As we have stated before Canaan is a picture of the victorious Christian life. It was now time for the children of Israel to enter Canaan. Finally, after so much waiting it was finally happening. God came to Joshua to give him instructions regarding the entering of Canaan.
I. Follow the Ark - 3:1-4
The Ark represents the presence of God for the people of Israel. Thus, the officers of Israel were commanding the people to follow God.
II. Sanctify Yourselves - 3:5
Sanctify - to cleanse, to purify, or to make holy
This was a time to abandon sin and dedicate themselves to the Lord.
III. Obey the Lord - 3:6-17
Joshua gave instructions from the Lord to the Priests, to the people, and to all of Israel. If they followed the commands they would enter Canaan on the next day just as God had promised so many years ago.