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Sermon Outlines on Great Doctrinal Themes What in the World? (John 3:16)

We all talk in clichés to some degree, especially athletes. One cliché has multiple uses. When baffled by what is going on, we say, “What in the world?” When baffled as to reasons, we say “Why in the world?” When boggled by a task, we say, “How in the world?” Those cliches provide a outline for treating John 3:16.

I. What in the World?—“that He gave His only begotten Son.”

A. God is the giver.

1. It is none other than Almighty God Himself.

2. The Creator/Sustainer becomes the Redeemer.

B. Jesus is the gift.

1. Jesus is His Son.

2. When God gave the Son, He gave Himself.

3. “Only begotten”—emphasis is on only, not begotten.

C. The giving—Jesus was always the gift of God.

1. Gave Him when He laid salvation’s plan.

2. Gave Him when He came to earth.

3. Gave Him when He endured “such contradiction of sinners against Himself.”

4. Gave Him in the sufferings of the final week.

5. Gave Him on the cross.

II. Why in the World?—“For God so loved the world.”

A. Love is the nature of God.

1. God’s love springs from His very nature—“God is love.”

2. He loves because it is His nature to do so.

3. We need to stress this side of the Father.

B. Love meets the situation of the world.

1. It meets its incredible need.

2. It meets its enormous scope.

3. It meets our complete inability—there is nothing man could possibly do to satisfy God due to the very nature of God.

C. “He seemed to love us better than His only Son and did not spare Him that He might spare us.”

III. How in the World?—“that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

A. The key issues is belief: faith, trust, or reliance.

1. One must assent to the truth.

2. One must accept for one’s self.

B. The scope is “whosoever.”

1. It opens door for everyone.

2. It eliminates any limiting factor.

C. The result is:

1. Deliverance—should not perish.

2. Donation—everlasting life.


God gave His Son to die on the cross because of His great love and the world’s great need. This all fits together simply by belief. There are messages here: Do you have the gift of eternal life that God wants you to have? Are you sure of that possession as God wants you to be?

Read and Pray.
What?---”that He gave His only begotten Son.”
We all talk in clichés to some degree, especially athletes.
When baffled by what is going on, we say, “What in the world?” When baffled as to reasons, we say “Why in the world?” When boggled by a task, we say, “How in the world?” Those cliches provide a outline for treating .
I. What in the World?—“that He gave His only begotten Son.”
*Correct translation is Unique Son.*
A. God is the giver.
1. It is none other than Almighty God Himself.
2. The Creator/Sustainer becomes the Redeemer.
B. Jesus is the gift.
1. Jesus is His Son and He is unique.
2. When God gave the Son, He gave Himself.
3. “Only begotten”—emphasis is on only, not begotten.
C. The giving—Not a surprise.
Jesus was always the gift of God.
1. Gave Him when He laid salvation’s plan.
2. Gave Him when He came to earth.
3. Gave Him when He endured “such contradiction of sinners against Himself.”
4. Gave Him in the sufferings of the final week.
5. Gave Him on the cross.
II. Why?---“For God so loved the world.”
*Better Translation—For God so loved fallen humanity.*
A. Love is the nature of God.
1. God’s love springs from His very nature—“God is love.”
2. He loves because it is His nature to do so.
3. We need to stress this side of the Father.
B. His Love will never supersede His Justice.
All of God’s characteristics mesh together and perfectly compliment one another.
It is because of our sinful nature and God’s perfect Justice that we as humanity have a need.
C. Love meets the situation of the world.
1. It meets its incredible need.
2. It meets its enormous scope.
3. It meets our complete inability—there is nothing man could possibly do to satisfy God due to the very nature of God.
D. “He seemed to love humanity in such a way that He did not spare Jesus that He might spare those who believe through Jesus.”
III. How in the World?—“that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
*Better Translation---”that all the believing upon Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.”*
A. The key issues is belief: faith, trust, or reliance.
1. One must assent to the truth.
2. One must accept for one’s self.
3. But have no doubt, this is a Sovereign Work of God.
4. . And this refers to faith and not grace. Faith to believe is a Sovereign Work of the Lord.
B. The scope of “Whosoever”
1. Some people believe that this opens door for everyone.
In a way I would agree but with a caveat.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
But Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord has been given the faith to do so!
2. Some people run to and claim that it eliminates any limiting factor.
Reread real quick. Do you see a limiting factor?
Yes, those who don’t believe will not be forgiven and have everlasting life.
The most basic reading of limits the scope of the atonement of Jesus. Not in it’s application to an individuals sin but to the individual.
Bondage of the Will and Luther---”Let all the 'free-will' in the world do all it can with all its strength; it will never give rise to a single instance of ability to avoid being hardened if God does not give the Spirit, or of meriting mercy if it is left to its own strength." p. 202
On top of that, knowing that God is the one who removes the person from being bound to their sinful nature and gives them faith to believe upon Jesus, this itself limits the scope of .
C. The result is almost the same.
1. Deliverance—all those who would believe upon Jesus will not perish.
2. The Promise—That those who believe will have everlasting life in the presence of God through Jesus.
God so loved fallen humanity that He sent His only unique Son so that all the believing in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
God gave His Son to die on the cross because of His great love and humanities greatest need. From beginning to end, this plan of salvation is a Sovereign Work of the Lord.
God is the one who moves the hearts of men.
God is the one who gives them faith.
: Do you have the gift of eternal life that God wants you to have? Are you sure of that possession as God wants you to be?
God is the one who sent Himself in the person of Jesus.
God in the person of Jesus lived a perfect and a righteous life.
God in the person of Jesus became sin who knew no sin.
God the Father poured out His wrath over sin at Calvary upon Jesus the Son.
God died in the person of Jesus that day and rose again three days later.
God began this great work and ultimately, He will bring it to completion!
Salvation is a Sovereign work of the Lord and not of man so that no man may boast.
Do you have the gift of eternal life that God wants you to have? Are you sure of that possession as God wants you to be?
I urge you today that if you are being convicted by God, look to Him as He is drawing you to Himself.
Repent this day and believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
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