Who is the Holy Spirit
Jesus introduced the Holy Spirit
1. He is ‘another Counsellor’. This implies two things:
(a) ‘Another’ refers to one in addition to what Jesus had been.
(b) Counsellor is the NIV translation of the Greek parakletos.
(1) It is difficult to translate parakletos into one word, e.g., Comforter, Advocate.
(2) It literally means ‘one who comes alongside’.
(c) In short: as Jesus had come alongside, so too would the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Came to the Church
The Holy Spirit would never depart from them: ‘To be with you forever’.
(a) This promise coincides with Jesus’ words (Matthew 28:20; cf. Hebrews 13:5).
(b) Though the Spirit can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30), he will never depart from us.
5. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. ‘The Spirit of truth’.
(a) Objectively, the Spirit cannot lie since God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2).
(1) The Holy Spirit witnesses only to the truth.
(2) The Holy Spirit leads only to the truth.
The Holy Spirit would never depart from them: ‘To be with you forever’.
(a) This promise coincides with Jesus’ words (; cf. ).
(b) Though the Spirit can be grieved (), he will never depart from us.
5. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. ‘The Spirit of truth’.
(a) Objectively, the Spirit cannot lie since God cannot lie (; ).
(1) The Holy Spirit witnesses only to the truth.
(2) The Holy Spirit leads only to the truth.
The Holy Spirit would make Jesus real without having him with them physically.
(a) This was the hardest thing for them to believe.
(1) Jesus assured them that his departure was ‘for their good’ (John 16:7).
(2) This did not thrill them (John 16:6).
The Holy Spirit would make Jesus real without having him with them physically.
(a) This was the hardest thing for them to believe.
(1) Jesus assured them that his departure was ‘for their good’ ().
(2) This did not thrill them ().
Therefore they would not lose Jesus after all.
(a) Through the Holy Spirit they got him back.
(b) He was now as real by the Spirit as he had been in the flesh.
Therefore they would not lose Jesus after all.
(a) Through the Holy Spirit they got him back.
(b) He was now as real by the Spirit as he had been in the flesh.