God Our Great Deliverer
1. Choose the Sermon Text. Make sure it is a composite section that encompasses a major biblical/theological idea.
1. Choose the Sermon Text. Make sure it is a composite section that encompasses a major biblical/theological idea.
2. Complete the Background Study of the book containing your passage, answering the who, what, when, where, why, how and purpose questions.
3. Identify the Main Idea of the Text and determine the primary message of the sermon text to the original recipients.
4. Identify the Intent of the Text and determine the primary message of the sermon text to the present-day audience.
5. Identify the Goal of the Text and determine the response or behavior required of the sermon text from the present-day audience.
6. Identify the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and determine the Sermon Points.
7. Develop the Sermon Body from the discovery of the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and the Sermon Points.
8. Add Parallel Passages that expand upon the sermon points and provide additional support.
9. Add Illustrations to further magnify and clarify the sermon points.
10. Develop the Summary and Conclusion of the sermon.
11. Develop the Title that properly and sufficiently advertises the sermon.
12. Develop the Introduction to the sermon.
13. Add Transition Sentences that create smooth flow from one part of the sermon to the other.
14. Place the Sermon in its final form.
God will give the Church great victories over her adversaries and challenges as the saints exercise faith in Him, walk in obedience to Him and work in unity one with the other
God will give the Church great victories over her adversaries and challenges as the saints exercise faith in Him, walk in obedience to Him and work in unity one with the other.
The Hebrews had just spent 400 years as slaves and servants in Egypt. Their captors made sure that they had no military training and, as slaves, they were forbidden from possessing weapons. In the midst of their slavery, God sent Moses to lead them from Egypt to the Promised Land
6. Identify the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and determine the Sermon Points.
7. Develop the Sermon Body from the discovery of the Anatomy of the Sermon Text and the Sermon Points.
8. Add Parallel Passages that expand upon the sermon points and provide additional support.
9. Add Illustrations to further magnify and clarify the sermon points.
10. Develop the Summary and Conclusion of the sermon.
11. Develop the Title that properly and sufficiently advertises the sermon.
12. Develop the Introduction to the sermon.
13. Add Transition Sentences that create smooth flow from one part of the sermon to the other.
14. Place the Sermon in its final form.