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Date: 00-00-17
Title: In death I can have life.
Church: FBC Barre
(Barre, VT)
Proposition: Jesus conquered death, making a better life possible!
Shaft for Passage: The Resurrected body raised through the power of Jesus and resembles him.
Burden/Focus/Purpose: In Christ we leave our oppressive state for our glorious state
Contemporary FCF: We are locked in our own doomed bodies.
Gospel’s Reply: We will be restored through the grace of Jesus.
(going to say)
I We pursue better jobs, marriage, exercise, family because it makes us happy.
A. In fact we think it will make life better. Like moving from less to better.
1. Something innate in us realizes this cannot be the best life has to offer
a. This life is only an image of what we can have through Jesus.
2. For Jesus conquered death, making a better life possible!-Proposition
II Read
(Say it)
MI-1: Jesus conquered death, (v35-49, 51-52)
I Explain: so securing you a new body
A. Paul expects a cynic (that he calls v36a “foolish”) to ask…
1. v35 “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?”
B. Paul says We get a better body! (Subpoint 1)
1. He answers the 2nd by three illustrations: agriculture, creatures, and heavens
a. Seed: seed die in the ground, producing a crop (according to God picking
b. Creature: creatures come in many different forms
c. Heavens: come in different glories son, earth, starts, and moon.
2. v42-44 “So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; 43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.”
a. Like seed we must die, creature a different body of God’s choosing.
i. And like the heavens it will be greater in glory.
C. Paul gives us the origin and order of the new body. (subpoint 2)
1. New bodies Origin: v45 says life came from man but eternal life by Jesus
2. New bodies Order: v46 says we inherit resurrected bodies after this body
3. New bodies Likeness: v47-49 the new body will be in the image of Jesus.
a. Holy, pure, undefiled, Conquerors, united to God, at peace with God.
b. According to v51-52 we will be changed in a flash at the last trumpet.
II Illustration
A. Like caterpillar to butterfly, from crawling (in danger) to flying (above)
MI-2: Jesus conquered death, (v50, 53-56)
I Explain: Our finite bodies need Jesus.
A. Why finite? These bodies are perishable (subpoint 1).
1. v50, 53“flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable…For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.”
2. Your flesh and blood (you as dust) cannot inherit the kingdom God.
a. Our bodies are finite, nothing in self is able or capable, to resurrect.
i. There is no method great enough (baptism, membership, confirmation)
ii. No emotion powerful enough (regret, anger, love) that will move God!
B. Why finite? These bodies are under oppression. (Subpoint 2)
1. v54 “When…clothed with…imperishable, and…immortality, then…“Death has been swallowed up in victory.” 55“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”
2. Paul explains v56 “sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.”
a. Paul’s saying sin caused death. Why is sin so bad? It is disobeying God.
i. How is it disobeying God? “5 For when we were controlled by the sinful nature, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies, so that we bore fruit for death.”
a) God gave law (bible) and we strike at in rebellion
ii. The law is God declaring what is Holy.
a) Our sinful nature says do not tell me God what to do
01) (for I am equal with you) sin is to go to war with God.
(a) Sin is to thrust the sword through his intestines.
(b) By sin we’re enemies of God, and he’ll destroy his enemies
II Application
A. You have no confidence that you will rise from that grave.
1. Being Moral, soldier, good citizen, hard worker, can’t give confidence.
a. Why? even the best things you do are in there very nature me focused.
i. This is what sin is. I sin because I prioritize me.
a) Every person in here is self-centered.
2. Everything I do cleaning the church, haven meal, everything’s for me
a. Maybe to be liked? feel good? feel helpful? be the hero? comfortable? more powerful? more in control? Feel like you have things together?
i. Everything we do has a thread of self-focus or agenda.
a) Even fighting sin about you, you don’t care how offended God is
01) You only care how offensive it is to other people.
MI-3: Jesus conquered death, (v57)
I Explain: victory is dependent on Jesus and His gospel.
A. This is where Jesus and his gospel come in.
1. v57 “But thanks be to God! He gives…victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”
a. You can only get victory of your wicked selfish nature by the gospel.
2. To receive it you must repent. Even of self-interest sin in best things you do
a. Workaholic praise, devoted Christian, stoic identity.
i. These aren’t evil in themselves but what evil our motives behind them
b. Just because people praise you for the nice thing you did
i. God knows the motives of your heart. (for Jesus or your glory)
ii. “6 But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.”
II Apply/Exhort:
A. To have confidence that you have victory in Jesus is easy but hard.
1. Hard: because it is not your external but internal (as Keller says).
a. Not about membership, generation, good, Baptist, or anything else
i. There are millions who did this that will never rise from there grave.
2. Its easy in that you only must focus on one thing: motives
a. not in what you do for God but what you do because of God.
i. Do you wrestle over what motivates you?
a) Do you wrestle over the desires of your heart.
b) Do not wait to repent until you sin in action or get caught.
c) But repent of the very reason you do it
01) (even in feeding the poor, going to church, being a pastor)
(What I Said)
I Our bodies have been stung by sin and under the oppression of God’s holiness.
A. But Jesus conquered death, giving hope to experience the best life has to offer
II Following Jesus is not an emotional experience, a choice, a vow, a prayer
A. it is God giving you’re the sight to finally see that you are not God.
1. To finally see that you are not the solution but the problem.
a. To see hope going into the grave cannot be found in your feeble fingers.
i. But God overwhelming you with his presence and his glory!