Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Grace abounds?
We have heard it, may even know the scripture that basically says where sin increases, grace abounds right?
And we know that grace comes through Christ
And we know that grace comes through Christ
People have taken this to the extreme thinking if we are under grace we can do whatever we want (sin) and it is OK.
Paul addresses that issue to
We know that baptism is our point of salvation, only one part that brings us to salvation, but it is point of it, the point in time.
So there is much written about baptism, especially by Paul, and particually in the passage before us today when I will only hi-lite or this will turn into a sermon.
Paul is from from baptism, not to baptism.
Writing to baptized believers to encourage them and yes admonish them too as to who they are in Christ and to live out their baptism.
So, what does it mean to live out our baptism?
Wes McAdams writes a blog and in reading that blog about this subject inspired this devotional today.
See nothing we do is original, I’m sure Wes got it the material elsewhere too, like the Bible which is where we want to be to live out our baptism.
Abstain from Sin
Sin we are under grace and not the law, it can be turned to say we are teaching that we should do evil so good can come.
Proponents who say this are taking things out of context and out of proportion too.
The baptized believer is dead to sin
So we are not to do evil, not to sin, but are alive to God in Christ.
We need to understand we are dead to sin and live out our baptism.
At our baptism we died and we rose again to walk in newness of life
And in the newness we live out our baptism by not continuing to sin, dwell in sin.
We no longer a slave to sin
Anytime we fall short, and we all do, we need to remember our baptism and live out our baptism by faith.
That old person is dead and buried and you have put on Christ
So point 1 is - abstain from sin, don’t dwell in it, remember and live out your baptism.
Love one another as family
When we were baptised we were born again and born into the family, one family, one church by one baptism.
Paul in writing to the Galatians says it like this
We put on Christ, belong to Christ and are Abraham’s descendants and heirs to the promise when we are baptized.
Since we are family we should love one another, care for one another, and even correct one another as a family does.
Hence living out your baptism!
See we came from death to life when we live our out baptism when we love the brethren!
Point 1 - Abstain from sin, don’t dwell in it
Point 2 - Love like we are family, since we are
So that is two great ways to live out our baptism, one more for today
Serve the family (church)
We are one family, one church, one body.
And when we are baptised we are baptized into that one body
Each of us has a part to bring to the family, a part to fulfill.
Unique parts for the collective good of the family (body of Christ)
So the body brought you the word, the word brought you faith, faith brought you salvation, what are you bringing back to the body?
God did His part, Jesus did His part, the Spirit will do His part in you and through you when you allow Him to, so living out your baptism is abstaining, loving and serving one another.
Wes said it like this “live as someone who has been crucified with Christ.
Live as someone who is dead to selfishness, ambition, and conceit.
Live for the good of others and for the glory of God.
That’s how you “live out” your baptism.”
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9