Title: That's My God
Main Scripture: Jeremiah 10:1-12
I. A God Of Unrivaled Power
What has caused you to truly recognize the power of God?
What situation in your life right now would be hopeless without the power of God?
II. A God of Unfathomable Wisdom
Why is it hard to trust the wisdom of God?
When has trusting your wisdom over the wisdom of God gotten you in trouble?
III. A God of Sympathetic Understanding
Does the sympathetic understanding of God comfort you?
How has the sympathetic understanding of God become a reality to you?
Other Scripture:
Genesis 1:1
Jeremiah 32:17
Romans 1:16
Romans 12:2
Romans 11:33-36
James 1:5
Isaiah 55:8-11
Matthew 6:7-8
Proverbs 3:5-6