Olivet Discourse pt.1: Birth Pains
Destruction is Coming
Destruction is Coming
The Fate of the Temple
Destruction is Coming
The Fate of The Temple
Their Future is Our Past
Remember the context
Birth Pains
Jesus says they will be flogged in the synagogues (v. 9), a form of persecution that was only experienced in the early history of the Church before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Further, He speaks of testifying before governors and kings, which we find amply fulfilled in the book of Acts. Nothing in such statements hints that Jesus is trying to speak to people not yet born. He is giving His disciples warning about what they will experience. Jesus’ warning is specific to those living in Judea who will be able to escape the wrath to come if they flee to the mountains (Mk. 13:14). This could not be said of the Final Judgment. Earthquakes, famines (v. 8), and false messiahs (v. 6) are already showing up in the book of Acts (Acts 4:31; 5:36–37; 11:28; 16:25). What Jesus is discussing will happen within that generation (Mk. 13:30).