Our High Priest Saves To The Uttermost
Sermon Notes Sermon Notes
Our Perfect High Priest Saves To The Uttermost Our Perfect High Priest Saves To The Uttermost
Hebrews 7:20-28 Hebrews 7:20-28
Pastor Josh Monda Pastor Josh Monda
I. Jesus is a superior high priest because of God's divine I. Jesus is a superior high priest because of God's divine
________________ ________________
II. Jesus is superior because of His ______________________ II. Jesus is superior because of His ______________________
A. Jesus is _______________ to save A. Jesus is _______________ to save
B. Jesus is able to save to the ______________________ B. Jesus is able to save to the ______________________
C. Jesus makes total ___________________________ for us C. Jesus makes total ___________________________ for us
III. Jesus is superior because of His _____________________ III. Jesus is superior because of His _____________________
A. Perfect in His _________________ A. Perfect in His _________________
B. Perfect in His __________________ B. Perfect in His __________________
IV. Jesus saves those who draw near to God through IV. Jesus saves those who draw near to God through
___________ ___________
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