Ron Puterbaugh Funeral

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Sermon Outlines for Funerals 8. The Gift of Sleep (Psalm 127:2)

The Gift of Sleep

Psalm 127:2

I. They Are Called “His Beloved”

A. God loves all people

1. Some say, “But I’m so bad”

2. See 1 Tim. 1:15; Rom. 5:8; John 3:16

B. Some occupy a special place in God’s affection

1. “Beloved” is used to describe Jesus

2. Beloved of God occupy a similar place

a. They are sons—John 1:12; 1 John 3:1–2

b. They are heirs—Rom. 8:15–17; Gal. 4:7

c. They are His by special ties

(1) By purchase—1 Peter 1:18–19

(2) By adoption—Rom. 8:15

(3) In obedience—John 14:21

II. They Are Given Sleep

A. The psalm speaks of rest and satisfaction

1. In regard to cares of world

2. In regard to sin

B. Speaks of a temporary condition

1. Jairus’ daughter—Mark 5:39

2. Paul speaks of the dead as being asleep—1 Thess. 4:15–16

C. Speaks of a permanent condition—Rev. 21:3–5

III. Let Us Take This to Heart

A. A lesson in the midst of sorrow

1. It is important to prepare

2. It is important to live close to God


Dying, Christ destroyed our death.
Rising, Christ restored our life.
Christ will come again in glory.
As in baptism Ron Puterbaugh put on Christ,
so in Christ may Ron be clothed with glory.
Here and now, dear friends, we are God's children.
What we shall be has not yet been revealed;
but we know that when he appears, we shall be like him,
for we shall see him as he is.
Those who have this hope purify themselves
as Christ is pure.
Words of Hope
Jesus said, I am the resurrection and I am life.
Those who believe in me, even though they die, yet shall they live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
I died, and behold I am alive for evermore, and I hold the keys of hell and death.
Because I live, you shall live also.
Friends, we have gathered here to praise God
and to witness to our faith as we celebrate the life of Ron Puterbaugh.
We come together in grief, acknowledging our human loss.
May God grant us grace, that in pain we may find comfort,
in sorrow hope, in death resurrection.

A Time to Remember

A Time to Remember

Ronald L. Puterbaugh, age 80 of Greenville, Ohio passed away at 10:00 PM Tuesday February 20, 2018 in the Good Samaritan Hospital of Dayton. Ron was born February 12, 1938 in Arcanum, Ohio and was the son of the late Leo (Soup) and Amee (Floyd) Puterbaugh.
Ron retired in 2006 from the former Treaty Company of Greenville where he had been employed for 37 years, starting his career there in February of 1979 as the Sales Manager. Prior to his employment at the Treaty Company he had worked at the former Duffy Hardware of Greenville.
He was a 1956 graduate of Arcanum High School and played on their State Championship Basketball Team the year of his graduation. Following high school, he went on to play college basketball at Miami University of Oxford. Ron was an avid Ohio State University sports fan and loved to play golf. He had been a member of the former Greenville Country Club, later the Turtle Creek and an active member of the “Geezers Golf Group”. During his career Ron found time to be active in the Darke County Chamber of Commerce and served as the President of the Chamber in 1977. He was also a member of the Greenville Masonic Lodge, the Antioch Shrine of Dayton, Darke County Shrine Club, the Darke County OSU Alumni Association, Greenville Elks Lodge and help with the Greenville Athletics as a PA Announcer for football games, track meets and wrestling matches. Ron was very active and loved spending time with his wife and all the family, particularly their grandchildren and when the weather permitted time at their lake home at Lake James.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by wife Marian “Marti” (Martin) Puterbaugh in 1984; grandson Keith Watson and brother-in-law Bill Stuart.
Ron is survived by his wife Deanna C. (Holsapple) Puterbaugh of Greenville. They were married May 10, 1985. Also children Nadasha known as “Pinky” who is married to Dave Flatter of Greenville, Robin who is married to Tom Watson of Abingdon, VA., Kelly Cox and Fiancé Cassandra Flory of Greenville and Amy who is married to Mike Good of Avon Lake, Ohio; 12 grandchildren; 9 great grandchildren; sister Barbara who is married to Tom Troutwine of Arcanum; sister-in-law Kay Stuart of Cardiff, CA., 1 niece, 2 nephews, 14 great nieces and nephews and his faithful friend and companion his dog Sophie.

I would like to invite anyone who wishes to share a few words about their relationship with Ron.

At a time like this let us draw comfort from the words of Scripture

Psalm 23 NASB95
A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
2 Timothy 4:6–8 NASB95
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.
Psalm 23
John 14:1–4 NASB95
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. “And you know the way where I am going.”
John 14:

The Fight is Over

I did not get to know Ron when he was healthy, but from what I knew, Ron knew how to give people a run for their money, to put up a good fight. This was seen early in his life, as he help lead Little Arcanum to a State Championship in 1956. It was a “never quit!” spirit that drove him all his life. I beleive it was that spirit that caused his to be so devoted to Ohio State. As a winner himself, he saw the winning spirit is Ohio State, even when they did not see it in themselves. I watched Ron physical health decline, but his spirit never wavered. The true is Ron was a fighter.

Ron Fought the Good Fight

He enjoyed sports because he like a good competition.

Even as his health was failing his never give up attitude kept going. His love for his family, his wife, his children, was seen in everything thing he did. He was devoted to them. But he was also devoted to his lord and savior, Jesus Christ. And of course, his devotion to Ohio State.

When Ohio State played he was there on the field.

He agrued with every call he disagreed with, as if the people of the field could hear him. He attended all the games he could. He bought season tickets for years. But Ron also loved to travel, and explore.

Ron Kept the Faith

Ron had a quite, but firm faith in Jesus. As I would pray with him and Dee at the end of a visit, tears would form in the corners of his eyes. This man, bigger than life, would wipe away tears, as he talked with his Lord.
As Ron is was getting closer to death, he was looking for something on his phone, Dee said what he was looking for. He said, “He was going to call God.”
He gathered the family around him toward the end, and said to them, and to God, “Let’s get this show on the road.”
What a great way to see death, “God, come get me, I ready”

Ron has Received the Crown

Ron has Received the Crown

Listen again to the words of Timothy and tell me if you cannot hear Ron say this.
2 Timothy 4:6–8 NASB95
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.

For I am already being apoured out as a drink offering, and the time of bmy departure has come.

7 aI have fought the good fight, I have finished bthe course, I have kept cthe faith;

8 in the future there ais laid up for me bthe crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on cthat day; and not only to me, but also to dall who have loved His eappearing.

2 tim 4:6
Listen, I think I hear him said, “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Will you do something for Ron this afternoon.
O Jesus Christ our risen Lord, you have gone before us in death.Grant us the assurance of your presence,     that we who are anxious and fearful in the face of death       may confidently face the future,     in the knowledge that you have prepared a place for all who love you. Amen.
The peace of God which passes all understanding     keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God,       and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.And the blessing of God Almighty,     the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,  be among you and remain with you always. Amen.
It is the wishes of the family that Memorial Contributions be given to the Charity of Your Choice.
Condolences for the family may be sent to
In the midst of life, we are in death;      from whom can we seek help?(NINTH CENTURY)Our help is in the name of the Lord     who made heaven and earth.God who raised Christ from the dead     will give life to your mortal bodies also     through the Spirit that dwells in you.(, ALT.) Listen, I will tell you a mystery!We will not all die, but we will all be changed.For this perishable body must put on imperishability,     and this mortal body must put on immortality.Then the saying that is written will be fulfilled:     "Death has been swallowed up in victory."     "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"But thanks be to God,     who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray:Almighty God,     into your hands we commend your son/daughter,     in sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life     through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. This body we commit to the ground(to the elements, to its resting place ),     earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. (TRADITIONAL) Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labors     for their deeds follow them.(, ALT.)
Psalm 127:2 CEB
It is pointless that you get up early and stay up late, eating the bread of hard labor because God gives sleep to those he loves.

Let us pray

Graveside Service #1
O Lord, support us all the day long of our troubled life,     until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes,       and the busy world is hushed,       and the fever of life is over and our work is done.Then in your mercy grant us a safe lodging,     and a holy rest, and peace at the last;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
I. They Are Called “His Beloved”
Terry Cavanaugh / General
A. God loves all people
1. Some say, “But I’m so bad”
2. See
1 Timothy 1:15 CEB
This saying is reliable and deserves full acceptance: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I’m the biggest sinner of all.
Romans 5:8 CEB
But God shows his love for us, because while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
John 3:16 CEB
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life.
B. Some occupy a special place in God’s affection

Graveside Service

1. “Beloved” is used to describe Jesus
2. Beloved of God occupy a similar place
a. They are sons—
John 1:12 CEB
But those who did welcome him, those who believed in his name, he authorized to become God’s children,
In the midst of life, we are in death;      from whom can we seek help?(NINTH CENTURY)
1 John 3:1–2 CEB
See what kind of love the Father has given to us in that we should be called God’s children, and that is what we are! Because the world didn’t recognize him, it doesn’t recognize us. Dear friends, now we are God’s children, and it hasn’t yet appeared what we will be. We know that when he appears we will be like him because we’ll see him as he is.
b. They are heirs—
Romans 8:15–17 CEB
You didn’t receive a spirit of slavery to lead you back again into fear, but you received a Spirit that shows you are adopted as his children. With this Spirit, we cry, “Abba, Father.” The same Spirit agrees with our spirit, that we are God’s children. But if we are children, we are also heirs. We are God’s heirs and fellow heirs with Christ, if we really suffer with him so that we can also be glorified with him.
Galatians 4:7 CEB
Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son or daughter, and if you are his child, then you are also an heir through God.
c. They are His by special ties
Our help is in the name of the Lord     who made heaven and earth.God who raised Christ from the dead     will give life to your mortal bodies also     through the Spirit that dwells in you.(, ALT.)
(1) By purchase—
Our help is in the name of the Lord     who made heaven and earth.God who raised Christ from the dead     will give life to your mortal bodies also     through the Spirit that dwells in you.(, ALT.)
(2) By adoption—
(3) In obedience—
Listen, I will tell you a mystery!We will not all die, but we will all be changed.For this perishable body must put on imperishability,     and this mortal body must put on immortality.Then the saying that is written will be fulfilled:     
II. They Are Given Sleep
A. The psalm speaks of rest and satisfaction
1. In regard to cares of world
"Death has been swallowed up in victory."     
2. In regard to sin
B. Speaks of a temporary condition
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"
1. Paul speaks of the dead as being asleep—
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"
2. Paul speaks of the dead as being asleep—
C. Speaks of a permanent condition—
Revelation 21:3–5 CEB
I heard a loud voice from the throne say, “Look! God’s dwelling is here with humankind. He will dwell with them, and they will be his peoples. God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more. There will be no mourning, crying, or pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. Then the one seated on the throne said, “Look! I’m making all things new.” He also said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
But thanks be to God,     who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
III. Let Us Take This to Heart
A. A lesson in the midst of sorrow
1. It is important to prepare
Let us pray:
2. It is important to live close to God
Almighty God,     into your hands we commend your son/daughter,     in sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life     through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
This body we commit to the ground(to the elements, to its resting place ),     earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. (TRADITIONAL)
This body we commit to the ground(to the elements, to its resting place ),     earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. (TRADITIONAL)
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labors     for their deeds follow them.(, ALT.)
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labors     for their deeds follow them.(, ALT.)
Keiningham, C. W. Sermon Outlines for Funerals. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1981. Print. Sermon Outline Series.
Let us pray
Let us pray
O Lord, support us all the day long of our troubled life,     until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes,       and the busy world is hushed,       and the fever of life is over and our work is done.Then in your mercy grant us a safe lodging,     and a holy rest, and peace at the last;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
This concludes this service thank you.
Exported from Logos Bible Software, 4:34 AM February 26, 2018.
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