a high mountain Their proximity to Caesarea Philippi (Mark 8:27) suggests that Mark refers to Mount Hermon, which dwarfs all other mountains in the vicinity. See note on Matt 17:1.
According to the Gospel accounts, three things took place at the transfiguration.
“He was transfigured.” The various accounts all witness to an unusual transformation of Jesus which took place. Jesus is transfigured; “his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light” (Mt 17:2); This transformation is described in Matthew and Mark by the verb metamorpheō, the root for the word “metamorphosis.” This transformation furthermore involved not only the garments of Jesus but his very person.
Moses and Elijah appear and speak to Jesus. These men, who undoubtedly represent the Law and the Prophets, are said in Luke 9:31 to have spoken to Jesus of his “exodus” or departure. The term used in Luke 9:31 to describe Jesus’ “exodus” or death is rather unusual and clearly sees the death of Jesus not as a tragedy or defeat but as a victorious event.