Women in Ministry Bible Study
Bible study for Wednesday night asked regarding women in ministry roles
Same Value Of Women and Men
The prophet could perform very exalted tasks—confronting even kings with their sins (recall Nathan with David or Elijah with Ahab) and directly proclaiming God’s word to the people. But the prophets did not seem to perform regular, predictable leadership functions during worship services or in the day-in, day-out administration of tabernacle, temple, or synagogue. So it would seem inappropriate to liken them to Christian pastors or elders.29
Difference In Role
But what makes an ʿēzer a “helper” in each context is that he or she comes to the aid of someone else who bears the primary responsibility for the activity in question
But what makes an ʿēzer a “helper” in each context is that he or she comes to the aid of someone else who bears the primary responsibility for the activity in question
To love and to cherish’ becomes ‘to desire and to dominate.’ ”