Redeeming Love outline
Redeeming Love
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
I. Surrender to His Substitution
We must acknowledge that Christ died as our _____________________________.
A. One died for all -5:14, 21; 1 Peter 2:24
B. All died in Christ - Gal. 2:20
II. Submit to His Reconciliation
We must fall before _______________________________ acknowledging that He has reconciled us, vile and wretched sinners, to Himself - 5:18, 21.
The Three great Acts of imputation:
1. Imputation of ______________ to the human race - Rom. 5:12
2. Imputation of ______________ to Christ - Rom. 5:15, 19; 2 Cor. 5:19, 21
3. Christ’s ____________________ to the believer - Rom. 5:19; 2 Cor. 5:21
III. Separate from the World
We must separate ourselves from a _____________ point of view - 5:16; 6:14-18; Rom. 14
Christian Legalists
Christian ___________________________
IV. Serve the Master
We have a new __________________ and _____________ and must serve Him.
A. A new life - 5:15, 17
B. A new ministry - 5:18-20
1. Reconciliation of the lost to God
a. By being __________________________.
b. By _____________________ for the lost
c. By finding a spiritual ________________.
d. By __________________________ going spiritual fishing.
e. By ____________________ for new believers how to become mature fully devoted disciples.
2. Reconciliation of the saints to one another
The risk - Acts 7:26-27
(For a complete outline see our web site =
Redeeming Love
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
I. Surrender to His Substitution
We must acknowledge that Christ died as our _____________________________.
A. One died for all -5:14, 21; 1 Peter 2:24
B. All died in Christ - Gal. 2:20
II. Submit to His Reconciliation
We must fall before _______________________________ acknowledging that He has reconciled us, vile and wretched sinners, to Himself - 5:18, 21.
The Three great Acts of imputation:
1. Imputation of ______________ to the human race - Rom. 5:12
2. Imputation of ______________ to Christ - Rom. 5:15, 19; 2 Cor. 5:19, 21
3. Christ’s ____________________ to the believer - Rom. 5:19; 2 Cor. 5:21
III. Separate from the World
We must separate ourselves from a _____________ point of view - 5:16; 6:14-18; Rom. 14
Christian Legalists
Christian ___________________________
IV. Serve the Master
We have a new ___________________ and _____________ and must serve Him.
A. A new life - 5:15, 17
B. A new ministry - 5:18-20
1. Reconciliation of the lost to God
a. By being _______________________.
b. By _____________________ for the lost
c. By finding a spiritual _________________.
d. By __________________________ going spiritual fishing.
e. By ____________________ for new believers how to become mature, fully devoted disciples.
2. Reconciliation of the saints to one another
The risk - Acts 7:26-27
(For a complete outline see our web site =