Astonishing Evangelism
Evangelism Defined
How then should evangelism be defined? The N. T. answer is very simple. According to the N. T., evangelism is just preaching the gospel, the evangel. Evangelizing, therefore is not simply a matter of teaching, and instructing, and imparting information to the mind. There is more to it than that. Evangelism includes the endeavor to elicit a response to the truth taught. It is communication with a view to conversion. It is a matter, not merely of informing, but also of inviting.
J. I. Packer, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, pp. 41, 50
Topics: Boldness; Evangelism; Witnessing
Reference: Matthew 28:18–20
Our two older children, ages seven and nine, seemed to attract every child in our neighborhood for after-school games of hide-and-seek. Our youngest, Carrie, was not quite three and—in the minds of her older siblings—always in the way. Ten minutes into a game, our little one would get pushed aside or skin a knee.
One afternoon, Carrie came through the front door, again in tears. My wife, Elizabeth, tried to comfort her by giving her two freshly baked cookies. “Now don’t tell the big kids yet,” she cautioned. “I haven’t got enough for everybody yet.”
It took less than three seconds for Carrie to make it to the screen door, fling it wide, and announce to the big kids, “Cookies, I gots cookies!”
Great news should be shared with enthusiasm.
—Russell Brownworth, Thomasville, North Carolina
Evangelism Defined
How then should evangelism be defined? The N. T. answer is very simple. According to the N. T., evangelism is just preaching the gospel, the evangel. Evangelizing, therefore is not simply a matter of teaching, and instructing, and imparting information to the mind. There is more to it than that. Evangelism includes the endeavor to elicit a response to the truth taught. It is communication with a view to conversion. It is a matter, not merely of informing, but also of inviting.
J. I. Packer, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, pp. 41, 50
Evangelism Defined
How then should evangelism be defined? The N. T. answer is very simple. According to the N. T., evangelism is just preaching the gospel, the evangel. Evangelizing, therefore is not simply a matter of teaching, and instructing, and imparting information to the mind. There is more to it than that. Evangelism includes the endeavor to elicit a response to the truth taught. It is communication with a view to conversion. It is a matter, not merely of informing, but also of inviting.
J. I. Packer, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, pp. 41, 50
Topics: Boldness; Evangelism; Witnessing
Reference: Matthew 28:18–20
Our two older children, ages seven and nine, seemed to attract every child in our neighborhood for after-school games of hide-and-seek. Our youngest, Carrie, was not quite three and—in the minds of her older siblings—always in the way. Ten minutes into a game, our little one would get pushed aside or skin a knee.
One afternoon, Carrie came through the front door, again in tears. My wife, Elizabeth, tried to comfort her by giving her two freshly baked cookies. “Now don’t tell the big kids yet,” she cautioned. “I haven’t got enough for everybody yet.”
It took less than three seconds for Carrie to make it to the screen door, fling it wide, and announce to the big kids, “Cookies, I gots cookies!”
Great news should be shared with enthusiasm.
—Russell Brownworth, Thomasville, North Carolina
(1) There is no astonishment without understanding the chasm (v. 4 - 9)
(1) There is no astonishment without understanding the chasm (v. 4 - 9)
Application: We must approach lost people!
(2) The chasm is surprisingly bigger than initially thought (v. 10 - 14)
Application: We must approach lost people intentionally [with specific intentions]!
(3) The astonishment comes when Jesus Christ ALONE bridges the chasm (v. 15 - 27)
(4) The result of this chasm bridged is worship irrespective of location (v. 28 - 30)
(5). The challenge of the disciples is to allow this astonishment to cause urgency about the will of the Father (v. 31 - 42)
Topics: Abundant Life; Evangelism; Fellowship with God; Joy; Knowing God; New Life
References: Matthew 5:13–16; John 10:10; Titus 2:9–10; 1 Peter 3:15
Evangelism is not what we tell people, unless what we tell is totally consistent with who we are. It is who we are that is going to make the difference.
If we do not truly enjoy our faith, nobody is going to catch the fire of enjoyment from us. If our lives are not totally centered on Christ, we will not be Christ-bearers for others, no matter how pious our words.
—Madeleine L’Engle, A Swiftly Tilting Planet (Yearling, 1980)