Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
I. The God who is wise and powerful enough to create is wise and powerful enough to manage my life too
A. Introductory Issues
B. God’s wisdom and power are seen in the creation of the world
Chapter 38 is part one of Job’s interrogation by God.
Job is questioned in the areas of geophysics and astrophysics.
In vv.
4-11 God began Job’s examination in the areas of cosmology, geology, and oceanography.
4-7- were you the one in the beginning who laid the foundation of the earth?
8-11- were you the one who created the sea and set its boundaries
12-15- have you ever commanded the morning and made sure the dawn occured in its proper time and place?
Who did all these things Job?
Did you do them, or did God?
C. God’s wisdom and power are seen in His knowledge and order of the universe
1. Job lacks knowledge
The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest known point in Earth's oceans.
In 2010 the United States Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping measured the depth of the Challenger Deep at 10,994 meters (36,070 feet) below sea level with an estimated vertical accuracy of ± 40 meters.
If Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, were placed at this location it would be covered by over one mile of water.
Job have you ever entered the springs of the sea?
Have you ever walked in the deepest places of the ocean?
There was an ancient concept that Sheol, or the realm of the dead, lied beyond the recesses of the deep.
The point is that the gates of death and the doors of the shadow of death were places that Job could not go and hand know knowledge of.
Job have you every viewed the entirety of the earth all at once? Do you know how wide it is?
How many of you have been outside of the state of Wisconsin?
How many have been outside of the USA?
The farthest I have ever been in this world is to the DR.
What do you think would have been the farthest that Job would have traveled?
Maybe 100 miles, 200 miles?
Probably not much farther than that.
He had no idea how big the world really was, let alone did he understand the breath of the earth.
I love this next part.
God says go ahead Job declare if you know it all.
Now I imagine that God pauses and waits here for an answer.
Go ahead and speak, I’ll wait.
No, nothing?
OK then.
So you don’t know everything then?
Maybe it is possible that there are things in the sovereign plan of God that you don’t understand?
Job you don’t know everything but guess who does?
Again here is our question, not why, who?
God knows everything!
The very thought of the knowledge of God is high, and we cannot attain unto it.
Yet sometimes we act as if we do know it all.
We question God like we do know more than Him.
God why did you let this thing into my life?
Not why?
First of all who are you?
I am a fallen sinful creature that barely know a drop of what there is to know if the universe.
Who is God?
God is an all knowing, all powerful, all wise God that works together all things for our good.
Since you don’t know it all, and He does whom should you trust?
2. Job lacks experience
Here God personifies light and darkness.
He asks Job where is the dwelling place of the light and the home for darkness?
If Job knew where the paths to the territory of light and darkness could be found, if he know the road to their homes then He could command them to fulfill their task.
I love this verse as well.
Maybe this is the dad in me, but I can hear sarcasm in God’s voice as he speaks to Job.
You know all this stuff because you were born then right?
You are a really old guy right Job?
The idea is were you alive when I created light and darkness and when I established paths that light and darkness would follow?
You were there right Job? No!
You don’t have that kind of experience, you aren’t that old then huh?
Who are you really Job?
Who is God?
And what did God do?
The knowledge and order of God in establishing the universe is awesome!
Who do we think we are to question God?
A God who is wise enough and powerful enough to create the universe and to know perfectly every part of it and to order precisely every detail of it has to be able to manage my life as well.
When you compare our own experience with the experience of God it is laughable.
It’s like a four year old child who is still doing finger painting trying to tell Picasso how to paint.
It’s ridiculous.
Yet this is what we do when we question God for allowing something into our life that we think doesn’t belong.
Why God did you do this?
The question is not why?
It’s Who? Do you trust God?
3. Job lacks resources
Treasuries of snow and hail- arsenals of snow and hail.
God has a storehouse and arsenal of the elements of nature that he has reserved for the day of battle and war.
Hail was the seventh plague that fell on Egypt.
The Lord hurled large hailstones on the fleeing Amorites in Joshua 10:11.
Interesting how God uses the weather to influence times of war- i.e.
Germany invading USSR in WWII.
Winter was very hard, and caused them to be pushed back.
And one day in the future tribulation God will use hundred pound hailstones as part of the plague of the seventh angel Rev 16:21.
The point is God wants to know if Job has these kinds of resources available to him.
Job do you know where these arsenals are?
Do you have access to them?
And by way of implication can you use them to sovereignly control the outcome of battle?
Job do you have the resource of wind at your disposal?
Job probably doesn’t understand how this happens.
We understand that it results from uneven heating of the earth’s surface.
Even here, there are elements of it that we do not understand.
Furthermore, we are completely unable to control it.
Who can do all these things Job?
God can!
We don’t even have the resources available to us to build a new church building.
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