Purify Our Conscience
Sermon Notes Sermon Notes
Purify Our Conscience Purify Our Conscience
Hebrews 9:1-14 Hebrews 9:1-14
Pastor Josh Monda Pastor Josh Monda
I. The _________________________ of the Old Covenant IV. The _________________________ of the Old Covenant
A. The _________________________ is a foreshadow of A. The _________________________ is a foreshadow of
Christ Christ
B. The ministry of the _________________________ is a B. The ministry of the _________________________ is a
foreshadow of the work of Christ foreshadow of the work of Christ
II. The _________________________ of Christ's Sacrifice V. The _________________________ of Christ's Sacrifice
A. Unlimited ___________________ to the Holy of Holies A. Unlimited ___________________ to the Holy of Holies
B. Unlimited _________________________ B. Unlimited _________________________
III. Why God _________________________ us VI. Why God _________________________ us
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