Sow To The Spirit

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  26:24
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Gal 6:7-8. Dan Kroon. Last week we dwelt on the encouragement to walk carefully, live intentionally and step wisely (in Eph 5:15-17). Because the life of discipleship is not one that happens accidentally (on auto-pilot) – it needs to be lived on purpose. This week, in the same vein, we will dwell on Paul’s urge to ‘sow to the Spirit’ (in Gal 6:7-18) and not to the flesh. God provides us with many ‘means of grace’ (ways to feed and strengthen our faith) and we are called to intentionally engage in them. This topic and text will further introduce our series for Term 1, where we will focus on what it means to purposefully spend time with God.

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