Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Peter at Lydda & Joppa
After Paul was converted Story goes back to Peter
At this time he was staying in Lydda
Lydda was a town SouthWest of Jerusalem (also called Lod)
There he met a man named AEneas who was paralyzed
Jesus the Christ heals you (makes you whole)
Jesus is The healer
The bibles says He took our infirmities upon His own self
By His stripes we were healed
We should believe this today as much as we believe it was then
This man had been paralyzed eight years
It is significant that the Bible tells us how long he had been sick
Of course we know it is no harder for God to do the miracle if he was sick for eight years or eight minutes
But we have a tendency to lose hope after a while
Do you suppose this guy prayed to get better when he first got sick?
He most probably did - but nothing happened
maybe he had a lack of faith
maybe he had a sense of guilt that kept him from being healed
maybe something else was blocking his faith
We have a tendency to get used to our “conditions”, and lose faith
especially after some time has passed
it just becomes the normal
for some people it is normal to be sick
others it is normal to be poor
normal for us to
normal to be depressed
normal to be angry
normal to be afraid
normal to be lonely
normal to have anxiety
It had become normal for AEneas to be paralyzed
In fact, the whole town knew of it
Perhaps he was an important person before he got sick
Maybe people saw him now and regularly felt sorry for him
Jesus Christ Makes you Whole!
Peter came and declared to him that Jesus makes him whole
Maybe he just needed someone to stir that faith that was in him already
to inspire him to believe that he still could be healed
It’s not too late, its not over!
AEneas Jesus makes you whole!
Then Peter joined his faith with AEneas’ faith
“if two or more of you agree as touching anything...”
It doesn’t matter how long you have been dealing with the same circumstance
Jesus Christ makes you whole
“whole” - whatever it is you have need of
In Jesus
Let’s join our faith together here today, for one another
What is your need?
Is there something that you have just gotten used to?
Jesus Christ saves you today
When others see your faith in action - they believe as well
faith is contagious
those who see the good that God does for you will also trust in the Lord!
Tabitha Raised
While Peter was at Lydda, a disciple in Joppa, named Tabitha became sick
She was full of good works, and charitable deeds
very loved by the Christians there
She became sick and died
The people cleaned her body and laid it in an upper room
Since Lydda was near Joppa and they had heard that Peter was there, they sent for him
asking him to come quickly
When he arrived people were standing-by weeping and shoed him all the coats and things she had made
Tabitha, Arise.
First he put out the others
So often, people will hinder our faith - even Christians
They mean well - but they doubt
Sometimes, we have to put the out, or block them out
Negative talking - unbelief
complaining about circumstances - reciting the problem instead of calling on the solution
Complaining dishonors God - believing Him, proclaiming it, gives Him honor
He prayed -
Why did Peter pray if he had the authority to raise her?
We should realize more that we are the answer to many of our prayers
Very often God will anoint you, and empower you, to make the difference you are praying for
When we pray, we should be expecting that authority -
We should be then bold enough to declare it - after prayer
Then Peter proclaimed, in faith - “arise
Sometimes we may need to pray for a long while, sometimes less
as our faith is increased - (Examples)
Then Peter continued in Joppa and stayed with Simon the tanner
Cornelius the Centurion
A devout man
one who feared God
gave much alms
prayed to God always
Like so many people, he believed in God, but was not a believer
He did good deeds, but wasn’t “saved”
He prayed to God, but didn’t know Him
He gave to charity, but his sins were not forgiven
His prayers and his good deeds were noticed by God
The bible says the eyes of the Lord are going to and fro . . .
They were noticed, but they did not “save” him
If his good deeds were enough, he would have had no need to send for Peter
Peter’s Vision
The next day as these were on their way
Peter had gone up tot he roof to wait for lunch
fell into a trance and had a vision
repeated three times
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9