Isaiah 33

Isaiah   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  42:22
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Illustration: Thank you mom for that meal; it was really good. This is music to a mom’s ears especially after something she spent much time to prepare. This is like the campers at camp saying: “Thank you camp cooks” after each meal.
Consider the same scenario in which after the meal the kids began to chant, “We want a cook.”
Consider the cooks response: “ I have heard your request. I would like to tell you a story that took place around the year 1052 BC in the land of Israel. There was an enemy coming up against the land, and the elders of the land went to a judge and prophet of the day and declared ‘We want a king.’ Their request seemed somewhat legitimate; but God revealed the reason behind their request. They had ultimately rejected God’s authority over them. They wanted to be like the other nations. They wanted someone to fight their battles for them. Samuel warned them that a king would take, take, take. However the people demanded that they wanted a king. Later when Samuel was presenting their king before them, he told them in the past that when they faced enemies, you cried out to the Lord and repented and God sent a deliverer to help them. This time however the enemy has come and you have demanded a king. God has given you a king, but you must obey the voice of God. In the succession of kings, they were granted some good rulers, but sadly the dominant reign of the kings was one of taking from the people rather than leading them under the rule of God.
As sad as this is, this set the stage for their true King to show the beauties of His reign and kingdom
Listen to Isaiah 33 and may God continue to move our hearts away from ‘we want a king’ to ‘my king is glorious.’

From- “We want a king” To- “Behold Your King in His Beauty.”

Behold your King is on High (v.v. 1-6)

Note how the Assyrian’s turn on Hezekiah when he gave them tribute seems to match many of the themes in this chapter.
The enemies without the high place- their deceitful ways end up turning back on them (v. 1)
The people within the high place (v. 2)
They see their neediness (sin/threats)
Their hearts are at rest
The daily ask God to ‘be their arm’ (note this theme in Acts)
The noise of the king and the flight of the enemies (v. 3)
The provision of the citizens through the spoil of the enemy (v. 4)
All this happens because the king is high in position and rank. Where He reigns justice and righteousness is happening. (v. 5)
Everything under His high reign is stable.
He is a rich storehouse of all that His people need
His people ultimately live in an awe of Him rather than the enemy (v. 6)
Transition: Seeing someone’s care for you in what pushes their button.

Behold, your king will arise (v.v. 7-12)

Israel’s strength and diplomatic effort are totally defeated. (v. 7)
The life and travel of the people comes to a stop. The enemy has no regard whatever for breaking covenant or the value of life (v. 8)
The land itself is pictured in mourning. Places that were once fruitful are barren. (v. 9)
Here is the theme of exaltation. We have seen that God is high. Now we see Him show Himself to be. We know from Scripture that He is not oblivious to the plight of His people. He moves a the opportune time. What causes Him to arise? (V. 10)
The worthlessness of the enemy is brought about when He arises (V.v. 11-12
What makes God arise?
Psalm 12:1–6 NKJV
Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases! For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men. They speak idly everyone with his neighbor; With flattering lips and a double heart they speak. May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, And the tongue that speaks proud things, Who have said, “With our tongue we will prevail; Our lips are our own; Who is lord over us?” “For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, Now I will arise,” says the Lord; “I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.” The words of the Lord are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times.

Behold, those who dwell with Him who is on high (v.v. 13-16)

God’s desire is for all to share in His exalted position (v. 13)
God’s exalted position is consuming (v. 14)
Those who dwell on high have no need to stoop to the tactics of deceit and selfishness for they are well cared for. * Dwelling in God's presence has an affect on the dweller. He faces the high demands of righteousness honestly. He deals with sin seriously and then lives differently. Righteous character is the affect of dwelling with God not the right for dwelling with God.(v. 15)
The one who dwells on high has fellowship with God, is secure, and provide for.

Behold the view from on high (v.v 17-24)

You will see this glorious king, a vast land, and not fear
Those on high will not have to be on a pilgrimage anymore. they will be settled (v. v 20-22)
Those on high will not be there because of their worth. They are there because they have been forgiven.
Application: In what ways do I say I want a king. This message will come in looking at the world around me.
We have been told the lie ever since we can remember: human beings are basically nice and good. Everyone is born equal and innocent and self-sufficient. The world is a pleasant, harmless place. We are born free. If we are in chains now, it is someone’s fault, and we can correct it with just a little more intelligence or effort or time. How we can keep on believing this after so many centuries of evidence to the contrary is difficult to comprehend, but nothing we do and nothing anyone else does to us seems to disenchant us from the spell of the lie. We keep expecting things to get better somehow. And when they don’t, we whine like spoiled children who don’t get their way. We accumulate resentment that stores up in anger and erupts in violence. Convinced by the lie that what we are experiencing is unnatural, an exception, we devise ways to escape the influence of what other people do to us by getting away on a vacation as often as we can. When the vacation is over, we get back into the flow of things again, our naiveté renewed that everything is going to work out all right—only to once more be surprised, hurt, bewildered when it doesn’t. The lie (“everything is OK”) covers up and perpetuates the deep wrong, disguises the violence, the war, the rapacity.
Psalm 68:1
Psalm 68:1 NKJV
Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; Let those also who hate Him flee before Him.
Peterson, Eugene H.. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society (Kindle Locations 335-340). IVP Books. Kindle Edition.
Peterson, Eugene H.. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society (Kindle Locations 330-335). IVP Books. Kindle Edition.
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