Where Are You?
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Image of God
Image of God
Creation - Good, Man - God breathed and in his image
You were created special, because unlike the rest of creation God made you in His likeness and image
What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
Image/Likeness means we model God in certain ways, or that we reflect or resemble Gd in certain capacities
Reason: Mentally, man was created as a rational being. We have the ability to reason and choose. This is a reflection of God’s intellect and freedom.
Socially: We were created for fellowship, and this reflects God’s triune nature and His love.
Morally: We were created perfect and righteous, which is a reflection of God’s holiness.
Mirror Anaolgy
Being a reflection of God is the highest form of worship
The Fall
The Fall
Summarize the story of Adam and Eve
Now this image of God in us has been severely marred or damaged
Mentally, morally, socially, and physically, we all show the devastative effects of sin.
Thank God He sent His son Jesus Christ to restore fellowship and to repair this damaged image of God in us
God’s Response
God’s Response
Thanks God Christ came into the picture
Through Christ a process of sanctification is taking place
Through Christ we are new creatures
Once again created after the likeness of God
Being transformed into the same image
From glory to glory
process as Christians taking place that is restoring us back to perfection
The Application
The Application
How does worship tie into all of this?
Truth here literally means “to hide nothing: or “to uncover”
Jesus is saying we have to be Naked Souls
If you want to be an expression of worship in its truest form (being a reflection of Jesus) you have to be completely honest and open before God.
How can God bring change in our lives and bring us from glory to glory if we refuse to lay bare the hidden things in our lives?
One of the very first things affected after the fall of man was our expression of worship and fellowship with God.
Adam and Eve ()
Adam and Eve ()
Why do we hid things from God? What would motivate us to cover certain things up as Christians?
Look at our text:
Afraid because he was naked (shame)
One of the biggest roadblocks that keep us from being completely honest and open before God is SHAME
You hear it all the time…people that are unsaved feel they have to get their life together before they can come to God.