Together for the Gospel
Sermon Tone Analysis
God and Father, we are so easily distracted from the things that matter most. My prayer today is that the message of the Scripture would be crystal clear. And even more than that, that it would grip my heart and the heart of this people that we would feel the weight of this truth and be changed. I ask it that Christ might be glorified in this church. Amen. Turn in your Bible to . Once you have found that place, please stand for the reading of God’s Word.
Distracted, diverted, divided. These are things that a church should never be. But sometimes we are. Sometimes we get distracted from what matters most. We get diverted from our true purpose. And we get divided around all kinds of lesser things. What the church needs is to be laser-focused and 100% unified around what matters most. And what matters most is the gospel.
Paul has been discussing his imprisonment and how it has turned out for the good of the gospel. He doesn’t know what will happen to him, if he will be released from prison or not. But he hopes to see the Philippians again to help them progress in their faith. In the verses we read Paul says, “Whether I come to see you or not, I want you to stand together for the gospel.” These verses are a call for the church to stand together for the gospel.
No more being distracted. No more being diverted. No more being divided. It’s time for us to stand together for the gospel.
I. What standing together implies (V 27)
I. What standing together implies (V 27)
To say that we stand together for the gospel implies that we as a church are united in our firm and unwavering commitment to the gospel. Paul doesn’t know if he will get to visit the Philippians again or not. Either way, he wants to know that they are standing together for the gospel. So, he tells them to behave in a way that is worthy of the gospel. “Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.” “Manner of life” is actually a verb that refers to behaving according to your obligations as part of a community. Paul wants the church, as a community of faith, to behave and function in a way that is worthy of the gospel. That means to behave in a way that is suitable to the gospel and shows the worth of the gospel.
Paul is saying, “If you as a church are behaving in a way that is worthy of the gospel, I will know that you are standing firm in one spirit” Read V 27 up to “one spirit.” “Standing firm” is actually only one word in the original language. It means to be firmly committed in conviction or belief. The church is to be absolutely unwavering in its Christian beliefs and convictions. This word “standing firm” could be translated “steadfast.” John MacArthur says it this way. “It refers to holding fast to a belief, conviction, or principle without compromise, regardless of personal cost.”
Paul is saying, “If you are behaving in a way that is worthy of the gospel, I will know that you are standing together for the gospel.”
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
But notice the words “in one spirit.” He is referring to the way a person thinks or feels about something. The point is that Paul wants to church to stand firm with a common purpose. In other words, we are to have unity of purpose. Our commitment to the gospel must not only be unwavering. It must be undivided. That means all of us should be in agreement. We should have the same thoughts and feelings in regards to our purpose. That purpose is the gospel. We’re to stand together in the faith, stand together in the Lord. This is clear some other places in Scripture.
Read V 28 up to “one spirit.” Those who are a part of the church should behave worthy of the gospel. That means behave as the gospel would require. Behave in a way suitable to the gospel. In a way that shows the worth of the gospel. Paul says, “If you do this, whether I am released from prison and come see you, or if I remain absent from you, either way I will hear that you are standing firm in one spirit.”
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
for now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord.
What I need you to see is that one implies the other. To behave worthy of the gospel is to stand together for the gospel. To stand together for the gospel is to behave worthy of the gospel.
for now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord.
This is Paul’s goal for the church. That we be a united community of faith with a firm and unwavering commitment to the gospel of Christ. That’s what is implied when we speak of standing together for the gospel. And what this verse is telling us is, if this doesn’t describe our church, we are not living worthy of the gospel of Christ. Our church will only show the world the worth of the gospel when we our commitment to the gospel is unwavering and undivided.
This is Paul’s goal for the church. That we be a united community of faith with a firm and unwavering commitment to the gospel of Christ. That’s what is implied when we speak of standing together for the gospel. And what this verse is telling us is, if this doesn’t describe our church, we are not living worthy of the gospel of Christ. Our church will only show the world the worth of the gospel when we our commitment to the gospel is unwavering and undivided.
II. What standing together involves (Vv 27-28)
II. What standing together involves (Vv 27-28)
Standing together for the gospel involves “striving side by side.” Once again Paul stresses the importance of unity. First, “striving side by side is a single word in the original language. It means to toil together in a struggle; implying opposition and/or competition. He’s not just saying labor for the gospel. He’s saying “labor together for the gospel, arm in arm, side by side.” This word is used of athletic competition. So, you could picture a football team giving working as a single unit. Paul also emphasizes unity by the words “with one mind.” It means having the same orientation of the will. In other words, we are to strive with only one desire. So. we work together as a single unit with a single desire.
The importance of unity is highlighted again in two ways. First, “striving side by side” is a single word in the original language. It means to toil together in a struggle; implying opposition and/or competition. He’s not just saying labor for the gospel. He’s saying “labor together for the gospel, arm in arm, side by side.” Paul also emphasizes unity by the words “with one mind.” It means having the same orientation of the will. In other words, we are to strive with only one desire.
Paul also emphasizes unity by the words “with one mind.” It means having the same orientation of the will. In other words, we are to strive with only one desire. Secondly, Paul emphasizes unity
That desire is described as “the faith of the gospel.” The Philippians are to stand united in their struggle for the spread and growth of the Christian faith. Standing together for the gospel involves laboring, side by side, with all our might for the advance of the gospel.
And as we strive side by side for the gospel we are not to be frightened by opponents. See V 28. The word frightened has been used of a horse that quickly shies away when it’s startled. We are not to be intimidated by those who oppose the gospel. We are not to allow anyone or anything to throw us into a panic or cause us to waver in our commitment to the gospel. As we seek to advance the gospel in society we are going to meet opposition. It can take many forms. Basically, opposition is anything or anyone that would in any way threaten, persecute, or intimidate believers.
So, we as a church must have unity of purpose and desire. We must labor together as one body, doing all we can to advance the cause of Christ in our community and beyond.
III. What standing together includes (Vv 28-30)
III. What standing together includes (Vv 28-30)
Standing together for the gospel includes suffering together for the gospel. Verse 28 says that when the church stands together for the gospel it is a clear sign of two things. First, it is a clear sign of our opponents destruction. This doesn’t mean they will see it that way. But when we stand together for the gospel it is also a sign of our salvation. Just like dark clouds are a sign of rain, when we stand together for the gospel in the face of conflict and persecution it is a clear sign of our salvation.
Verse 29 explains how this works. It is not only God’s will for us to believe in Christ. It is also His will that we suffer for Christ. Notice verse 30. We are to suffer for the same reason Paul did, because he was engaged in a conflict for the gospel. The conflict they saw was the persecution Paul faced when he was in Philippi. And the persecution he still had was his imprisonment in Rome. The point is that we are to be fighting for the gospel against the darkness of this world. That’s at the heart of what it means to stand together for the gospel. And when we do that we are going to suffer.
I want you to notice the word “granted” in verse 29. It means to give graciously and generously, with the implication of goodwill on the part of the giver. The point is that those on the receiving end are privileged. God has granted us the privilege of believing in Christ. And He has granted us the privilege of suffering for Christ.
that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death;
and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith,
that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death;
Big Idea: As a church we must stand together for the gospel.
Big Idea: As a church we must stand together for the gospel.
So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.
For you showed sympathy to the prisoners and accepted joyfully the seizure of your property, knowing that you have for yourselves a better possession and a lasting one.
but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.
Big Idea: As a church we must stand together for the gospel.
Big Idea: As a church we must stand together for the gospel.
Big Idea: As a church we must stand together for the gospel.
Big Idea: As a church we must stand together for the gospel.
The enemy will do his best to distract us. He wants very much to divert us. And he will stop at nothing to divide us. Anything to keep us from standing together for the gospel. You know why? The very first words of this passage of Scripture tell us. It’s when we stand together for the gospel that the world can see the true worth and value of the gospel. But as long as we are distracted, diverted, and divided the light of the gospel is dimmed.
Study Guide
What good report did Paul want to hear about his friends in Philippi (v. 27)?
Why might the Philippian Christians have been in danger of disunity and poor conduct when Paul wasn’t with them?
Why might the Philippian Christians have been in danger of disunity and poor conduct when Paul wasn’t with them?
What is the purpose of the church? How does disunity hurt that purpose?
What is the purpose of the church? How does disunity hurt that purpose?
What impact might Paul’s personal ministry to the Philippian Christians have had on their willingness to take his advice and strive together for the gospel? Why is it important that we strive side by side for the faith of the gospel?
What impact might Paul’s personal ministry to the Philippian Christians have had on their willingness to take his advice and strive together for the gospel? Why is it important that we strive side by side for the faith of the gospel?
What did Paul identify in verse 29 as two privileges believers have? Why are both integral parts of Christian living?
What did Paul identify in verse 29 as two privileges believers have? Why are both integral parts of Christian living?
Paul and the Philippian church struggled to spread the gospel in the face of adversity and rejection (v. 30). What daily struggles do you face in your relationship with God and your service to Him? What struggles does the church in America face?
Paul and the Philippian church struggled to spread the gospel in the face of adversity and rejection (v. 30). What daily struggles do you face in your relationship with God and your service to Him? What struggles does the church in America face?
Why might God allow us to face difficult trials? How might adversity encourage believers?
Why might God allow us to face difficult trials? How might adversity encourage believers?
Are you experiencing suffering for the cause of Christ at this time in your life? What needs to change for you to respond to this suffering as Paul did?
Are you experiencing suffering for the cause of Christ at this time in your life? What needs to change for you to respond to this suffering as Paul did?
In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges we face as we seek to maintain unity in serving God?
In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges we face as we seek to maintain unity in serving God?
What are some practical ways we could encourage unity among the believers at our church?
What are some practical ways we could encourage unity among the believers at our church?
How might we encourage one another to live lives worthy of the gospel this week?
How might we encourage one another to live lives worthy of the gospel this week?