Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Who likes to wait?
Everyone in CA complains about waiting in line at the DMV as one of the least favorite things to do.
Well I think it is worse is waiting on hold for customer service department.
(expand in general waiting)- Christmas, birthday, etc.
The Apostles were told they had to wait
And they were told what they needed to wait for
Not for the promise of the Holy Spirit - that already happened (expand)
But for the promise of the Son
We wait for our final salvation, our final redemption, we wait looking, longing for the return of the Lord (expand some)
How the disciples waited for the promise of the Spirit provides us a great example, or at least some insight on how we should wait for the promise of the Lord’s return.
So let’s today look at how they waited, how we are to wait.
I. Waiting - Promise of Spirit (then)
First they returned, in which meant, they obeyed Jesus command (v.4); they came from Mt. Olivet, or mt. of olives the place Jesus ascended from, about Sabbath journey away (1/2 mile or so)
We are told where they were waiting (upper room); and you see who returned from (v.13) - so these we know are the witnesses of the ascension (expand if needed)
We can tell more about who was waiting, the women, Mary, the brothers, abut 120 people were waiting.
but again it only mentions the 12 returning from Mt. Olivet.
And this is the last time you will hear Mary mentioned in the scripture.
We can tell
We do not know who the women are for sure, but more than likely people who were witnesses of Jesus and the resurrection, people like Mary and Martha, how about Mary Magdalene?
- we do not know for us, but it would make sense.
We know His brothers, his previously unbelieving brothers are there - let me give you names.
LEt me give you the unbelief scripture
We can know what they were doing while they waited
They were devoted to pray, they were of one accord (used 18 times in Acts - Jude)
How about
They came in one accord in prayer, (v.14); and in Act4:24 then Rom15:6 it was in exaltation - so having one mind, being of one accord is important to unlock the power that was coming
Content of the prayer is unknown, but what you be praying for?
Understanding to what the Lord just said and what just happened?
Fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit
Safety, yep you more than likely would be praying for this too.
So we have they came together, in one accord, with one mind, in prayer.
Not only do that, they also prepared.
Peter tells us about what needs to be done, the replacement of Judas Iscariot.
The death and replacement were foretold by the prophets, with quotes from Psm69:25 and Psm109:8
But first, before moving on, they need to go over the requirements
Someone that had been with them
Someone who was there in the beginning of ministry
Someone who is a “witness” of the resurrection and will be a witness as Jesus commanded
Now came the selection process
Interesting fact, Matthias chosen but never mentioned in scripture again.
So they were not idle in their waiting were they?
They assembled, they prayed, they prepared and the promise was delivered just a few days later.
Now when it comes to us today, 2000 years later we too should not be idle in our waiting, waiting for the promise of the return.
Waiting - Promise of Return (now)
They gathered (assembled) - we should too
when we assemble we can stimulate one another to love and good deeds
When we assemble we can encourage one another.
We can put into practice the things the early church did.
In 1The5:1-11 which is about the “Day of the Lord” - I was just going to summarize it, but better we turn there and read it together.
Then I will make a few points
It will come suddenly like a thief in the night (vv.2-3)
Destruction will come (v.3)
Be ready, don’t be asleep (v.6)
Be sober, and have your equipment on (v.8)
Breastplate of faith and love,
Helmet of hope of salvation
We are children of light (v.5) - so we are not destined for wrath (v.9)
And the greatest thing, we will be together with Him (v.10)
It is especially good for us to gather (assemble) on Lords day, following the pattern of the early church
now couple that with
So gathering on the first day of the week, to break bread, to proclaim the Lord’s death UNTIL HE COMES.
We encourage each other, or one another when we gather.
They gathered, and they prayed, as should we
We have a need to pray as Jesus put it
Be persistent in prayer (Lk18:1-8)
Be alert in prayer or on guard in prayer
pray so not to loose heart or faith
pray for the day will come unexpected and you are ready
praying continuously, earnestly with thanksgiving (Col4:2)
So we are prepared, so we are not accursed, so we are ready (1or16:22; Rev22:20
And so we are looking for the day
We should be earnestly vigilant and anxious for His coming, looking and hastening for the day, so be fervent in prayers, sharing, testifying of what the Word says about His return.
And to prepare.
As they prepared, we too should be prepared, or should prepare
Jesus told His apostles the importance of preparing
Be like the wise faithful servant
on in another story of the 10 virgins (Mt25:1-30) be looking, waiting for the bridegroom to come
Put our talents to work for the Lord and be productive
Know the the work you do will not be in vain
So in other words in our preparation
Be in holy conduct, found in peace
Be without spot or blemish
Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work!
Don’t just be watching, be working for the kingdom, don’t just be looking for the return of the Lord be working for it.
He is waiting on us, wanting all to come to repentance and how people come to know they need to repent is through sharing God’s word with them!
Isn’t that what the Apostles did?
It worked for them or you would not be a Christian today, and it will work for us for others to become Christians.
The equipping of the apostles was about to come (Act2:1-4) so they could carry out the mission (Act1:8), they received the promise and we too one day will receive the promise of His return.
So until them, until the promise of the return of the Son, let us be gathering, praying and preparing, add to that sharing with others how to become a Christian.
Lead to invitation
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9