Do you want to get well
Sermon Tone Analysis
It is on this occasion tht Jesus went 2 Jerusalem 2 attend a Jewish festival & as He travels thru the city He passes by these 5 covered porches & on all of these porches there’s a crowd of sick people & the bible says there’s this 1 man who got Jesus’s attn after He learned tht the man had been laying there for 38 yrs. And Jesus ask him a very real & relevant question; bruh; Do u wanna get well? So, my 1st question 2 Jesus is Lord wht is it about this dude thts fascinates U, I mean there are people who are blind / halt / withered huddled up all around these porches, So, Lord wht is it about this guy?
· Anybody eva asked God wht is it about tht person / them?
And as I was musing (SAT word for meditating) on this question God pointed me to vs 5, which says the man is in-firmed; which explained 2me why Jesus was so interested in this man. BC all of the other patients at Bethesda had a visible defect.
v But this man look @ him, he has 2 arms / 10 fingers / 10 toes / 2 eyes / 2 ears there’s nothing visibly wrong with the brother, yet the text says he’s in infirm; the amplified bible further defines infirm as being helpless. This man is suffering from helplessness. I mean u can look @ somebody blind / halt / withered & tell their blind / halt / withered but who can u look @ & tell their suffering from helplessness BC helplessness is an internal problem there are no visible defects.
He’s the only person @ the pool who looks normal on the outside / who doesn’t looks like he belong there, yet Jesus is interested in him. Can’t u see him he looks normal just like most of us look in here today, but he just doesn’t hv any strength “his body is dead” & 1 of life tragedies is 2b dead while ur still alive. Look @ him he’s breathing but he shows no outward signs of life
v Kinda like some of u sitting up in here this morning. Ur breathing / ur heart is beating, yet u’ve been in here ova & hr & u ain’t said amen / clapped ur hands / thank u Jesus / stood up / u ain’t did nothing. U are alive & dead @ the same time. No wonder the choir got to sweat & huff & puff BC they up here trying to raise the dead. Maybe if we get ourselves together on the inside we’ll start to show some signs of life on the outside. U ought refuse to come to church on a Sunday morning & sit up in here acting like u @ ur own funeral. As good as God has been 2u somebody should hv been testifying of His goodness whn u were able to walk thru those doors this morning.
o Can I get somebody in here to lift up holy hands & magnify His name & worship Him?
§ David said last week I shall not die, but live
· Oh 2b Dead but still alive
He’s helpless / has no strength so, Jesus pays him some attn BC He doesn’t look like he belongs with the rest of the patients on the porch. Now vs6 which says 6 When Jesus saw him lie shifts the entire narrative BC it suggests 2 us tht something is getting ready to happen just BC Jesus saw. Idk if u’ve noticed this in the bible but every time Jesus sees something, something happens. Watch this in
v John chpt 1; Nathanial got saved BC Jesus saw him underneath a fig tree
v John chpt 6; 5K men got feed BC whn Jesus lifted up His eyes & saw a great company come un2 Him
v John chpt 9; there’s a man born blind who gain his site whn Jesus saw him & spit on the ground & made clay & anointed his eyes
v John chpt 11; a man was raised from the dead BC Jesus said show Me where u lay him
So, the next time life gets difficult & u don’t know wht 2pray Just say Lord look on me
Thts how folk use 2pray in the old church, they nva told God to touch anybody; they’d just Lord will u look on the sick / those in jail / hospital / pastor; so the next time u don’t know what to pray 4 just say Lord look on whteva it is; BC whn Jesus looks on something, something is guaranteed to go down. So, it is @ the time that Jesus saw him lie, tht He asked this very real & relevant question “do you wanna get well?”
Isn’t it funny how Jesus will wait until u get comfortable with ur life / been on the job 4a while / think u where u need 2b in life & then He’ll come ask u do u wanna get well? IDK about u, but the God I serve doesn’t wanna keep people cripple. No the God I serve challenges people who get comfortable being cripple. BC the very minute u get comfortable is whn ur anointing is gone stop, so the question is do u wanna get well? Now b4u answer this question know tht it has some consequences to it.