A Gift for Advent doc

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A Gift for Advent


by Deb Mechler

Characters: Mother
Bobbie (can be male or female, age 10 or above)
(Parts may be played by people or puppets.)
Props: Pad and pencil
Christmas tree lights
Package with tag "A Gift for Advent"
Place the following items with tags attached in the package: a Bible with tag #1 and a bookmark that has John 3:16 and John 13:34 written on it pair of glasses with tag #2 that has 1 John 3:17 written on it stereo headphones with tag #3 that has Proverbs 21:13 written on it work gloves with tag #4 that has James 1:22 written on it candle with tag #5 that has Isaiah 9:2 written on it Sign with the word "LATER" printed on it.
Scenery: None is necessary, but a table and chair may be used.


  (Mother is busy writing a list, humming Christmas carols to herself. She mumbles to herself about all that she has to get done before Christmas--shopping, baking, etc.)(Bobbie enters stage right.)
Bobbie: Hi, Mom. What are you doing?
Mother: Oh, hello Bobbie. I am writing a list of all the things I have to do before Christmas. It always comes so quickly once we get into December. And I wish I had started my preparations sooner than this. It happens every year! (She sighs with frustration.)
Bobbie: Can I add one more little thing to your list? My Sunday school teacher wants us to tell what Advent means to us, and I need help. I'm not even sure what Advent is!
Mother: (distracted with her list)Not right now, dear. Maybe I can help you after I get a few of these things accomplished. Let's see, I usually bake ten different kinds of cookies . . .
Bobbie: (disappointed)Never mind. (Sees Grandad enter stage left, trying to untangle some Christmas lights without much success.) Hey, Grandad, maybe you can help me.
Grandad: Well, your mother asked me to untangle these lights, but I don't mind letting it wait. What do you need?
Bobbie: I'm supposed to tell what Advent means to me for Sunday school. Do you know what Advent is?
Grandad: Why, sure. Advent is the special time before Christmas. It sort of prepares everybody...
Mother: (interrupts)Bobbie, I need you to go out to the backyard and collect some pine cones for the wreath-making party.
Bobbie: But Grandad is helping me with my project.
Mother: He can do that later. This needs to be done before tonight. You don't expect to make a wreath without any pine cones, do you?
Bobbie: I don't really care if I make a wreath.
Mother: Go! (Bobbie exits stage right. Mother exits stage left.)
Grandad: It seems that Advent is getting lost in the Christmas shuffle again. No wonder Bobbie doesn't know what it means. Hmm? I just might be able to get their attention if I do this right. (He exits stage left.)
  (Hold up "LATER" sign.)(Mother is pointing out to Bobbie the items on her list that she expects him to do. Bobbie looks bored.)(Grandad enters stage left and sits down.)
Mother: (to Grandad)There you are. What have you been up to? I need help with this list.
Grandad: Sure. Say, did you hear someone knocking?
Mother: No.
Grandad: I'm sure I did. Bobbie, see if there's someone at the door.
  (Bobbie exits stage left and comes back with a package.)
Bobbie: Look! Somebody left this on the front doorstep!
Mother: Whoever? (She reads the tag.) "A Gift for Advent." Grandad, do you know anything about this?
Grandad: (looks innocent)Why don't you open it?
Mother: (as she opens the present)I don't understand. People don't usually exchange gifts for Advent.
Bobbie: (peers into the box)What? It just looks like a bunch of junk!
Mother: Wait. All of the items are numbered. Let's see. Number one is a Bible. There is a marker in the book of John. It says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life."
Bobbie: That's John 3:16.
Mother: Yes, and then there's John 13, verse 34: "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another."
Bobbie: What does that have to do with Advent?
Mother: Let's see what's next. Here is an old pair of glasses. I think I recognize them. (She looks at Grandad accusingly.) They have I John 3:17 attached to them. "How does God's love abide in anyone who has the world's goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses to help?" Oh, I understand. It's a pair of Advent glasses to see the people in need.
Bobbie: What are my headphones doing in there?
Mother: Don't worry--you'll get them back. (She reads the tag attached.) "If you close your ear to the cry of the poor, you will cry out and not be heard." Proverbs 21, verse 13. These are supposed to remind us to listen to the cries of the poor.
Bobbie: I never heard that on those phones before.
Mother: And here we have a pair of my gardening gloves. (She looks at the tag.) James 1, verse 22: "But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves." (She pauses, deep in thought.) Well, Grandad, you really know how to get to the heart of the matter.
Grandad: There is one thing left in the box.
Mother: (She pulls out a candle and reads the tag.)"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness--on them light has shined." Isaiah 9, verse 2.
Bobbie: So, during Advent we remember God's love, pay attention to other people's needs, and share the light of God's love with them.
Grandad: That's one way to observe Advent. I am sure there are lots of ways that people prepare for the great Christmas celebration. I just wanted to make sure you two don't leave Jesus and his love out of this season.
Mother: I have a great idea! Bobbie, I hate to tell you this, but I don't want to use your pine cones on our wreath. I want to make an Advent wreath, with a Bible, a pair of glasses, your headphones, and my gloves on it. And we will put the candle in the middle, to symbolize the light of the Christ child. More importantly, let's make a new list of preparations to help us see and hear and do as Christ would.
Bobbie: Sounds like Christmas--or Advent--is going to be different this year. And we sure will have a weird-looking wreath!
Mother: But we will know what it means! After all, that is what you wanted in the first place, right?
Bobbie: Right. Thanks, Grandad!

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