What's Required Of Me?
Integrity (Moral Uprightness)
Character (The moral and ethical features that a person possesses)
6:8. Micah then told the nation (O man means any person in Israel) exactly what God did desire from them. God did not want them to be related to Him in only a ritualistic way. God wanted them to be related inwardly—to obey Him because they desired to, not because it was a burden on them. That relationship, which is good (beneficial), involves three things: that individuals (a) act justly (be fair in their dealings with others), (b) love mercy (ḥeseḏ, “loyal love”; i.e., carry through on their commitments to meet others needs), and (c) walk humbly with … God (fellowship with Him in modesty, without arrogance). “Humbly” translates the verb ṣāna‘ (which occurs only here in the OT); it means to be modest.
The Lord had already told them of these demands (Deut. 10:12, 18)
The Lord had already told them of these demands (Deut. 10:12, 18)
The Lord had already told them of these demands (Deut. 10:12, 18)
Doing justice “is a way of loving mercy, which in turn is a manifestation of walking humbly with God” (James Luther Mays, Micah: A Commentary, p. 142). Many people in Micah’s day were not being just (Micah 2:1–2; 3:1–3; 6:11), or showing loyal love to those to whom they were supposed to be committed (2:8–9; 3:10–11; 6:12), or walking in humble fellowship with God (2:3).
The Lord had already told them of these demands (Deut. 10:12, 18)