Prayer Life
Luke 11:1-13
Prayer is an important part of our relationship with God!
1. Jesus, a perfect disciple, filled His life with prayer.
-Jesus was constantly in prayer
-Especially before the major events in His life.
-He pleased the Father (With Him I am well pleased)--he was always talking to God
-Prayer WAS always about His relationship with the Father
2. Disciples of Jesus learn to become great people of prayer.
-There can be no great relationship with God--without MUCH prayer
-Learning does not come automatic -- it takes discipline and obedience
-It may be hard at first (not later) but the benefits are fantastic.
-consider the promises attached to prayer (even in text)
3. Disciples who bother the Lord, bring great glory to the Father
-prayer is the proof that disciples have lost their obedience to the devil and live for Christ
-This is what God created us to be--people who have a deep personal relationship with their heavenly Father
-prayer is really about having more of God's GRACE in our life
-dependency on God glorifies the Lord before God's enemies