Untitled Sermon (34)
Jesus is the chief cornerstone, and Christians are the other stones in the living temple of God, His spiritual house
An ancient name for various parts of Jerusalem, of Judah and all the land, and also a metaphor for the people of God
2:7. The promise in Isaiah is explained by Peter’s quotation of Ps 118:22. His readers (you who believe) find Jesus precious as the chief cornerstone of the spiritual temple and service they participate in. Unbelievers, who are disobedient to the gospel, are identified with those who “rejected” the original stone that prophetically pictures Christ.
2:8. Israel stumbled over Jesus because they were disobedient to the Word. This relates to the original command to long for the pure milk of the Word. If believers do not desire God’s Word more than anything else, they will ultimately disobey it and likewise “stumble” over Jesus.
Peter’s choice of the verb apeitheō, translated as being disobedient, includes the idea of a willful refusal to believe. This involves a conscious rejection of God’s Word.
God’s hand in judging the rebellious is seen in that He has appointed them to stumble. Here the stumbling does not refer to failing to believe, but to experiencing the consequences of their choice to disbelieve. This is not describing election (double predestination), but temporal judgment on those who rejected Christ as the chief cornerstone and so disobeyed the word