God Our Great Deliverer

Sermon Tone Analysis
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1. Choose the text.

1. Choose the Sermon Text. Make sure it is a composite section that encompasses a major biblical/theological idea.

1. Choose the Sermon Text. Make sure it is a composite section that encompasses a major biblical/theological idea.

2. Complete the Background Study of the book containing your passage, answering the who, what, when, where, why, how and purpose questions.

3. Identify the Main Idea of the Text and determine the primary message of the sermon text to the original recipients.

4. Identify the Intent of the Text and determine the primary message of the sermon text to the present-day audience.

5. Identify the Goal of the Text and determine the response or behavior required of the sermon text from the present-day audience.

6. Identify the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and determine the Sermon Points.

7. Develop the Sermon Body from the discovery of the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and the Sermon Points.

8. Add Parallel Passages that expand upon the sermon points and provide additional support.

9. Add Illustrations to further magnify and clarify the sermon points.

10. Develop the Summary and Conclusion of the sermon.

11. Develop the Title that properly and sufficiently advertises the sermon.

12. Develop the Introduction to the sermon.

13. Add Transition Sentences that create smooth flow from one part of the sermon to the other.

14. Place the Sermon in its final form.

Exodus 14:13
2. Complete Background Study
The Book of Exodus is a part of the Pentateuch, also known as the Law of Moses.
1. The Book of Exodus is a part of the Pentateuch, also known as the Law of Moses.
Though the Law is primarily a Legal Document, my sermon text is Narrative (a story-line that shows blocks of human activity).
Moses is the author and he is the Spiritual Leader of the recipients of Exodus; the Hebrew people. They have a Pastor/Member Relationship.
Moses was born a slave in Egypt and was raised by the Pharaoh’s daughter. At the age of 40, he killed an Egyptian and had to flee to save his own life. He found safety in the land of Midian and lived there for the following 40 years. At the age of 80, Moses was called by God and sent back to Egypt to lead Israel to the Promised Land.
3. Identify Main Idea of the Text
The theme of Exodus is, “God delivers His people out of their bondage in Egypt so that they can freely worship and serve Him.”
The Hebrews descended from Jacob. They went to Egypt as a family of 70, to escape a famine; 430 years previously.
The ancient Hebrews were men of short stature; averaging about 5’ 5”. They had been slaves for over 400 years, had no military training, no military weaponry or strategic fighting skills. Moses was a trained military tactician, but he relied upon the power of God for the security of the people.
The Amalekites descended from Jacob’s older twin brother, Esau. The Amalekites were giants; averaging about 7’ in height.
From their youth, the Amalekites were trained for war, fighting and killing. They were nomadic marauders who made their living by overthrowing villagers and persons traveling through the wilderness areas they dominated.
While in their mother’s womb, Jacob and Esau fought and God told their mother Rebecca that this would continue for generations.
Aaron was the older brother of Moses and later would be appointed the first high-priest.
The Israelites left Egypt to head to the promise land, which is Canaan.
Hur was Moses’ brother-in-law; the husband of his older sister, Miriam.
Rephidim was a desert/wilderness area about 10 miles NW of Mt. Sinai. The Hebrews had travelled about 250 miles from where they began in Ramses, Egypt.
Woods, M. D. (2009). Transformational Preaching: A Guide to Developing and Delivering Expository Sermons (pp. 59–60). Cumming, GA: Heartworks Publications.3. Identify Main Idea of the Text
3. Identify the Main Idea of the Text
God delivers the children of Israel out of the hands of Pharoah as they exercised their faith in Him, obeyed His Words, and acted together as a unit.
4. Identify Intent of the Text
Delivers -
Egypt oppressed the children of Israel for over 400 years.
Children of Israel knew no other way of life before.
God divides the Red Sea for the Hebrews to cross over on dry ground.
the Egyptians will know that God is Lord
Faith - Fear Not
a. Moses exercised faith by telling the people to ‘Fear Not’
b. the children of Israel exercised faith by crossing the Red Sea.
Obedience -
a. The children of Israel obeyed God by going forward.
b. Moses obeyed God by lifting his rod over the Red Sea.
Unity -
a. They all crossed the Red Sea together.
4. Identify Intent of the Text

God will give the Church great victories over her adversaries and challenges as the saints exercise faith in Him, walk in obedience to Him and work in unity one with the other

God will give the Church great victories over her adversaries and challenges as the saints exercise faith in Him, walk in obedience to Him and work in unity one with the other.

God will deliver the church the same way He delivered the children of Israel from the Egyptians
5. Identify Goal of the Text
God wants His people to have faith in Him regardless of any circumstance you may find yourself in. He has proven time and time again to be a great deliverer.
6. Identify the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and determine the Sermon Points
Point 1 - Fear Not (Faith)
If we expect the Lord to deliver us we must… Fear Not for the Lord is with thee.
If we expect the Lord to deliver us we must… Fear Not for the Lord is with thee.
The text states that the children of Israel was afraid for the Egyptians were after them but Moses calmed the people to fear not. Moses was a witness to the 10 plagues so He saw first hand what the Almighty God can do. He knows about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He had a surreal encounter with God at the burning bush. Moses knew who had brought him this far. So the words ‘Fear Not’ is coming from someone who is confident in the words that He utters. Whose words are backed up by God. Who has experienced what God can do and knows that this is but a light thing for God. this was not the time to doubt God now, especially what He had just experienced. It was through Moses’ faith that he was able to calm the children of Israel. Moses did not know how God was going to deliver them out of the hands of Egypt but He definitely knew that He would.
a. The children of Israel exercised there faith by walking through the Red Sea.
b. Though the Egyptians were coming after them.. Fear Not.
b. though the Egyptians were coming after them.. Fear Not.
c. Though they afraid.. Fear not.
d. Though they had no might against the army.
e. They were powerless..
f. Do not doubt the power of the almighty God.
Do not doubt the power of the almighty God.
Parallel Text: :
Illustration: When your back is against the wall. When you probably have every right to fear.
7. Develop the Sermon Body from the discovery of the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and the Sermon Points
7. Develop the Sermon Body from the discovery of the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and the Sermon Points
8. Add Parallel Passages that expand upon the sermon points and provide additional support
9. Add Illustrations to further magnify and clarify the sermon points.
10. Develop the Summary and Conclusion of the sermon
The children of Israel were sore afraid because for a moment it seemed has if they were going to be enslaved again or kill. Their lives were in danger. As soon as they had left Egypt the first obstacle they had faced caused them to panic and become fearful. The faith that Moses had causes Him to be confident in the ability God to make a way for them. Moses words holds weigh because of His experience of what God has done already. And because what He did before, Moses knows that He can do it again.
11. Develop the Title that properly and sufficiently advertises the sermon.
12. Develop the Introduction to the sermon.

The Hebrews had just spent 400 years as slaves and servants in Egypt. Their captors made sure that they had no military training and, as slaves, they were forbidden from possessing weapons. In the midst of their slavery, God sent Moses to lead them from Egypt to the Promised Land

The Israelites had just spent 400 years as slaves and servants in Egypt. They had no military training and, as slaves, they were forbidden from possessing weapons. In the midst of their slavery, God sent Moses to lead them from Egypt to the Promised Land. Once they take steps out of Egypt, Pharaoh changes his mind and pursue after them. The children of Israel are now fear for their lives and begin to complain to Moses as to why did he bring us out. Moses bids them to fear not. When we have the Lord God on our side there is no reason to fear. The almighty God will indeed fight for us, and Pharaoh’s army is no match for God and His mighty power.
Their captors made sure that they had no military training and, as slaves, they were forbidden from possessing weapons.
In the midst of their slavery, God sent Moses to lead them from Egypt to the Promised Land
13. Add Transition Sentences that create smooth flow from one part of the sermon to the other.
14. Place the Sermon in its final form.

6. Identify the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and determine the Sermon Points.

7. Develop the Sermon Body from the discovery of the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and the Sermon Points.

8. Add Parallel Passages that expand upon the sermon points and provide additional support.

9. Add Illustrations to further magnify and clarify the sermon points.

10. Develop the Summary and Conclusion of the sermon.

11. Develop the Title that properly and sufficiently advertises the sermon.

12. Develop the Introduction to the sermon.

13. Add Transition Sentences that create smooth flow from one part of the sermon to the other.

14. Place the Sermon in its final form.

Introduction: The Israelites had just spent 400 years as slaves and servants in Egypt. They had no military training and, as slaves, they were forbidden from possessing weapons. They, themselves, were powerless against an army who was dominant over them for generations. All they knew was slavery. Anything outside of slavery was foreign or unknown to them. It was even frowned upon to think about leaving Egypt to a free land.
In the midst of their slavery, God sent Moses to lead them from Egypt to the Promised Land. After the 10 plagues Pharoah releases Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt. Once they had took a step out of Egypt, Pharaoh changed his mind and pursue after them. The children of Israel are now fearful for their lives and begin to complain to Moses as to why did he bring us out of the land of Egypt. But through Moses’ faith in God, he bids people to fear ye not. Calming words to settle the troubled hearts of the Israelites. It was sounds words to still the anxieties the people had. But why was Moses not afraid, and it everybody else was afraid? Moses was an eye witness to what God can do. He had a real encounter with God at the burning bush. He saw with is own two eyes all ten plagues that befell upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians. And because of all that he was confident that if the Lord God on our side there is no reason to fear. He was confident that if God be for us, than who can stand against us? The almighty God will indeed fight for us, and Pharaoh’s army is no match for God and His almighty power. Because of what God has done already, we too, can reassure that through our faith in God, He will is able to bring us through. No matter the situation He is able.
Point 1: Fear ye Not.
The text states that the children of Israel was sore afraid for the Egyptians were after them but Moses calmed the people to fear not. Moses was a witness to the 10 plagues so He saw first hand what the Almighty God can do.
He knows about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of Abraham, who God said would be a Father of a great nation and the that He would bless thee and make his name great.. So the words ‘Fear Ye Not’ are not empty words but his words are backed up by God’s protection of the Israelites for generations. These words are strong in that it is packed with God’s promise dating back to the Covenant God made with Abraham. Fear ye Not simply holds weight and was enough to calm the children of Israel who ultimately crossed the Red Sea.
Moses the knows that this is but a light thing for God. And because God is the same yesterday, today and forever, He too will bring us out of all our fears.
Knowing all of this who knows that the promise is beginning to be fulfilled and His promises do not come back to Him void. For the Lord is on our side. Moses did not know how God was going to deliver them out of the hands of Egypt but He definitely knew that He would. Faithful Moses knows that this is but a light thing for God. And because God is the same yesterday, today and forever, He too will bring us out of all our fears.
a. Though the Egyptians were coming after them.. Fear Not.
We may have our own fears in life but word of God comes to us this year which is to Fear Not.
b. Though the Egyptians were coming after them.. Fear Not.
a. Though the Egyptians were coming after them.. Fear Not.
c. Though they afraid.. Fear not.
d. Though they had no might against the army.
e. They were powerless..
f. Do not doubt the power of the almighty God.
Summary: The children of Israel were sore afraid because for a moment it seemed has if they were going to be enslaved again or even killed. Their lives were in danger. As soon as they had left Egypt the first obstacle they had faced caused them to panic and become fearful. The faith that Moses had causes Him to be confident in the ability God to make a way for them. Moses words holds weigh because of His experience of what God has done already. And because what He did before, Moses knows that He can do it again.
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