “I want you to go and pick up all the feathers.”

“That’s impossible!” the offender exclaimed.  “There is no way to pick up all the feathers.  There is no way of knowing where the wind has taken them.”

“Neither is it possible for you to undo the damage of gossip,” the rabbi responded.

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