State of the Church 2018
Sermon Tone Analysis
Celebrate the Past Year
Celebrate the Past Year
31 Baptisms - Lives Changed
56 new covenant members
Over 300 first time guests
Worship attendance increase
Children’s Ministry - Awana - 30% increase average attendance
Student Ministry - increased participation
College Ministry - Around 20 in Charlie’s LCG and 50 in 20ish, Wed. night at Randy’s house.
Financial giving increase - One of the best years we’ve had in years - 13% increase from last year
Renovations - New carpet in the chapel, refurbished church sign, beginning of artwork in children’s building.
Missions - 4th of July - Over 1,000 in attendance, Fall Festival - over 1,000 in attendance - Several hundred helped in Back to School Bash, Celebrate Recovery continues to be an effective outreach of our church. Tuesday/Thursday night basketball - 40 people involved in open gym night. Just highlighting a few ministries. Many of you have been involved in the mission of our church not through a structured program or event but by faithfully sharing the Gospel and inviting people to join us for worship at Northwood.
International - Members of our church to Dominican Republic, Christy Presler in Zambia, Sandra Yon in Central Asia - Exceeded our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Goal
Number of volunteers - THANK YOU!
Our goal: not to be a church where you simply show up and listen to some good music and a motivational speech. Rather, our goal is to be the church grounded in Scripture that is deeply devoted to Christ and His mission in North Charleston and beyond. What you should expect from your pastors and leaders at Northwood:
1. To Protect the Mission of the Church
1. To Protect the Mission of the Church
Unity emphasized repeatedly in this passage – one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, etc.
· Unity emphasized repeatedly in this passage – one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, etc.
How do we protect the unity of the church? The mission of the church is more important than our personal desires and agendas.
When the mission of God drives your life, you’ll live in a way that is other-centered and not self-centered: humility, patience, bearing with one another in love, etc.
Expect your leadership to: 1. Focus on you on Christ. 2. Challenge you to embrace the mission of Christ even if it’s uncomfortable.
2. To Prepare you for Ministry
2. To Prepare you for Ministry
God uses diversity. (vs. 7 - spiritual giftedness.)
Jesus is the King who has gone into battle, and He has given us the spoils of His victory. Christ’s victory is your victory!
Every person matters in the Kingdom, and every person has been gifted by God to be used by God.
We’ve been placed here to serve the King! () God has given you pastors to equip you - to prepare you to use the God-given gifts and talents He has given you to impact the world for the sake of Christ. (I’m thankful for programs, but pastors are not program designers. We’re trainers; coaches; equippers.)
3. To Promote Maturity
3. To Promote Maturity
Ultimate goal is not to build a crowd but to make disciples who are fully surrendered to Jesus Christ.
Disciple’s Wheel - if we do not develop spiritual parents who have a heart for investing into the lives of others for the sake of the Gospel, we have failed at the mission.
So, what that means, is everything we do at Northwood has to support the mission of Northwood. We cannot deviate from what God reveals in His Word about the purpose and nature of the church. If we follow what God reveals in , we will live according to His will.
Celebrate the Past Year
Celebrate the Past Year
31 Baptisms - Lives Changed
56 new covenant members
Over 300 first time guests
Worship attendance increase
Children’s Ministry - Awana - 30% increase average attendance
Student Ministry - increased participation
College Ministry - Around 20 in Charlie’s LCG and 50 in 20ish, Wed. night at Randy’s house.
Financial giving increase - One of the best years we’ve had in years - 13% increase from last year
Renovations - New carpet in the chapel, refurbished church sign, beginning of artwork in children’s building.
Missions - 4th of July - Over 1,000 in attendance, Fall Festival - over 1,000 in attendance - Several hundred helped in Back to School Bash, Celebrate Recovery continues to be an effective outreach of our church. Tuesday/Thursday night basketball - 40 people involved in open gym night. Just highlighting a few ministries. Many of you have been involved in the mission of our church not through a structured program or event but by faithfully sharing the Gospel and inviting people to join us for worship at Northwood.
International - Members of our church to Dominican Republic, Christy Presler in Zambia, Sandra Yon in Central Asia - Exceeded our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Goal
Number of volunteers - THANK YOU!
Vision for our Future
Vision for our Future
Connecting Faith to Life - more than a tagline - the heartbeat of our church. We want your life to be changed by faith in Christ. We want you to daily follow Christ in full surrender. How do we help you connect faith to life?
Encountering God (You encounter God through the Gospel)
Our worship services are a priority to us, because in our worship services, we have the opportunity to lift up the name of Christ together as one faith family. We have the opportunity to hear from Him as one people. Every Sunday, we have the opportunity to encounter God together.
What you can expect: Music that lifts up the name of Jesus - more participation in worship. More opportunities for people to be involved in worship leadership, etc. Preaching that is expository and focused on applying the Bible to every day life. We encounter God in His Word. Centrality of the Word of God in worship.
I want you as followers of Jesus to Encounter Christ, but I also want people who are investigating the claims of Christianity to encounter Christ when they visit. We want our guests to encounter Christ, and we want to remove as many barriers as possible that stand in the way of our guests encountering Christs.
We want to improve greatly our guest services in 2018. We began a greeter ministry in 2017, and have seen tremendous benefits.
Staff changes to help: Nick’s semi-retirement. Trey Rhodes - Connections Pastor - focus on helping guests connect. He’ll work with our greeter team and life connection groups to make sure that guests move from a first-time experience to being plugged in to a life connection group.
Mike Gregory - Security
Experience Community
We want our church to grow! We want to reach people with the Gospel of Christ. We want to see lives changed. We’re unapologetic about that desire. However, as we see more people assimilate into our faith family, we never want people to be just numbers. We want people to be loved, cared for, and used by God. We want people to experience genuine, Christ-centered community.
Bottom line: you grow best when you are in community with other believers. Life Connection Groups are so important because in Life Connection Groups you begin to form life-long friendships that are rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Life-Connection Groups you not only receive Bible teaching, but you also get a family - friends who care for you.
Already seen change in curriculum. Many our working through discussion guides that are centered around are sermon series. This brings greater continuity and allows are groups to dive deeper into a message and make further application.
Pastor Trey - He’ll be training our LCG leaders in how to make sure that every guest is ministered to by our LCGs.
We’ll also be calling a full-time Pastor for Discipleship and Missions. This pastor of Discipleship will provide oversight to all of our Life Connection Groups. He will provide training to help LCG leaders to be better able to lead Bible-centered discussions. He’ll also train our LCGs to be better at providing pastoral care to those in our church who are hurting.
In 2018, you’ll see a much greater emphasis on building community through Life Connection Groups.
Our deacons will also be helping us build community as an extension of pastoral care. Right now, we’re working on dividing our deacons into 6 ministry teams that will assist our church in being a church that cares for every member: Hospital Care Team, Grief Care Team, Homebound/Widow Team, Helps Team, Assimilation Team, Pastoral Support Team.
Equipped to Make Disciples
Our heartbeat must be to help people find a relationship with Christ and lead them to grow to be fully surrendered followers of Jesus. Lead them on the journey and not forget about them once they are baptized!
We grow in relationship.
My best growth has been in relationships where I’ve been mentored by godly men and held accountable by other godly men.
Discipleship groups - gender-specific for the purpose of encouragement, deep Bible conversations, accountability, support, etc. A step deeper than Life Connection Groups (Story of Evan, Clay, Brian, Marcus, Ken, etc.)
Discipleship groups focused on moving from self-centered to God-centered.
Discipleship pastor to help us implement a strategy to help people become spiritual parents who reproduce.
Engage the World
Evangelistic Training - Teach you how to share the Gospel annually - Missions is not a program of the church - it is your individual calling; your way of life.
Local Missions: Good News Club, ministering to teachers at Middle School, a work site for Week of Hope, 4th of July, Back to School Bash, Fall Festival
Pastor of Discipleship and Missions to help us build relationships in our community for the sake of the Gospel. 50,000 people in a five mile radius! What would it look like if we were the church #fornorthcharleston
Hispanic Mission - A growing community in our backyard!
National and International Missions - Boston, Russia, and Central Asia
Why missions?
Commanded - it’s not an option. We are God’s plan to reach the nations, and right now, 1.8 billion people have little to no access to the Gospel.
But there’s plenty to do in N. Charleston. Yes, but we don’t get to choose one or the other. It’s both/and. We focus here and beyond to the best of our ability as the Spirit leads.
Benefit for us: being in a foreign context will open your eyes to the needs in your own backyard. I always come back with a fresh set of eyes.
How can you be involved?
Pray for your church.
Get involved in a LCG/D-Group.
Plug in to an existing ministry: children’s ministry, student ministry, brothers, girlfriends, CR, etc.
Be on mission. Share what Christ has done in your life and share what Christ is doing at Northwood.
Our church is rooted in the belief that Jesus is worth us giving our time and devotion to. Do you know this Jesus? Will you join Him in His mission? Today, trust Him as Lord and Savior.
Invitation: will you pray for Northwood? Will you pray for yourself; that God might use you in the life of our church?