When Necessary #2
When Necessary: You Are That Someone • Sermon • Submitted
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"Share the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words." - Unknown
This quote make me think. It causes me to question. As a follower of Christ I know I’m to share my faith story with others. I do that because of a natural love I have for Him and I know that he is the solution to the hurt and heartbreak in the world. I want people to meet the Jesus I know.
But do I just show and shine or share and shout? How do I know when to share and how to share? It seems to me this quote sets up a spiritual spectrum of polar opposites. I read verses like...
42 And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”
38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’ ”
John 7:3
How do I know when to give a cup of water and when to turn on the fire house?
God has filled me up! I want the world to know about my Jesus!
We verbally share things that we love. We have know problem sharing about our favorite restaurant, sport or our grandkids...
But it seems like we freeze when it comes to sharing our faith story. I want us to study the methods of our greatest evangelistic model, Jesus Christ. At BCC we want to invite somebody we love to encounter Someone we love. The world desperately needs to introduced to Jesus, and it is absolutely necessary for us to be able to verbalize how His story changed our story.
It seems to me that as Chri
We have embraced this attitude about Christianity that I believe hinders us. The attitude is that I need to be in the right place, with the right people doing the right things. So, following Jesus for us is going to church, right place, hanging out with just Christians, right people and doing the right things - singing, taking notes etc...
I want us to broaden the spiritual spectrum. What if one of the most spiritual things we could do is to be in the seemingly wrong place - not church, wrong people - not Christians and doing “wrong things” - baseball game, coaching a kids sports team, teaching the piano....
I want to broaden our spiritual growth spectrum -
The Spiritual Growth Spectrum
-6 Self-satisfied, skeptical, resistant, or spiritually apathetic. (Resistant stage)
How People Come to Christ and then Grow
How People Come to Christ and then Grow
(Revised Engels with Purpose-Driven Process by Rick Warren)
(Revised Engels with Purpose-Driven Process by Rick Warren)
-6 Self-satisfied, skeptical, resistant, or spiritually apathetic. (Resistant stage)
-5 Becomes aware of an unmet need or spiritual void in life. (Receptive stage)
-4 Begins looking for answers to questions or solutions to problems. (Seeker stage)
-3 Considers the differences between themselves and believers. (Consideration stage)
-2 Learns why and how to become a Christian. (Understanding stage)
-1 Ready to believe and receive Christ. (Ready stage) The fruit is ripe!
+1 Baptized and connected to a church family. (Membership)
+2 Practicing the habits necessary for spiritual growth. (Maturity)
+3 Using God-given talents (“SHAPE”) to serve others. (Ministry)
+4 Sharing the Good News with non-believers. (Mission)
+5 Living out one’s Life Purpose to the glory of God. (Magnification)
Where do we spend most of our time a believers? What is our focus on as a church?
Follow Jesus: What Was Jesus Life Mission?
1 Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved. 2 I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal. 3 For they don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself. Refusing to accept God’s way, they cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law.
Following Jesus means being sent. If I’m not being sent I’m not following Jesus. At BCC - move others to Jesus.
Following Jesus means being sent. If I’m not being sent I’m not following Jesus. At BCC - move others to Jesus.
Showing the message of God’s love is not enough. The process looks like this...
Showing the message of God’s love is not enough. The process looks like this...
Message - His story. v.14 believe in Him?
Messenger - You and your story strained through His story. v.14 unless someone tells them?
App - We want to provide a tool that will equip you to discover “them” (My five ponds -give instructions)
Moment - Where His story, my story and their story connect. v. 15 without being sent?
Movement - The message multiples. v.15 feet of messengers.
Focus On People: Where Are People On The Spectrum?
5 Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity.
Colossians 4:
33 Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand.
You have to start where people are not where we would like for them to be.
Ill: Field of faith. Kickoff - the team has to start the game where they catch the ball not where they want to start.
(Clemson Stadium)
Do you know how to move the ball? This is not ESPN top ten plays. It is the grind.
The Parable of Soils (); Four kinds of receptivity
The Parable of Soils (); Four kinds of receptivity
Hard soil = The defensive heart
Shallow soil = The impulsive heart
Soil with weeds = The distracted heart
Good Soil = The receptive heart
What To Do At Each Stage Of The Spectrum
-6 Resistant Stage? skeptical, self-satisfied, apathetic
Build a relational bridge
Invite them to a fun bridge event
Don’t argue
-5 Receptive Stage? unaware, unmet need, spiritual void
Help in practical way
Share your story about same need
Tell them you are praying for them
Ask to hear their story
-4 Seeker Stage? answers, solutions
Invite to weekend service
Invite to interest group
Give them resources
Open dialog by asking spiritual questions
-3 Consideration Stage? notice the difference in believers
Introduce them to other Christians
Invite them to Life Group
Continue biblical conversations
-2 Understanding Stage? why and how to become a Christian
Explain God’s plan of salvation!
Explain how you made your decision for Christ
Help them see benefits and cost
-1 Ready Stage? RECEPTIVE
Offer to lead them in a prayer of commitment
· Evangelism is a __PROCESS_________of moving people through the stages!
· People move though these stages at different speeds.
· People often require multiple exposures at each stage before moving on.
· A person can get stuck at any stage. The #1 reason is ___FEAR__________
· Every stage requires a ___DIFFERENT RESPONSE_____________by me!
“My work was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos' work was to water it,
but it was God, not we, who made the garden grow in your hearts.”
Imagine if...
Me: ONE OF THE MOST WIDELY ACCLAIMED movies of 2014 was Boyhood, which is about a young boy named Mason growing up in Texas in a broken home. By the time Mason is a teenager, his formerly deadbeat dad has turned in a positive direction and now has a new wife and baby. For Mason’s fifteenth birthday, his step-grandparents give him a Bible engraved with his name. He smiles politely and thanks them. In the next scene, you see Mason holding the Bible on his lap unopened as he and his older sister sit in a church—probably for the first time ever—along with the dad, stepmom, and step-grandparents. Later that day, when the conversation turns to the upcoming baptism of his dad’s new baby, Mason asks whether Mason had been baptized when he was a baby. His dad laughs, saying he hadn’t given any thought at all to Mason’s soul back then. It’s obvious that Mason is slightly curious about spiritual things but that his dad is not prepared to have a conversation about God, even when the subject comes up naturally. Mason and his sister, Samantha, both wonder out loud if their dad is now one of those “God people.”
I found myself wanting to contribute some of the plotline. What I desperately wanted the dad to say was that he now was one of God’s people, and that Jesus had made a huge difference in his life. I wanted him to tell his story of redemption—how he used to be an absentee father and broken man but now was becoming the man God wanted him to be. These two adolescent kids saw a stability and joy in their father’s new life that begged for an explanation. Because they had seen so much of his poor parenting and brokenness, they might have been open to hearing about the faith component that had changed him. The love and acceptance they received from the step-grandparents and stepmother (who were obviously Christ followers) had to have made a strong impression on them too. Sadly, the dad let the moment pass. He missed an opportunity to share his faith story. How true is that of so many of us?
We: Let’s face it—our culture is deteriorating. Broken families. Addictions. Abuse. Absent fathers. Struggling single parents. Failing schools. Violence in the home. Sexual promiscuity. Pornography. Hostile politics. People moving frequently and having no stable community of friends and family. Problems are everywhere, but as followers of Jesus, we can offer hope. We need to share the stories of how God has worked in our lives. Getting a better understanding of the Art of Sharing in a post-Christian society is highly relevant as the final practice in The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations. If we have experienced the power of the gospel, the priceless value of our own relationship with God through Jesus, and genuine love for those we know, we will be compelled to share our faith with others. If we believe that Jesus can meet the deepest needs of people we know, isn’t it possible that our simple redemptive story and God’s story can intersect their story?
We: Let’s face it—our culture is deteriorating. Broken families. Addictions. Abuse. Absent fathers. Struggling single parents. Failing schools. Violence in the home. Sexual promiscuity. Pornography. Hostile politics. People moving frequently and having no stable community of friends and family. Problems are everywhere, but as followers of Jesus, we can offer hope. We need to share the stories of how God has worked in our lives. Getting a better understanding of the Art of Sharing in a post-Christian society is highly relevant as the final practice in The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations. If we have experienced the power of the gospel, the priceless value of our own relationship with God through Jesus, and genuine love for those we know, we will be compelled to share our faith with others. If we believe that Jesus can meet the deepest needs of people we know, isn’t it possible that our simple redemptive story and God’s story can intersect their story?
Schaller, Mary. The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations: Walking alongside People Who Believe Differently (Kindle Locations 2680-2693). Tyndale Momentum. Kindle Edition.
Schaller, Mary. The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations: Walking alongside People Who Believe Differently (Kindle Locations 2671-2679). Tyndale Momentum. Kindle Edition.
Schaller, Mary. The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations: Walking alongside People Who Believe Differently (Kindle Locations 2680-2693). Tyndale Momentum. Kindle Edition.
Follow Jesus: What Was Jesus Life Mission?
10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”
43 But he replied, “I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God in other towns, too, because that is why I was sent.”
2 Understandings
Sharing The Good News Is My Responsibility
16 Yet preaching the Good News is not something I can boast about. I am compelled by God to do it. How terrible for me if I didn’t preach the Good News!
18 If I warn the wicked, saying, ‘You are under the penalty of death,’ but you fail to deliver the warning, they will die in their sins. And I will hold you responsible for their deaths.
1 Cor
Sharing The Good News Is A Privilege
18 And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him.
Focus On People: Who Do You Know That Needs God?
19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”
Who is outside of the faith but inside of your reach. People have embraced an attitude about Christianity. Right place. Right time. Right kind of people. Opposite of Jesus.
Christians think that if I show up, hang out then I’m good. You are a follower of Jesus.
Before you share Christ, share a common interest.
Ill: 6 Streams Of Influence
Before you share Christ, pray for specific people.
Before you talk to a person about God talk to God about that person.
Ill: My 5 ponds
Find Out Where People Are: How Receptive Are They To Christ?
33 Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand.
You have to start where people are not where we would like for them to be.
Ill: Field of faith. Kickoff - the team has to start the game where they catch the ball not where they want to start.
(Clemson Stadium)
Do you know how to move the ball? This is not ESPN top ten plays. It is the grind.
The Parable of Soils (); Four kinds of receptivity
The Parable of Soils (); Four kinds of receptivity
Hard soil = The defensive heart
Shallow soil = The impulsive heart
Soil with weeds = The distracted heart
Good Soil = The receptive heart
12 “Listen to me, you stubborn people
who are so far from doing right.
17 He brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from him, and peace to the Jews who were near.
13 But now you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ.
21 Again he said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.”
20 So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”