The Triple Crown - Galatians 3

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HUMAN BEINGS have a remarkably high capacity for foolishness. There is a story of a man who woke one morning in the dead of a Minnesota winter to find that the engine of his car had frozen. His solution? Pour hot gasoline into his car. So he put some into a pot and warmed it on his kitchen stove. As you can guess, that didn’t go so well.
In 1997, Police in Reston, Virginia, issued a statement saying they had found the body of 22-year-old Eric Barcia, who had apparently died attempting to bungee jump off a 70 foot bridge. Eschewing commercial bungee operations, Eric had apparently taken matters into his own hands and tied several bungee cords together. He strapped himself on securely, tied the other end to the bridge, and jumped, confident in the knowledge that he’d carefully measured out the bungee’s total length at 70 feet. An Egyptian bus driver had an 
ingenious plan to beat a mandatory 
drug test: He used his wife’s urine. Nevertheless, he failed the test. He found out when his boss handed him the results and reportedly said, “Congratulations; you’re pregnant.” Source: BBC News. A college physics professor was questioned by a student … why do we only talk about the speed of light, why no mention about the speed of dark?
The only way you could top this kind of folly would be to try to finish the Christian life in your own strength. That’s not a good idea; in fact, it’s foolish. Yet how prone we are to do this very thing.
Paul is going to show that not only are we saved by the Gospel but we are also to grow by the gospel. Paul is going to show us that we don’t begin by faith and then proceed and grow through our works. We are not only justified by faith in Christ, we are also sanctified by faith in Christ.
This is important. Dr. Tim Keller states, The first five verses of chapter 3 make a remarkable claim – one which is much missed by Christians, yet is absolutely critical for Christians.
Galatians 3:1–5 NLT
Oh, foolish Galatians! Who has cast an evil spell on you? For the meaning of Jesus Christ’s death was made as clear to you as if you had seen a picture of his death on the cross. Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course not! You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ. How foolish can you be? After starting your new lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? Have you experienced so much for nothing? Surely it was not in vain, was it? I ask you again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law? Of course not! It is because you believe the message you heard about Christ.
I. A Bewitching vs.1-3
- Who has cast a spell on you?
A. Paul is rebuking them with emphatic words. Calls them fools and bewitched. They were not following clear heresy, demon worship, practicing witchcraft, or worshipping other gods. They were distorting the gospel. Which is happening all over the place today. He was also shocked that this was happening so soon and that it was happening at all.
B. Anoyetos – Annoyed. Foolish or senseless. This is not just the quality of mind, but also an attitude of the heart. He was not calling them ignorant, but senseless. Not stupid, but foolish. It refers not to bluntness but to a sinful neglect to use one’s mental power to the best advantage. Sinfully not using our heads.
C. And is not everyone foolish who barters the truth of God for the lie of Satan, peace for unrest, assurance for doubt, joy for fear, and freedom for bondage? – Hendrickson
D. But bewitching? Well in the Greek just because the word Boskaino is used it does not mean literal witchcraft. But the word more literally means “cast a spell on you.” If you are believing that Jesus is not enough, faith is not enough, the gospel is not enough…then Paul is saying that some false teacher has cast a spell on you.
E. Hopefully one day we will recognize that bad teaching is a serious thing. Once individual recently said concerning some of the bad teaching of today. “They must be embraced as erring brothers and sisters.”
Titus 1:10–11 NLT
For there are many rebellious people who engage in useless talk and deceive others. This is especially true of those who insist on circumcision for salvation. They must be silenced, because they are turning whole families away from the truth by their false teaching. And they do it only for money.
Titus 1:10 NLT
For there are many rebellious people who engage in useless talk and deceive others. This is especially true of those who insist on circumcision for salvation.
I can hear God better in a private jet.
F. The funny thing… sometimes when dealing with those deceived by false teaching, it kinda feels like someone had cast a spell on them.
- Martin Luther writes, Like Paul, we struggle with the Word of God against the fanatical Anabaptists of our day; and our efforts are not entirely in vain. The trouble is there are many who refuse to be instructed. They will not listen to reason; they will not listen to the Scriptures, because they are bewitched by the tricky devil who can make a lie look like the truth.
Since the devil has this uncanny ability to make us believe a lie until we would swear a thousand times it were the truth, we must not be proud, but walk in fear and humility, and call upon the Lord Jesus to save us from temptation.
Although I am a doctor of divinity, and have preached Christ and fought His battles for a long time, I know from personal experience how difficult it is to hold fast to the truth. I cannot always shake off Satan. I cannot always apprehend Christ as the Scriptures portray Him. Sometimes the devil distorts Christ to my vision. But thanks be to God, who keeps us in His Word, in faith, and in prayer.
The spiritual witchery of the devil creates in the heart a wrong idea of Christ. Those who share the opinion that a person is justified by the works of the Law, are simply bewitched. Their belief goes against faith and Christ.
G. This is foolish and bewitching because the truth of the Gospel was made perfectly clear to you. Christ crucified. The meaning of the death of Christ was made clear. There was no confusion. There was not ignorance. You are foolishly ignoring what you saw so vividly. Like you were right there.
H. So Paul is giving us the essense or foundation of the meaning of the Christian life. Notice that it has nothing to do with what what we are to do, but what Christ has done. The Gospel is an announcement of a historical event, not a set of instructions as to how we are to live. It is a proclamation of what has been done for us not directions as to what we must do. It is not good advice, it is good news.
- Modern gospel - God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Follow these steps to unlock your potential and God’s blessings. The Biblical gospel concerns itself with the word and work of Christ.
- And remember… any kind of variation of the Gospel, Paul declares it to warrant the destruction like that of Jericho. And whoever preaches it, to be declared accursed. Now we see that if people believe this as Christians then you are under a spell… bewitched and fools!!!
- Im telling you… they way we handle false teaching and false gospels today is far different from the way the Bible deals with it. We compromise way too much and for what? Do we think we are more mature and evolved than the apostles in how we handle bad teaching today? Make no mistake family… we are going to be judged by God for this. Let’s continue.
I. Christ crucified was Clearly Portrayed. Greek - prographo. Graphic. The picture came not from a picture they saw, but a message they heard. This is a wonderful picture of the power of preaching. For the Galatians… Pauls preaching painted a picture and gave a moving view of the work of Christ. What I think Paul meant when he wrote.
1 Thessalonians 1:5 NLT
For when we brought you the Good News, it was not only with words but also with power, for the Holy Spirit gave you full assurance that what we said was true. And you know of our concern for you from the way we lived when we were with you.
1 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians 1:5 NIV
because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake.
1 Thessalonians 1:4 ESV
For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you,
1 Thessalonians
J. To hear the Gospel and be changed by it, is so powerful that we could say that we have clearly seen Christ Crucified. Its not literal seeing, but received it in such a way that it is clear and vivid. This is why we preach the Word…why we preach Christ. It is power so much so that Paul would see the preaching of it as vividly and clearly seeing it.
K. v.2
Galatians 3:2 NLT
Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course not! You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ.
L. There is a picture of irony here. Since you guys are the masters now and I am the pupil… let me ask you a question. And oh what a question it is. I know it may not seem that life changing, but watch this.
M. When it came to keeping the law, man you guys were the best. There was no one who could match you. Not only have you mastered the law, learned it by heart, and labored with all of your might to perform it. If it were possible to receive the Holy Spirit by the law, then you guys most definitely would have received Him. But you did not. And none of your guys can show that this happened.
N. But once you guys heard the Gospel and believed by faith and before you could do any good deeds, you received the Holy Spirit.
Acts 10:44 NLT
Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message.
O. What about the Gentiles? They received the Spirit. If the righteousness of the Law were necessary unto salvation, the Holy Ghost would never have come to the Gentiles, because they did not bother about the Law. Hence the Law does not justify, but faith in Christ justifies.
P. Martin Luther - How was it with Cornelius? Cornelius and his friends whom he had invited over to his house, do nothing but sit and listen. Peter is doing the talking. They just sit and do nothing. The Law is far removed from their thoughts. They burn no sacrifices. They are not at all interested in circumcision. All they do is to sit and listen to Peter. Suddenly the Holy Ghost enters their hearts. His presence is unmistakable, "for they spoke with tongues and magnified God."
Q. Check mate? Let’s continue.
R. V.3
Galatians 3:
Galatians 3:3 NLT
How foolish can you be? After starting your new lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?
S. All of this started in the Spirit, are we now thinking that we we be completed by the work of the flesh? We were justified by the spirit are we now thinking that we will be sanctified by the work of the law?
T. And why not… our default is works righteousness. Perfection or completion… we all strive for it to make ourselves acceptable to God, ourselves and to others… we ultimately trust our efforts to attain through moral, vocational, or relational achievements. Our problem continues … yet veiled, Human effort is still a premium today. In the end after all is said and done, we will judge ourselves based on what we have done.
U. Dick Kaufmann - Christians think that we are saved by the Gospel, but then we grow by applying biblical principles to every area of life. But we are not just saved by the Gospel, we grow by applying the gospel to everyday life. We rest in Christ and in Christ alone for their completion.
V. Every-time we default to “try harder” we are relying on our own efforts. We have got to understand that is this belief that causes us to sin. Instead of trying harder or even praying that God will give us the strength to try harder, the reality is we need to repent. We will then find that the essence of sanctification is faith and repentance. And what does the Gospel motivate us to do? Repent and believe.
W. Lord, I have a problem with anger. Please remove it from me. Give me the power to forgive. Instead we apply the gospel. The gospel shows that our uncontrolled bitterness is a result of not walking in line with the truth of the gospel. Instead of believing that Christ is our hope and source, something else has taken that spot and it is failing us, that is why we are angry.
X. Instead of hoping and praying that Christ will give us the power to overcome my anger, we should ask… why am I angry and unforgiving… what is it that I need so much that Christ and His grace is not sufficient to give? What is being withheld from me that I believe I must have in order to be complete, hopeful, to be a person of worth?
Y. Maybe we want comfort above all thing, therefore we will become angry with anyone who brings discomfort. Christ giving us the will power to overcome anger by making ourselves not angry is not the answer. We get angry because we desire popularity above all things and we become angry with anyone or anything that gets in the way. Will power to not get angry is not the answer. What is the answer? Repentance. Repent for the Idolatry in our hearts. Comfort is our god. Popularity is our god. We need to repent. We need to repent of our self righteousness and lack of rejoicing in the finished work of Christ on the cross.
Z. And why do we not want to be angry? Because we know that it is a sin and we don’t want God to be angry with us or else he will not bless us. This is the sin of self righteousness. I get into a fight with my wife I call her a bad name, but uh oh if I want her to make me dinner tonight I better apologize and be nice to her. This is the prosperity gospel, the modern gospel, what millions of people believe today.
AA. It is the Gospel and the Spirit that brings to us sanctification. Puritan Walter Marshall “Gospel mystery of sanctification” 2. You cannot live a holy life and do good things for God if you do not believe that you are forgiven and reconciled to God. If not anything you do will be motivated by self righteousness. By human effort.
I. The First Crown - Mt. Abraham
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