God's Plan for Planet Earth
This is a book based on predictions which are made regarding God's plan for Planet Earth which are made in the pages of the Christian's "Holy Bible". The Bible contains 66 seperately written books which were written over a period of over 1500 years. The books were collected on the basis of 100% verifiable predictions which were made by its individual writers. There have been no additions to the Bible in almost 2000 years as there have been no prophets who could claim such 100% accuracy in their predictions which warrant their writings being added to the Holy Bible.
The first part of the Holy Bible is known by the Jews as the "Tennach". It was written prior to the birth of Jesus which was approximately between the year B.C.E 6 and B.C.E 4 (Before the Common Era which was ushered in by the birth of a man named Jesus who is also called the Messiah (Hebrew) or Christ (Greek) which means "The Annointed One". ) The Christians call the Tennach the "Old Testament" which means Old will and testament of God toward his chosen people. Prior to the comming of Jesus God primarily dealt with one nation. The nation we today know as "Israel".
After Jesus came he became also considered as a prophet by his jewish followers. Initially his followers consisted of the twelve sternographers which were also called "disciples". (my humour) We have a special name for these orginal disciples which we also call the twelve Apostles. We are told that after Jesus died and was resurected from the dead He was seen by more that 500 people who quickly also became his disciples. After this He ascended in their full view into the upper stratosphere until He was no longer visible. These eye witnesses suffered terribly for this encounter they had with Jesus, which they would and could not deny. Eleven of the apostles were martyred for not recanting of their testimony to what they had seen regarding the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Countless thousands continued to be martyred over the next three centuries who were willing to die rather than recant the personal experience each one claimed with Christ. Today many still experience an encounter with Christ that they would not and could not deny. It is little known that many are having their lives taken from them for not recanting even today. It is estimated that more martyrs have occured during the 20th Century than in all the years since Christ's assension.
The New testament is a collection of writings about this man named Jesus who inspired many to go to a martyrs death at the hands of ungodly men in order to witness to them the truth of the encounter that they had experienced. The new writings are called the "New Testament" becasue God has expanded His calling not only to a single nation "Israel" but to all of mankind. It was predicted within the "Old Testament" that this would occur. When bound together "Old Testament" and "New Testament" we have the book called "the Holy Bible".
There are many things that are fulfilled by the "New Testament" which were predicted would occur within the pages of the "Old Testament". And there are many things which are predicted in both the "Old" and "New" testaments which have only recently began to be fulfilled and there are many things which are yet to be fulfilled.
We are going to examine some of these prophecies from the Holy Bible only and not from any other sources of material as the Holy Bible is the only book which proves itself by the virtue of predictions which are 100% verifiable. We could not consider quoting from any other "holy books" as the writers of other such books did not make predictions which could be 100% verified. For example, even though a very significant portion of the worlds population adheres to a prophet they call Mohammed, they must admit that Mohammed never made a single verifiable prophecy during his life time. That is why we will not be considering anything that was written about him. However there are some things that Mohammed repeated regarding the Prophet Jesus which are true and we hope that if the reader is a follower of Mohammed that they will check the things that we say in this book against the things that are said in the Koran. They will find that many of these things are also said regarding Jesus in the Koran that we will be saying in this book.
The Good News is that God has a plan for this earth. He has always had a plan. God fits man, His custodian of planet earth also into His plan. Not only does God have an overall plan for the planet earth but He also has a personal plan for you. It is our hope that as you read these pages that you will become more aware of God's plans both for this world in which you live but also for your own life. God has numbered every hair on your head and only He knows how many breaths you will breath while you are here on this planet. He knows the beginning from the End. He cares about us all collectively and He also cares for you personally as an individual. It is our prayer for you the reader that God will soak you with His thoughts as you contemplate the things that this book will bring to your attention. It is our prayer that you too will have a personal encounter with God and that you will emerge a new person revitalized in your approach to the world as a result of reading this book. We are interested in hearing from our readers. You may contact us at bibledoor@rogers.com and let us know your thoughts.
1. Historical Accuracy of the Bible.
- Before looking into the claims that the Bible makes it is important that we look at some of the claims against the accuracy of the Bible that have been made in recent years and that we dispell the myth that the Bible is not an accurate document. Historical Accuracy of the Bible is born out by Archiology - Until very recently for example it was claimed by skeptics that the book of Jeremiah was not rooted in historical fact.
- Source: www.OneNewsNow.com, Breaking Christian News
- A researcher at the British Museum has made a discovery that supports Old Testament historical accounts as fact, states a report from The Telegraph, a British newspaper. Last week Michael Jursa, a visiting professor from Vienna, Italy, was searching for financial records among tablets from ancient Assyria when he found a familiar name. Jursa scanned the book of Jeremiah and found that the name was that of Nebuchadnezzar II’s chief eunuch, Nebo-Sarsekim. In the Bible, the eunuch was said to be with Nebuchadnezzar when the Babylonians took Jerusalem. The small tablet, dated to the 10th year of Nebuchadnezzar II’s reign, is a bill of receipt acknowledging Nebo-Sarsekim’s payment of gold to a temple in Babylon around 595 BC. Researchers at the British Museum have been studying more than 130,000 tablets for more than 5 years, and research leader Dr. Irving Finkel called this discovery “a world-class find.” He said this eunuch was a throwaway character in the Old Testament, and now it has been proven accurate. He says with such a minor detail proving to be true, it gives a “new kind of power” to the whole book of Jeremiah and the entire Old Testament.
- The Biblical reference is in Jeremiah 39:3 - Then all the princes of the king of Babylon came in and sat in the Middle Gate: Nergal-Sharezer, Samgar-Nebo, Sarsechim, Rabsaris, Nergal-Sarezer, Rabmag, with the rest of the princes of the king of Babylon.
- The commas in hte list of names were added to our bibles after the fact and are not in the original Hebrew or Greek texts. In older bibles the comma was placed incorrectly causing the name Samgar-Nebo to appear in the list instead of Nebo-Sarsechim. This does not indicate an error in the text but only in the placing of commas after the fact.
- Another claim against Historical accuracy of the Bible was made until very recently. That is it was claimed that the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament) was corrupted by Christians in order to write in prophecies which predicted the comming of Jesus and His death on the cross. This claim was made agressively by Jewish Rabbies starting in the year 1000 AD and onward until the early 20th century when it was discovered that the Septuagint had not fallen under Christian influence. The discovery that proved that the document could not have been corrupted by the Christians is commonly referred to as the "Qumran Caves" discovery or the "Dead Sea Scrolls". Several copies of the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures were discovered which date back to the year 800 B.C.E and also several copies of the Septaugint, Greek translation were also discovered which date back to 200 B.C.E. That is 200 years before the time when Jesus was born. Jesus could not have had any followers at the time these copies of the Septuagint were written, so the document could not have been influenced by Christians who would have wished to corrupt the documents to bring undue credit to Jesus.
- A specific example of where skeptics had said that the text had been corrupted by Christians was in Psalm 22:16-18 - "16 For dogs have surrounded Me; The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet; 17 I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me. 18 They divide My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots.
- There was a time when all copies of scripture were copied manually by hand. The process of creating one Bible at the time of Christ would take one human man year to complete on average. For this reason the strating of a new synogogue
- There are many other examples where Archiology proves the Bible to be an accurate document. You will find links to Archiological sites from our website bibledoor.no-ip.org
2. Why Prophecy is important
a. The History of Prophecy
- The first man to prophecy recorded in the Bible was a man named Noah. Noah was told by God to prepare an Ark. All the time he built the Ark he warned those that mocked him that God was going to judge the earth by a great flood. We can see the results of that flood today. At the top of the highest mountains we find sea shells. The Grand Canyon was caused by runnoff from the flood. Man today doubts the evidence that has been left behind of a world wide flood and comes up with alternate explanations under the general topic called "Science" and "Evolution". More will be said about the doubts that men have regarding this later. The entire world population was decimated and started over again with Noah and his immediate familly members that accompanied him on the Ark.
- After Noah another Man prophecied. To the Jews this man is the greated prophet. His name is Moses. Moses prophecied the 10 plagues which hit Egypt. Moses also predicted the splitting of the Red Sea. His predictions where so trustworthy that one day he went up a mountain alone and returned claiming to have met God and to have received the ten commandments on two stone tablets, written by the very hand of God himself. The people never question this seeming outragous claim. That is because Moses earned the right to be heard by the virtue of the fact that all his previous prophetic claims were proven to be true. The writings of Moses were collected after his death and form the first five books of the Old testament which are sometimes refered to as the "Torah" by Jews and as the "Pentetuch" by Christians. Moses is revered by three of the major world religions today. The Jews revere him as the greatest prophet that ever lived.
- There were several other prophets spanning 1500 years from the time of Moses who's writing were collected and added to the Bible.
Elijah is another prophet who also performed great miracles including the raising of the dead who is also revered.
c. Proof of God's existence.
d. Proof that the Bible is God's Word.
e. God Uses Prophecy to get us to listen to what else He has to say.
- God revealed things about the future through his prophet so that he might gain an audience with us and that we might listen to the other things that He wished to reveal to us.
- The Ten Commandments - Not only did Moses have revealed to him future events by God which gave him credibility as Gods prophet with his brethren. But he also had revealed to him the events which preceded him and any other man going back to the creation of the world. The account of the Ten Commandments is recorded both in Deuteronomy 5 and in Exodus 20. This portion of the first five books constitutes the very first thing recorded in our Bibles even thought this account does not appear on the first page. It is the only portion of the Holy Bible which is said to have been written by God's very own hand.
- Sin and Death
- Creation - The first reference to these creation claims was given in the 10 Commandments themselves; Exodus 20:8-11 - ...“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, onor your stranger who is within your gates. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
- The Great Lie
- Gods solution
- The Blessed Hope
3. The Greatest Prophet
a. Moses?
- The first prophet
- Prophecied the 10 Plagues of Egypt.
- Prophecied the splitting of the Red Sea for safe passage.
- Prophecied the comming of a Messiah that would be lifted up.
b. Jesus?
- Predicted his own death and subsequent resurrection.
- Predicted the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.
c. Mohammed?
- Made no predictions that could be verified to date. He did repeat some predictions already made by Jesus and his followers but nothing new was added.
- One prediction that was made regards paradise (heaven). He predicted that a harem would be given to anyone who dies fighting in a "Jihad" (Holy war). This prediction was not verifiable and therefore does not qualify to make Mohammed a prophet by the definition we are using. Only after such a prediction is verified can a person become recognized as a prophet of God according to the instructions God gave Moses. Refer back to section 1 for more on this.
4. Interpreting Prophecy
a. Prophecy is not a matter of Private interpretation.
b. Comparing various prophecies
- Advice from the Wisest man that ever lived, (Apart from Jesus).
- The Bible tells us that when Solomon, the direct son of King David was about to succeed his father David to the throne over Israel, He asked God for wisdom to be able to make the right decisions when he ruled his people the Jews. We are told that God was pleased with Solomons request and granted him wisdom in more measure than any man. God also because he was pleased with Solomon gave him riches beyond measure. Solomon soon became the wisest and the richest man that ever lived. It was Solomon who commissioned the building of the original Temple that is refered to both in the Predictions made by Daniel and those made by Jesus. Regarding Interpretation of God's word Solomon said the following;
- Ecclesiastes 12 - 9 ...And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yes, he pondered and sought out and set in order many proverbs. 10 The Preacher sought to find acceptable words; and what was written was upright—words of truth. 11 The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. 12 And further, my son, be admonished by these.
- One principal we can derive from this is that in order to correctly understand Gods message we must seek to gain our understanding by comparing and making a sensible order from all available scriptures.
- The Bereans
- We are told that the Bereans compared everything they were taught by the Apostle Paul with any other availabe scriptures they had. (Namely the Old Testament Scriptures.)
- The Apostle Paul
- The bible further says that all scripture is worthy for doctrine and reproof. ()
- Paul instructed Timothy to seek Gods approval as a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. That right division comes by a complete knowledge of all the scriptures and the ability to compare one scripture against another.
- If you have not yet read the entire bible it is our hope that we will be able to make those comparisons for you in this book. The Bible also says that the people who have not yet heard the truth of Gods word need someone who has heard to tell them. ()
c. God's Supernatural Illumination
- The indwelling presence of God
- John 14
- The need to hear from those who are illuminated.
- Romans
- 1 Peter 3:15 - be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you,
d. Recent Interpretations, which ones to chose?
5. The major Prophecies of the Bible.
a. Prophecies regarding the Messiah.
- Daniel 26 - The Cut Off Annointed One.
b. Prophecies regarding the nation of Israel.
- Daniel 26 - The Destruction of the Temple.
c. Prophecies regarding the nations of the Earth.
- Isaiah 52 - All Nations Astonished.
d. Prophecies regarding the End of the Age.
RUSSIA'S NEW ARMS DEAL WITH IRAN By Joel C. Rosenberg (DENVER, COLORADO, July 31, 2007) -- Russia and Iran continue to strengthen their military ties, while Vladimir Putin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continue to draw closer as strategic allies. In December 2005, Russia sold Iran $1 billion worth of missiles, after years of selling submarines and other advanced weapons systems to the radical Islamic regime. The latest reports indicate that "Russia plans to sell 250 advanced long-range Sukhoi-30 fighter jets to Iran in an unprecedented billion-dollar deal." What's more, the Jerusalem Post indicates that "in addition to the fighter jets, Teheran also plans to purchase a number of aerial fuel tankers that are compatible with the Sukhoi and capable of extending its range by thousands of kilometers." Israeli defense officials say the deal will give the radical Iranian regime enhanced "long-range offensive capabilities." The U.S., meanwhile, has offered Israel some $30 billion in new weapons over the next ten years, an increase in military aid from $2.4 billion to $3 billion a year. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice says the U.S. is also offering military aid packages to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and several Gulf states (the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman) to "bolster forces of moderation and support a broader strategy to counter the negative influences of Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran" she said. Israeli officials, however, are concerned by the U.S. offer of $20 billion in weapons to the Saudis. They note that should there be an overthrow of the current Saudi regime, such advanced weaponry could fall into the hands of radical Islamic jihadists. Russia's arms sales to Iran should raise alarms inside the White House and among Congressional leaders. Russia under Putin's leadership has joined the "Axis of Evil," selling dangerous weapons systems not just to Iran but to North Korea in recent years as well. But is something else happening, too? As we explain in the new Epicenter DVD, a growing number of evangelicals are concerned that the intensifying military and political alliance between Russia and Iran could be a sign of the approaching fulfillment of the prophecies found in Ezekiel 38-39, what Bible scholars describe as the "War of Gog and Magog." After all Ezekiel 36-37 foretold the rebirth of the State of Israel in the "last days," the Jewish people returning to the Holy Land after centuries of exile, and the rebuilding of the ancient ruins in the Promised Land. Sure enough, all of this has come true in the past six decades, thus raising the possibility that Ezekiel 38-39 could come true in our lifetime as well. Let me be clear: I believe it is too soon to draw such a definitive conclusion that the fulfillment of these prophecies are immiment. Still, it is true that until now, Russia and Iran have not had an alliance of the sort the Bible foretold in the 2,500 years since Ezekiel wrote the prophecies. It is also true that this alliance is heating up quite quickly now. It is not surprising, therefore, that interest in these prophecies are growing. It's a story worth watching closely. WEBLOG with the latest on events in the Middle East and Russia. If you've received >> FLASH TRAFFIC << from a friend and would like to subscribe, please click here www.joelrosenberg.com (see trailer for Epicenter DVD) www.joshuafund.net |
- Mathew 24 - The Olivet Discourse.
- Destruction of the Temple (Matthew 24:1-2; Mark 13:1-2; Luke 21:5-6)
- Signs before the End (Matthew 24:3-8; Mark 13:3-8; Luke 21:7-11)
- Persecution (Matthew 24:9-14; Mark 13:9-13; Luke 21:12-19)
- Persecution of the early church
- Persecution at the End of the Age
- They will Persecute in the name of God.
- The Abomination of Desolation (Matthew 24:15-28; Mark 13:17-24; Luke 21:20-24,31,37)
- The last seven years of Daniels prophecy
- The Comming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-28; Matthew 24:29-31)
- Pre-Trib
- Mid-Trib
- Post-Trib
- Revelation 2-3 - The Seven Churches.
- Laodocia - The church God wants to vomit out.