A Glimpse of the Kingdom Sermon Notes
A Glimpse of the Kingdom
The Practical Significance of the Transfiguration
1. It does something for Jesus.
a. Moses and Elijah met with him. The greatest of law givers and the greatest of prophets say to Jesus in effect "Go On!" They saw in Jesus the fulfillment of all that they had dreamed of in the past. All that history had longed for and hoped for . All of history was leading up to the Cross.
b. God the Father spoke with Jesus. "Go on!" Jesus is assured that the way he has chosen is the right way.
2. It does something for the disciples.
The Cloud of Gloom was dispelled by the cloud of Glory and they were adequately prepared for the ordeal they would face. They were adequately prepared to share the glory of Christ with others.
3. It does something for Us--
It gives us the vision we need to be Christlike! The vision we need to follow Christ.
The difficulty is always seeing our earthly mission from a heavenly perspective. It was difficult Seeing Christ's earthly mission from a heavenly perspective. It is often difficult to see the unseen Supernatural realm behind the events of the seen natural realm. What looks like humility is often the height of heavenly glory. What looks like shame may be heavenly fame. The vision of Glory gives us the courage to follow Christ. Other books were given for our information--the Bible was given for our transformation. This revelation given to the three disciples, has now been given to the world, and it is a revelations that gives us courage to take up the difficult and high calling of following Christ.