Recruit New Teammates
Recruit New Teammates!
Acts 18:1-4,18-20,24-28; 1 Corinthians 16:19
Over the past few years we have had some of our missionaries in Yeman, Iraq, and other places that have been martyred for sharing their faith. Immediately following these deaths, the International Mission Board received an outpouring of support and consolation. But it did not take long for the questions to come. “Why do missionaries go to dangerous places” “How can the IMB be so irresponsible to send missionaries to places where their lives will be endangered?”
There were demands to bring the missionaries home. Some reflected that this loss of life was such a waste and could have been avoided. Apparently the top priority in the minds of many was the safety of the missionaries.
Yet, those who died gave their lives as a witness to their faith and testimony to their obedience and devotion to their Lord. They died because they were willing to be in a place where their lives were vulnerable – because offering eternal life to others was more important than maintaining their own earthly lives.
I. Be Available
A. In Every Situation – what situations do you have in your life each and every week, each and every day for that matter, do you have to share your faith? Do you do it every time that you get an opportunity?
B. In Every Location – is it always easy to share your faith? Is it easy to share your faith at work, at school, at the shopping center? Do you face the same problems that many believers face around the world?
Aquila and Priscilla’s Jewish ancestry caused them quite a bit of trouble in the early days of the church. Even while fleeing from one location to another they labored with the Apostle Paul bringing encouragement and needed help in the work of the ministry.
II. Be Involved
A. Encouraging – keep looking for people that need your support. Today there are so many people that need the support that maybe only you can give them. As we talked about last week, how many people that are members of our church can you give encouragement and support to? There are many people that you may be the only one that can effectively encourage and minister to, as you understand the problems they are facing. There are lots of problems I have trouble ministering someone through, as I have not faced them, but you might be able to as you have faced the problem they are facing.
B. Discipling – one of the biggest places that I feel we as Southern Baptists have failed over the past years is the discipling, teaching if you wish, of new believers. Too often we are guilty of getting people to accept Jesus, get them baptized, give them a Bible, and then leave them to fend for themselves. We don’t assist them in growing in spiritual maturity.
Aquila and Priscilla showed great maturity in how they handled Apollos. Instead of berating him or seeking to stop him from preaching inaccurately, they tactfully took him in and educated him further, until he was ready to proclaim the entire truth about Jesus. He proved to be a great asset in Kingdom work because of the ministry of this precious couple.
III. Be Faithful
A. In Life – keep your eyes on Jesus all of your days. Keep working for him, keep serving him.
B. In Death – even in death you can be a witness to God. Just keep you faith, spirit, and joy to the end.
The last picture we have of Aquila and Priscilla is happily hosting a church in their home and sending greetings to encourage the brethren at Corinth. What befell them afterward? We do not know. Many Christians were able to live and serve Jesus peaceably. Many others paid for their open witness with their lives. Today we have numerous books that tell the stories of noble believers who gave their lives while bearing witness to the gospel in places where many have not heard. They were available, involved, and faithful to share Jesus Christ with all who needed to hear.
Closing Illustration:
The world will not quickly forget the tragedy of more than a quarter of a million people being killed by the tsunami on December 26, 2004. But it is easy to ignore the fact that nearly that many people die every week – week after week – in South Asia alone. That many people die from AIDS every month in sub-Saharan Africa, most without having a chance to know Jesus.
There was nothing we could have done to prevent the death and destruction created by that powerful tsunami, but we could have done something to prevent such a massive loss of souls for eternity. One day we will stand accountable before God for failing to reap the harvest where hearts were open and responsive. We will give an account for those who never had an opportunity to know Jesus. For God has committed to us the task of being His witnesses and discipling the nations. May we be found faithful as we empower the growth of His Kingdom, literally to the ends of the earth.