Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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> .9
Last week we introduced the series on being different
If you will remember Different is define as distinct, separate, not the same as another
This week we are going to be looking at the great commission
If you will recall from the state of the church address, I shared the fact that as a church we do not have any training about sharing the Gospel, but that we will be holding a conference March 10th that will give us the training and then those who attend will turn around and begin to train other here to share the Gospel
We also understand that we cannot and will not share what we don't know or have
But that sharing the Gospel is a command not only for the church but for the individual
If the church is the body of Christ and the Body is to share the Gospel, the members must know and be willing to share the Gospel as well, which then allows the church to continue to share and grow in Christ
So where do we start first
And this may be backwards
First lets look at the Command given to us by Christ
God is ready to ascend into to heaven, if you will remember He has already died on the cross, rose from the grave, and spent 40 days on earth continuing to teach and be with the disciples
Now He is about to return to heaven, and He is giving his last instructions to the disciples.
Not only is this for the individual but for the church
At first glance we are simply told to Go
If you are like me you automatically begin to ask where and what and how much, at the simply message we are to simply go, to do something but we are to simply Go
So first we understand we are to Go then we look to where, to the nations
Church we are to go to the nations, do you know that 5% of the worlds population is in America, so if we say that we are not called to go to the nations and that we are called to the US, then really you are only saying that you only have 5% of Gods heart, but we are not going down this line
We want to stay focused that we are to be going to the nations
The normal and comfortable thing is to think of the great commission as a by product to our lives, meaning that as we do our own normal life we can witness and Yes we should be doing that, but I believe that this command is different than that
We are to be intentional with sharing the message, which means that during the course of our normal routines yes we are to seek the opportunities to share the Gospel and to tell people about the Love of Jesus, but we are also to set out with the entire purpose to share the Gospel with people we come into to contact with on purpose, to seek people out outside of our normal routine and share the Gospel with
So we understand that we are to Go and to Go to the Nations and to Go to the Nations on purpose
Now we will look at what the Gospel is
Because I believe that we cannot and will not share what we don't know or don't have
So we must first now understand what it is we are to be going, and going to the nations and going to the nations on purpose to share and teach
Gospel defined means Good News
If you have been in church for anytime at all most of the time we say that the Good News is Jesus’s Death on the Cross and the resurrection defeating death, and giving us freedom from sin That is true
we believe that the Gospel is
I do believe that there is more, because when we go tell people the Gospel or the Good News they are only hearing that someone or something is going to set me free from what I am not exactly sure but that I will have salvation from what I don't know to live eternity in the clouds
The Good News Starts with Salvation but doesn't end with salvation because salvation is the beginning of the relationship with Christ
The Good News is also the promises of scripture
God will Never Leave You
God Will Hear your cries
God will heal you
God forgives you
God cares for you
God loves you
God is coming back
God will restores
Gods grace is sufficient
God Protects
God Redeems
God sets us free from sin
God paid our debt
God Sent his son to die
This is the Good News that we need to be telling people about Jesus
Simply telling people Jesus died for their sins cannot be enough anymore, we need to be telling them the full Gospel the entire Good News of Jesus Christ
But First we must know the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ, we need to be sharing that Jesus Loves them and died for them, but we also need to share that once in a relationship with Him, once they are saved from their sins, He will never leave them out to dry, that God hears their cries, we also need to share with them that sin leads to death, and Jesus is life
Church if we want to be different then we cannot continue to share only have the Gospel, or part of the Good News of Jesus, we need to be sharing the Full Good News of Jesus, but before we can do that we must begin to experience the Full Gospel of Jesus
That means that we will have to live life different to show others what Jesus is doing in our own lives, that means that we will struggle with living in this world because it doesn't make sense to us because we walk with Jesus
Church we will be different when we begin to experience the full Good News of Jesus Christ, and our Church will be different when the body here at Maranatha shares the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ with others on purpose
I want to take the time right now that if you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you want to would come forward
I also want to invite others to the front if you want to pray or just want to praise God
The altar is open
< .5
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