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My Image Is Growing (lesson 1) “Got Milk”
My Image Is Growing (lesson 1) “Got Milk”
1 Peter
Written by the apostle Peter
The Letter is written to mainly to Gentile Christians
The letter was written to those of mixed social status (slaves, 2:18-25 and free men, 2:11-17)
To link doctrine with practice.
To exhort his readers under persecution to follow the example of Christ whose life was characterized by patient suffering (cf. 2:21ff)
D. To exhort his readers to live in the world in accordance with their high calling by maintaining a good report with the Gentile world (2:12ff) and by sustaining the unity of the community of faith (2:18ff)
To exhort his readers to live in the world in accordance with their high calling by maintaining a good report with the Gentile world (2:12ff) and by sustaining the unity of the community of faith (2:18ff)
E. To exhort his readers who are under the pressure of persecution to look to Christ with an eschatological hope of deliverance and blessing for faithfulness (1:3-12)
. To exhort his readers who are under the pressure of persecution to look to Christ with an eschatological hope of deliverance and blessing for faithfulness (1:3-12)
To exhort his readers who are under the pressure of persecution to look to Christ with an eschatological hope of deliverance and blessing for faithfulness (1:3-12)
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.
So = Therefore
Why is Peter calling for them to put away these sins? Because such things destroy love, and responsibility to love.
The New American Commentary: 1, 2 Peter, Jude (2) Longing for the Pure Milk (2:1–3)
because such things destroy love, and responsibility to love
The New American Commentary: 1, 2 Peter, Jude (2) Longing for the Pure Milk (2:1–3)
because such things destroy love, and responsibility to love
because such things destroy love, and responsibility to love
Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; for
“All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.”
And this word is the good news that was preached to you.
The New American Commentary: 1, 2 Peter, Jude (2) Longing for the Pure Milk (2:1–3)
because such things destroy love, and responsibility to love
The New American Commentary: 1, 2 Peter, Jude (2) Longing for the Pure Milk (2:1–3)
The sins listed tear at the social fabric of the church, ripping away the threads of love that keep them together.
1 Peter 1:22-
The sins listed tear at the social fabric of the church, ripping away the threads of love that keep them together.
Put away: stop, get rid of
Malice: hateful feeling, hostility
hateful feeling, hostility
Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Deceit: treachery, deceit, slyness, trickery (Treachery: betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature.)
treachery, deceit, slyness, trickery
Hypocrisy: Pretense (an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true)
Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Envy: Jealousy
Slander: defamation, evil speech (the action of damaging the good reputation of someone).
Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.
Like Newborn infants - Peter is using an analogy on how our attitude should be.
Independent Vs. Dependent
Question; tell me what you think about me
I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings
Only ring your celly when I'm feelin lonely
When it's all over please get up and leave
Question; tell me how you feel about this
Try to control me boy, you get dismissed
Pay my own fun, oh and I pay my own bills
Always 50/50 in relationships
The shoes on my feet
I've bought it
The clothes I'm wearing
I've bought it
The rock I'm rocking
I bought it
Cause I depend on me
(If I want it)
The watch I'm wearing
I bought it
The house I live in
I've bought it
The car I'm driving
I've bought it
I depend on me
(I depend on me)
All the women, who are independent
Throw your hands up at me
Reasons why we want to be independent:
Personal independence boosts your confidence Less reliance on others Emotional independence reduces stress and promotes happiness Financial independence means freedom and a sense of accomplishmentBetter decision making (We always want to be right)Personal improvement and creativity Broader horizons (We want control and we want to be in charge of purpose)Self-value and self esteem
Personal independence boosts your confidence.
Less reliance on others.
Emotional independence reduces stress and promotes happiness.
Financial independence means freedom and a sense of accomplishment.
Better decision making (We always want to be right).
Personal improvement and creativity.
Broader horizons (We want control and we want to be in charge of purpose).
Self-value and self esteem.
Long for the pure spiritual milk…
deeply desire, long for, crave
deeply desire, long for, crave
Long: deeply desire, long for, crave
Dishonest merchants in that day would add water to their milk to make more profit. This was “deceitful” milk. Peter tells us to long for the pure, not-deceitful milk.
Dishonest merchants in that day would add water to their milk to make more profit. This was “deceitful” milk. Peter tells us to long for the pure, not-deceitful milk.
Milk is symbolized as the basic fundamentals of your Christian life.
Milk is symbolized as the basic fundamentals of your Christian life.
This means that the Bible, if you take it straight, tells you the honest truth about yourself. It exposes the very thoughts and motives of your heart so that you have no where to hide
The Word of God cuts through the deception and lays out the honest truth so that we can deal with our problems.
the Word of God cuts through the deception and lays out the honest truth so that we can deal with our problems.
Spiritual Milk
“The pure, spiritual milk.” The word “spiritual” also means “rational” (Greek = “logikos,” from “logos”). The only other time it occurs in the Bible is in , where Paul says that presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice to God is our “spiritual (or rational) service of worship.”
The literal translation of verse 2 is that we should long for “the pure, spiritual milk.” The word “spiritual” also means “rational” (Greek = “logikos,” from “logos”). The only other time it occurs in the Bible is in , where Paul says that presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice to God is our “spiritual (or rational) service of worship.” He means that it is a spiritual thing to do, since we don’t do it literally (as a burnt offering), but rather spiritually by yielding ourselves to the will of God. And, it is the reasonable thing to do in light of God’s great mercies to us.
He means that it is a spiritual thing to do, since we don’t do it literally (as a burnt offering), but rather spiritually by yielding ourselves to the will of God. And, it is the reasonable thing to do in light of God’s great mercies to us.
Thus the term is purposefully ambiguous. Peter uses it to show us that he’s not talking about literal mother’s milk, but rather about the spiritual milk of the living and abiding Word of God (1:23). This spiritual milk is rational--it is grasped with the mind. Thus Christianity is essentially rational, but not rational in the worldly sense, but rational in a spiritual sense. Human reason must be subject to the written revelation God has given of Himself in the Bible. But you cannot know God without using your mind, since He has revealed Himself in the propositional revelation of the written Word.
Peter uses it to show us that he’s not talking about literal mother’s milk, but rather about the spiritual milk of the living and abiding Word of God (1:23).
This spiritual milk is rational--it is grasped with the mind. Thus Christianity is essentially rational, but not rational in the worldly sense, but rational in a spiritual sense.
Human reason must be subject to the written revelation God has given of Himself in the Bible. But you cannot know God without using your mind, since He has revealed Himself in the propositional revelation of the written Word.
How do we long for it
Read it - It’s not just milk; it’s rational milk. You’ve got to think or meditate on it to understand it.
Study it -
Taste It - The image of milk and of tasting the Lord’s kindness brings up the fact that the Word is not just to fill your head with knowledge. It is to fill your life with delight as you get to know the Divine author and enjoy Him in all His perfections. Taste points both to personal experience and enjoyment. I can’t taste for you, nor you for me. We can only taste for ourselves. To taste something, we’ve got to experience it up close.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.