The RSV uses “grief” to refer to sorrow, pain, and suffering, which may be physical and/or mental in nature. The Suffering Servant is reported to be “acquainted with grief” and to have “borne our griefs.” “Grief” in these expressions literally means “sickness” or “disease” but may be used here for “suffering” in a more general sense (Isa. 53:3f.; cf. Isa. 17:11; Ps. 77:10). The psalmist who complains that his “eye wastes away because of grief” (6:7) is petitioning Yahweh to deliver him from grave illness which has caused such grief that his eyes are wasting away with weeping. Yet it is improper to draw too sharp a distinction between mental and physical suffering in Hebrew thought, which understood a person as a whole rather than as a composite of body and mind. Physical, mental, and even spiritual suffering are interrelated (Ps. 31:9).
Grief is the opposite or surcease of joy (Prov. 14:13) and may result when one is demoralized, as when Jeremiah pondered the fate of Judah (Jer. 8:18). One may experience grief when one has “pangs of conscience” or when one is annoyed or irritated (Prov. 17:21, 25). In 2 Cor. 7:10 Paul made a distinction between a “godly grief”—a deep sorrow that leads to repentance and opens the eyes to the gift of salvation—and a worldly grief that shrinks from guilt. This “worldly grief” blinds a person to the forgiveness offered in Christ and leads him only to deeper and deeper sorrow and finally to death (cf. P. E. Hughes, comm on 2nd Corinthians [NICNT, 1962], pp. 271–73).
To “grieve” is to be (or cause someone to be) sad, troubled, irritated, distressed, or mournful. It is characteristic of the OT to attribute human emotions to Yahweh. The OT reports that Yahweh was grieved by the rebellion of Israel in the wilderness period (Ps. 78:40; cf. Isa. 63:10). Mankind caused Yahweh so much distress and trouble that He was grieved that He even made them (Gen. 6:6). Israel experienced grief during the Exile, when the prophet said that Yahweh called Israel as a wife “forsaken and grieved in spirit” (Isa. 54:6). Though Yahweh was the cause of the grief Israel experienced during the Exile, He will also have compassion on Israel (Lam. 3:32). Both the OT and the NT speak of grieving the Holy Spirit (Isa. 63:10; Eph. 4:30). To grieve means also to mourn the dead, as Samuel mourned the death of Saul (1 S. 15:35) and as David mourned Absalom (2 S. 19:2; cf. 1 Thess. 4:13). Jesus was grieved and angry at the hardness of heart of those around Him when they disapproved of His healing on the sabbath the man who had a withered hand (Mk. 3:5). Peter was grieved when Jesus asked him for the third time, “… do you love me?”