Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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> .9
Teaching my dog impulse control
Leave it.
what a skill that is for my dog…when he can leave it on his own
the things that will lead him to trouble
the things that will take him off track
If I am to be honest, it’s pretty hard for me to let go of the things too.
Some things seem so much a part of us when God is calling us to take hold of him.
How do we do that?
How can we fully surrender when we are holding on to so many things.
It’s like that scene from the jerk…all i need is this ashtray...
we walk into faith holding on to all sorts of things, and I’m not just talking about our hurts, habits, and hangups; which by the way, we all, every one of us, has.
Dwelling on the past…or the future
Thinking you aren’t ready
Breaking promises
Living up to others expectations
Comparing yourself to others
Being self critical
Self doubt
I’m talking too about letting go of our awesomeness…the things we do well, the things that are good or even dare I say, great about us.
being so series
Being entitled
playing it safe
Being right, avoiding mistakes
The things we don’t need
holding on to relationships…especially the unhealthy ones
Being self sufficient
Being in control
I have said before,
Jesus accepts us just as we are, but he refuses to leave us that way.
The truth is in order to hold on to Jesus, we have to let somethings go.
Not everything, but usually, it is those things that we hold on to most deeply that he expects us to let go of in order to surrender to him.
How do we let go?
For the answer to that question I want to look at our text today and where this all came from.
In this series, we are going to spend quite a bit of time talking about the first and last verses, so I want to really focus in on the rest of this passage today.
Remember that Pharoah was trying to have all the babies boys killed, and when that didn’t happen, he recruited all the Egyptians into his plot to kill the babies.
Everyone was to be hunting out these little infant enemies of the state.
Now Hebrews 11 gives us a bit more context here.
Now it’s probably easy to hide a baby boy for a few days, but after a while, it starts getting awkward; people start to talk.
Can you imagine the fear these parents were living with?
But they did, because they saw he was no ordinary child.
They defied the kings order.
this wasn’t just he kings order.
You see the delivery of the Hebrews was part of God’s plan.
Pharoah, as a hand of satan was working against God.
So when these parents acted in defiance of Pharoah, they were acting against the intent of Satan himself.
often times this is the way satan works, through fear.
If he can’t injure us himself, he uses fear to cripple us so that we limit our own ability to act.
but this mom…who isn’t even named here, defied evil and sought to preserve life.
But a time came when she had to do something different.
She had to change what obedience to God looked like because circumstances were changing.
She did a very bold thing…by faith…she let go.
Faith leads to letting go
we have to really let this sink in.
She believed that God had a purpose for her son.
She believed it to her core.
This faith allowed her to let go of the thing that meant more than life to her.
When our kids were born…crying…emotion as I have never experienced.
And just like I said last week, what we believe determines how we behave.
She, trusting God, AND wanting to protect her son
… a part of her
… put him in a basket
…walked down to the river
… and let go.
Now his sister, didn’t have this sort of faith.
She didn’t know God like mom.
How do I know?
Because she had to go and keep watch.
Faith had led mom to put her son in the hands of God.
Before Jesus ever shared with his disciples what it meant to be a disciple, here was mom doing what Jesus longed for his disciples to do
She was living with an eternal perspective, not a temporary one.
Faith enable us to live with an eternal perspective, not a temporary one.
This is exactly what Jesus was teaching in , in his first sermon on the mountainside, telling his followers...
Matt 6:19-
Mom didn’t hold on to what she had here and now.
She trusted God to keep his promise, and that she would hold on to.
Don’t think right now is what’s most important.
It’s not.
Jesus wants his disciples to have a long view on life.
Would an eternal perspective solve everything for Jocabed?
absolutely not.
Was she going to miss that baby?
Would she wonder what he was doing?
If he had made it?
If he was married and had children of his own?
We all know that feelings don’t disappear on their own, but life moves own and we have to move on.
Moving forward starts with a decision.
Jesus asked it this way:
Matt 6:27
Worry and stressing about the evil pharoah wouldn’t change anything.
Worrying about when the baby might be taken from her wouldn’t be living at all.
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