God's Only Son
Long ago in a little town
A tiny babe was born
And in his birth we are shown
That God does really care
About every single one of us
And about our welfare
For in this babe that God had sent
Was one our sins to bear
On the cross between two thieves
To lead us from despair
For when he died upon that cross
The curtain did He tear
For God had sent His only Son
To die upon a tree
To release us from our sin
And to set us all free
That call upon his name and wants
To run from Satan’s trap
That when he comes to claim his own
We won’t be taking a nap
But looking for him in the sky
And looking deep inside
For when he comes to take us home
We’re going for a ride
So remember what the Bible says
About God’s only Son
That when he died upon the cross
The battle he had won