01 Just Grace
Hosea: A Story of Purifying Love
Just Grace
Overview of Hosea
1A. Author
1B. Hosea the son of Beeri
2B. No other information is known about Hosea
3B. Pre-exilic prophet
2A. Date of Writing
1B. 738-720 b.c. (determined by the names of the kings)
3A. Recipients
1B. The nation of Israel
1C. Some references to the Judah
2B. The divided kingdoms
1C. The kingdom split in 933 b.c.
1D. Israel formed in the north with ten tribes
2D. Judah formed in the south with two tribes
3D. Samaria became the capitol of Israel and Jerusalem remained the capitol of Judah.
2C. The nation of Assyria took over Israel in 721 b.c.
3C. Judah, the Southern kingdom, was overtaken in 586 b.c. by the nation of Babylon
4A. Setting
1B. Times were good. Israel was a nation of security and prosperity.
2B. But times were too good. They forgot God. (4:1)
1C. How they forgot about God
1D. Priests and people alike were not following the law. (4:6)
2D. Worshipped the false god Baal, the god of fertility. (2:8)
3D. Formed relationships with foreign nations, Egypt and Assyria, for protection. (7:11)
4D. Believed their wealth and security came from Baal and alliances with other nations. (2:8)
2C. In the midst of all this, they still offered sacrifices to God. (8:13)
1D. They thought God would not notice. (12:8)
3B. The nation of Israel committed adultery against God by prostituting itself with foreign nations and gods. (1:2; 9:1)
5A. Outline
1B. Illustration (1-3)
1C. Rebellion (1:2-9)
2C. Retribution (1:10-2:13)
3C. Restoration (2:14-3:5)
2B. Point #1 (4:1-6:3)
1C. Rebellion (4:1-19)
2C. Retribution (5:1-15)
3C. Restoration (6:1-3)
3B. Point #2 (6:4-11:11)
1C. Rebellion (6:4-7:16)
2C. Retribution (8:1-11:7)
3C. Restoration (11:8-11)
4B. Point #3 (11:12-14:8)
1C. Rebellion (11:12-13:3)
2C. Retribution (13:4-16)
3C. Restoration (14:1-8)
5B. Conclusion (14:9)
6A. Message
1B. Because of Israel’s rebellion, God will bring retribution upon the nation but he will once again restore them back to fellowship with himself.
7A. Major Themes
1B. God’s Holiness
2B. Our Sinfulness
3B. God’s Grace
4B. Our Repentance