That children are really born alive in abortion performed by hysterotomy is a fact. In Markle versus Able, in the Supreme Court of the United States, there is a table listing twenty-seven live births after abortions. Babies delivered by hysterotomy with the intent of abortion are obviously sources of concern to abortionists. In the collected letters of International Correspondence Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (November 1, 1974) the question was how obstetricians handle live births in abortions. A Philadelphia physician wrote: “At the time of delivery it has been our policy to wrap the fetus in a towel. The fetus is then moved to another room, while our attention is turned to the care of the gravida (former mother-to-be). She is examined to determine whether placental expulsion has occurred and the extent of vaginal bleeding. Once we are sure her condition is stable, the fetus is evaluated. Almost invariably all signs of life have ceased.”
The Right to Live; The Right to Die, C. Everett Koop, M. D., page 32