Harmonious & Relational
Sermon Tone Analysis
· Be on Mission
We Long to Belong
o Handicap Ramp – Dick, Larry, & Gene
God’s Image is Trinity - Harmonious
Father | Son | Holy Spirit (, ; ; )
Spirit Hovering ()
o Samaritan’s Purse – Sean, Ramona, Chris, & Jamie
Jesus ()
Let Us ()
Father, Son, Spirit ()
Humans are
Flesh ()
AND ALL were Harmonious!!!
Jesus came to repair and restore our relationship with God, ourselves and others
· Something is broken in the World
o Creation versus Humanity – Hurricanes, Mega-storms…
Jesus came to repair and restore our relationship with God, ourselves and others
o Humanity versus Humanity – School Shootings, Political Hatred..
Making your way in the world today
o Humanity versus God – One Billy Graham Editorial I read…
Takes everything you've got;
Taking a break from all your worries
· That’s why we are doing this Series - In His Image
o To remind ourselves of God’s original intention
Sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?
o To explain what went wrong
o To show how Jesus came to fix it
All those nights when you've got no lights,
The check is in the mail;
And your little angel
Hung the cat up by it's tail;
And your third fiance didn't show;
Sometimes you want to go
o 1st Week, Spiritual & Eternal
o Today, Harmonious & Relational
Where everybody knows your name,
Scripture Focus
And they're always glad you came;
You want to be where you can see,
· God’s Image is Harmonious & Relational
Our troubles are all the same;
o Spirit Hovering ()
You want to be where everybody knows your name.
o Jesus ()
o Le Us ()
Roll out of bed, Mr. Coffee's dead;
The morning's looking bright;
And your shrink ran off to Europe,
And didn't even write;
And your husband wants to be a girl;
o Trinity – Father, Sone & Holy Spirit ()
Be glad there's one place in the world
Where everybody knows your name,
o Reference slide – The Father IS Not…, but Is…
And they're always glad you came;
· Our Image WAS Harmonious ()
You want to go where people know,
o Heart or Flesh | Mind | Soul
People are all the same;
· Our Image WAS Relational (, )
You want to go where everybody knows your name.
o God | Others | Creation
Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came;
We Long to Belong – The Image Has Been Shattered
Where everybody knows your name,
· Cheers – Where Everybody Knows Your Name Video
And they're always glad you came...
o Vs 1 Making your way in the world today, Takes everything you've got; Taking a break from all your worries, Sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away?
o Chorus Where everybody knows your name, And they're always glad you came; You want to be where you can see, Our troubles are all the same; You want to be where everybody knows your name.
o Vs 2 All those nights when you've got no lights, The check is in the mail; And your little angel Hung the cat up by it's tail; And your third fiancé didn't show;
o Vs 3 Roll out of bed, Mr. Coffee's dead; The morning's looking bright; And your shrink ran off to Europe, And didn't even write; And your husband wants to be a girl;
· Intoxication is not the Answer for our Longing to Belong – Jesus is!!!
o Harmonious relationship with GOD ()
o Harmonious relationship with OTHERS ()
o Harmonious relationship with CREATION ()
Ministry Time
· Harmonious Relationship with God – Prayer room
· Harmonious Relationship with Others – Ask Jesus to Reconcile You
· Harmonious Relationship with Others – Pursue – Forgiveness
· Harmonious Relationship with Creation – Praise God that He is making all things new