Alan- January 28th 2018
Each week. So finally let the people know God did not leave them leave them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory. And remember that you can just go straight in the air, but he even though that was the shortest route to promise what God said if the people are faced with the battle, they might change their minds and return to eat.
And then buy them in a roundabout way through the Wilderness toward the Red Sea Egypt like an army ready for battle. And mow the 60 bones of Joseph listing for Joseph that made the thumbs Mistral swear to do this. He said God will certainly come to help you when he does. You must think my bones if you from this place.
And these two lights left them camped on on the edge of the wilderness.
The board went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud and he's pretty cool. I buy they are but I need to travel in the desert.
Lb from Proverbs, I believe. Yep, so we shall overcome sure mini must have gone back to this one trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you be at he will show you which path to take.
And then John had 10 27-30 my sheep listen to my voice. I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they all never Terry. No one can snatch them away from me. For my father has given them to me I'd he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the father's hand. That's it. The father are one. Thanks a lot to watch it.
And what's the attire for the bar? So it's just look them up to and Tony and the lost this week that we worship you. Oh God. They were so glad to be here for it Lord. We give you honor and glory and praise tonight. We think of Pastor Keith Antonio. Can we pray? They have a great time up there be filled by the spirit in the fight. But Spirit when they come back and be able to share Under The Inspirations fear what they learn like Father God we pray at 12:20 Morgan the lost this week of the daughter-in-law of it up them. Bring healing to this family and I pray for all who are sick in the wrestling with a negative news of any kind. We pray that you do it from the comfort them to heal and restore them, too. And we ask now Lord you just hoping you weren't too understanding by your Holy Spirit father. We ask in Jesus name,
Wilton There was a guy who was absolutely sure that his wife had hearing it. And he was so convinced of it. You know, I'm really concerned the books. That's the one evening when she was little that way back in the room and he said honey. Can you hear me? Well, he didn't hear anything from Renata peeps. We moved a Little Closer.
and gaining never heard of Find the time in Saudi get up right behind the chair and with his, you know, at this time she snapped at him and he said yes, I heard you three times that you think so.
You know, we got to make sure we don't have a hearing issue either when it comes to you. My sheep hear my voice. They listen, you know, they listen and they follow act me and God told him to just move when you see the clouds moving just go away when you see the pillar fire going and other other night. You got to stay put well I think a lot of Springfield times we're living in the fog and I think of the guy walking in the fog. But anything is people here like feeling right now life has been foggy don't know where to turn don't know which way you're going can't see the way through them. And we all of those points, right? It's very foggy there a lot of time.
And then when we move we move to the top of the car keys are here now. They caught Mount Royal but where the highest peak in Halifax anyway, and it's very foggy there in time is because we'll look good are window and see the other apartment buildings right across me sometimes so it's not so but the thing is he's a really cool little fact of science book frog you know, Do you always feel they have one glass of water? That's all you need to have a fog that would go over 7 city blocks. And it could be it could be 700 feet and in depth. And then said that's all you need is one glass of water to create that kind of thought That's how little water tanks. The reason is it's because it's it in some turning in about 60 billing droplets of water and a lot of people living in fogging see. I'm sure that's the way it was getting an eat the first before God let the people in slavery and that it was not a good so we we know that
Most guess what? God told me it was. Doing the happy dance for awhile there, but then I didn't watch it because they come up here. It was going to say not so fast. And thing is that after Moses and had my life. Messier and other people turned on Moses then why did you even come and bother us about this now or life is worse then it'll be before and they only felt they were in a big frog in that mess. But we know that he did even sleep Ferrell and eat they were bought the nice and God led the Army on the March. we rent today how God didn't take the directory. If you look at some of the maps that area he could see they could have been there in the promised land tin Leaf walking. They would have been there. But folks they weren't ready to go there yet. Seeing if this had been group of slaves they were a week people, but that's mine. You never leave those here's hardship and they did not know that even meant to be doing baby living in a pagan line with all kinds of there. American Gods concern first see if they the pharaoh go and let my people go that they may worship mean it will go on the street journey and we'll celebrate Festival to the board. That's that's what the gold ones. See if God said that we were that in the scripture if they go that you know, the 10-day Journey straight to the going to go to the line with feels feet. They haven't learned The Art of War yet. They haven't even organized into a fighting Nation. They got to learn, you know how to become my buddy Nation the end of my recently not ready to start battling joints and the not ready for that. They got to watch learning. The important thing you said to they've got to learn about worship before anything else begins. No, I'm sure when the people left Egypt they had a way different priorities and got it right sings Hot Summer to prank situations that are desperate were singing Lord. I want this to be in right now. That's a big priority. The God have different priorities as you remember them, right the priority was just wanted to going we're going to hang out for a while. We're going to want to just hang out with me and we're going to spend what time is it right now, but here a little over a year and what happened there, right? They were given the Ten Commandments they were they were given all the need for their justice system and for the you know their way of life there and then They were giving the architectural plans for the Tabernacle and all the rest of it. So you see God to see the end from the beginning.
everything is Deanna plenum line racing beginning how he was going to get them there eventually did me the cloud by day the pillar fire in the bank. And everyone of us to be asking questions. Before we go in any journey, and if you read my last blog, you know where we're all the journey. And if you didn't read my last blog Sam and you and and but you can demonstrate true repentance for you. You can make up for that if you didn't read it. So but the thing is singing on a journey. We're on this journey and everybody has some questions they need to ask you if you don't have the going on with you. Number one is we wonder who is weenie. That's the main question why this we don't want to fall to say but you're any voice we want to see who is leading me. And then we we want to be be singing if it's God is leading me.
Those kind of questions that we want to ask him. Where am I going? Am I going to the same place? God has some money for me to go see the people. They thought they were going to still right into the promised land in 10 days be there, but God said not so fast.
K will
how God plan to get the job done the pillar cloud and that you know that was going to leave them in the day and we're told some things might be the glory Cloud because that's really what it is isn't the glory clap. And you have some things about that that Glory Cloud it's at night. And that means they got the heating system going and the desert can really really get coal. God thinks of everything it doesn't he? Oh you think you know the club with some kind of supernatural phenomena, but I know different now. That was the visible presence of God the visible glory of God shining in the among them and the club by David's he's close. He's here. Because if he wasn't here, then we would get a lethal dose of his glory and we're told me a new testament in the New Testament were told that God dwells in unapproachable light where no one can see him. I used to think was few different things. But the dark what does sing at the fire of God burning to the cloud. That's the same thing thing. So, you know or in the night what a smart way to go either being does not know if any of it travel down states to Nevada or some of those areas Death Valley and so on but you don't want to be walking too far in the day with you.
But there might be times when it would actually be very smart for them to be traveling in Mayan. God made it possible for them to do that to travel.
So, you know, I think that's just something simple.
some things about falling the glory clip Do you know is how God please? Not from behind, but he's waiting in front. You don't want to hear this expression today that don't talk about leaders will say he really knows how to lead from behind. And what they mean, I think what they mean by that expression the easy talking with some politician that's very good at sitting in the office and punching Peter buttons and stuff like that and organizing and but doing it all from the armchair. God's not that kind of leader is he he's leading from front and he leads the way. It's like somebody said that God doesn't want to be behind us cleaning up the mess of smart impetuous headstrong decisions. So we got to realize that he wants to be up in front. And see Courtney Testament. It's one of the songs of Spirit-filled be live by the holy spirit is not right. Roland seat as many as the liquid Spirit are the children of God. And you know three people are being led by all sorts of things. You got the sick ones. You got the horoscopes in the paper and then people Faithfully read these things everyday in chart the lines by these things. or the cops they're doing a roaring distance to Now I know it worse in here and we'd see all past that's not me. I never be like that. No, no, no. Well, yeah, we wouldn't go that way. But we aren't would you allow ourselves to buy other things? We all have an agenda of our own I've gotten the gym to you've gotten the gym. I passed it 27 years and it was a church probably about 40 45 and you had 45 different agendas. So that's three more churches and we all want to find out what God's gym is right and where are we going? And some of us are just if we are some of us are going to give them to impulse of decisions. You know, what that can we use to write. Phineas
we've got to make sure we're hearing from God and
we can only move When God Says move. Which set of Sinai he gave me the word the word of God and he gave him a way of worship.
He gave up, you know the prophet Moses that everything you need when they left Egypt all the way to the promised land and even when they got there. And that's a pitbull fight in the night. It's lightly. It's God's protect press. We're even one time when you know the presence of God when the cloud did not say in front of the people. Remember when that was. at the Red Sea the camp there at the back sites to see and Egyptian Army is coming hard on them in the camper over like waiting to attack at dawn. And we're told that during the night the presence of God circle around behind the Israelites. And God spent the night Camp there between the Egyptian Army and was very dark in there so you can read it yourself, but I'm excited. These really they have liked and what? At least you're needed at delayed when they seen that early because there were a lot of them there thinking I'm going to be heading back to eat or I'll be in. kind of brings the words of someone 39 flight to me that you have me in behind and before And you have laid your hand upon me and I love that song. You're something else about the journey when we're on it. There will be the whites. Well, but you're not too many of us like delays right supposed to get flying in. There will be another hour or two hours. Well, there goes my bus to connect and home from the airport. Are there goes my plans for the evening, you know, we we don't handle it very well do it. the thing is I ate a friend. He was working at the airline industry and I learned some things but the way the kind of changed mind standing of the one they happen to be Airport. And thing is that we need to stand with these delays. There will be a critical issue y a y that delays happening. Maybe the mechanics checking the plane. They found of maybe all the the nuts that are holding that wheel on the plane the loose 2 coming on. Why should I want to board a plane with a feels like playoff trying to get a tick off you? Sun prickly pear to wait to have that plane is mechanically fit is could possibly be This critical issues that might be a play there. Another thing we need to know it's in the airline's best interest keep working as fast as I can resolve this thing. My friend told me the pink big money for those Gates, you know, it's not just like the only thing they can come and go as they please that's not the way it works. They pay a lot of money for the rights to beat and barking and barking at the gate and having that service provided to them to offload the bag and it's long as the tongue that day. It's costing that Airline lot of money. So it's really in their gifts to work as fast as they can to get the job done and get you on the way. And we can be sure. God has our best interest at heart if there is a delay and he will work the perfect execution of his plan to bring it when the time is right. And he's the one of these the commentator said when I read that it was reading about this past there. And since when the clown of God is not moving. That doesn't mean that God is not moving. Got something working quietly, but Chris purposely behind the scenes. At other times the cloud will seem to have stalled and maybe some you feel like things of stalled in on your life to God. It's something But God is working dramatically on your behalf. I'll let God God is working traumatically on your behalf. Even we have no evidence. Even we can't see a thing or you think you got. so let's just remember the book about the the links
you're really beautiful thing to have happen if the cloud is there on the march to the wilderness. You've heard about something called the 10th meeting. That was score of the Tabernacle a finite. Edward Tolman that removes went into that tent of meeting that 10 Fellowship of God. The clouds move over there. God was in there talking to you. Emma Moses within their heat come on in space to be shining with the glory of the Lord. And see what perfect picture just for us cuz guess what there is no more Temple anymore. Where the temple? It's not a tabernacle. It's not the ink Temple. It was built Jerusalem and we are now the Temple of the Holy Spirit. And where to be filled with fire god, just three most ones. Hey, where did be going radiating florisa people seeing what's up with you? Something's going on. I can tell him looking at you. We want to do that that kind of.
You're so conditions about. Going moving of Glory Cloud, we can go to our next flight to the police, but some conditions they're both the move. first smoke Yeah, but we're going to move only when we absolute have a goat from gone. I'll give you an old straight. I had to do the odd wedding or spastic sleeping Keithan. Sewing the rehearsal. I always tell the people here's how we going to know when the sweaty wedding is going to begin. I said the the Braves going to have a final word the way it would work. You know, we'd be waiting downstairs to the church for me and the best man of the
the ushers to come down see okay, the bride has arrived and she's with the maze there. They go in the office there. But only when they felt they were ready and they gave the word that's what we are going to move. And I have to tell the guys guys. You don't have to worry about a thing. They don't care but you the only care about the bride they going to be all watching her. You're nobody. I don't even know if they need me. You know, they sell all eyes on The Price is Right.
So he knows it is when she says move that's when it moved and I want some I didn't know if their wedding and it was the same thing. I told him all the rehearsal night before your father came over and I think
7722 c v move that's when we move we got to wait till we get the word from her and it's not going to Lisa's go. Let's just wait. It's Sing if that's really hard on that. We want to get things done like half of yesterday and we don't want to have to wait we hate waiting and we wanted to skit on the show and we want to see things happening to lickety split and taking them off but it's not going to work that way ever hear the expression let go and let God and that's the way it works. It's likely for going to be moving of his glory Cloud. We got to serve an eviction notice in in the white and anything that might prevent hearing from God Salat times. God is speaking. We're not listening. We're not here. We got to clean those to yourself. And we got the trash you. It's like Peter's right there only as good as what's going in after all Fields viruses and junk and then I'm going to work right they won't be processed. Something more for going to move the glory cloud. We have to learn something. I'd like to call the Facebook. Now Faith is like this, you know if this dance there different dance moves. And some you I've seen voice of me a pretty good dancing this year. Like I got a really good giant going and George McGinnis. I think he could probably do the moonwalk to know what the Facebook And the faith move is where he just says just start walking and take the first step and I'll show you the rest of the way. And sometimes waiting for us to take the first step to just get moving right see Peter would have been fine. If he had just took the one step and the other on the way to Jesus he wanted but he got his lights off the board and we have to do one step at a time.
Kind of Club, but this Glory Cloud thing the daily cost to join the Bible.
There was many more Manna From Heaven if there wasn't any more Cloud by day. Well pretty obvious. They reach the goal. The journey was over they were there. And they have everything they need the Godspell All the Time in the World and is sending them up with a wavelength for way of worship with you. Don't teach preach the word of God in it. Everything you need to get started to take down with joints. Well, here's something so we can and with him.
But yeah, we talked about that and survival tips about how to walk with the glory cloud responsibly want to do you know, we won't learn to walk the cloud promptly and with the lights. I know my mom used to tell me something a try to find all reasons not to get started on it right away. And she's sick I said now and I knew I had to get moving now and wait, you don't expect something. And the second thing is that weed. We need to be consistent. You know, sometimes it kind of lackadaisical right? Well, maybe I'll pray for them. Maybe I won't or maybe I'll read my Bible today and maybe tomorrow or I'm kind of tired tonight. So I'll pack it in for the day in the Bible. But we need to learn to be consistent with God's looking for it. Will Snead the fall the glory cloud of his presence trustingly? Knowing the key knows the way he's gone, and I'm not and it's not for me. That's all I need.
It kind of gives a whole new meaning of that expression going the floor right before that going to fall or Jesus talk about the Holy Spirit, but if anybody needs rivers of Living Water that's gone full and want to go to floor and Jesus and all we have to do is just go with turbo and Spirits flowing whichever way or being told to go. That's we go until I know what do we do? Would stay put and we learn to wait and we learn to be happy while we're waiting. I just read that last night. Actually. I'm working my way to the city of grieving things that Jeremiah Roxy who wait patiently for the Lord are new every morning. But the key everybody says the key is this, you know, those heat of the Lord is good to those who wait patiently for him Paisley's the big word you want to see patiently and it's not paint got to tell you that we sometimes you like to get our plans all going there and it looks good to me. Let's go to make decisions, but we had in the word from God at all. I'm doing that. So the way it works is this we're getting really need to go they always like to finish shopping everyday living Wait, what's this? and the glory cloud Well supposed to you want to spend a whole bunch of money in something maybe need car? Get a 40 from God do that. Do you have a word from God to buy that car spend that much money? You know, it's like couples often have this range right then up to a certain point we get to spend whatever we like but after certain point, we really feel we need to get salt with each other. You would think it would do that with gone or just going with it with my own. Or supposed to get a chance to talk. Maybe it's not going so good until we hate it. Why do we have a word from God the glory clouds leading us? Not the right. We have the okay. It's okay to do that. Or maybe we can kind of feel we like to change our church go somewhere else will do we have gone to commission does matter what's happening in the church anywhere and whatever whatever bad things going on, but you know, we have to have permission before we get to go where we want to go. That's the way it works votes in the all these nitty-gritty areas. We have to have a word from God. We got to say the cloud and glory is moving and I'm falling. What's makes you were listening or hearing worse evil frame? but I think for your work today to us Lord that the following the Cloudy flooring and give us willing hearts Lord trust and hearts and hearts that will patiently wait on you no matter if it takes long long time to get that answer even 40 years, so For the help to learn to be patient and Stillness and not fed up and frustrated. But snowing no matter how long it takes your way is always the best way and she's the same fun.
Thank you. Make sure you pray whether you contribute to his copies when they're not.
Brother, Ron has an announcement at this time.