The LORD is so Good
Sermon Tone Analysis
What is the setting?
What is the setting?
Judah has just been attacked by Assyria under Senacharib.
This refers to the Assyrian attack by Sennacherib in 701 BC when he captured and desolated all the major cities of Judah except Jerusalem
Smith, G. V. (2007). . (E. R. Clendenen, Ed.) (p. 104). Nashville: B & H Publishing Group.
The people are in rebellion.
The Lord is bringing charges against his people.
Isaiah is the prophet bringing forth the word of the Lord.
What is the conflict or crisis?
What is the conflict or crisis?
The Lord’s covenant children have rebelled against Him.
What is the climax/resolution?
What is the climax/resolution?
The Lord leaves a remnant....
What is the new setting?
What is the new setting?
They are not destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah. They continue to exist
The evidence is declared before the witnesses:
The evidence is declared before the witnesses:
(1) The LORD’S nourishment of his children (v. 2) -
(1) The LORD’S nourishment of his children (v. 2) -
(2) The LORD’S indictment against his children (v. 2 - 3)
(2) The LORD’S indictment against his children (v. 2 - 3)
The Lord’s analogy regarding his children (v. 3)
Israel makes animals look like geniuses
ILLUSTRATION of cows following my uncle in Spain
(3) The LORD’S description of his rebellious children (v. 4 - 8)
(3) The LORD’S description of his rebellious children (v. 4 - 8)
Sinful nation [direct address]:
laden with iniquity - HEAVY WITH SIN; WEIGHTED DOWN
children that are corrupters - BEHAVIOR THAT IS DESTRUCTIVE
A forsaking people
A provoking people -
For when I shall have brought them into the land which I sware unto their fathers, that floweth with milk and honey; and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and waxen fat; then will they turn unto other gods, and serve them, and provoke me, and break my covenant.
A going people (backwards) - ALIENATED; ESTRANGED
A smitten people (v. 5)
A sick people (v. 6)
wounds - INJURE
bruises - SLASH
putrifying sores - PLAGUE
A people of a destroyed land (v. 7) - DESOLATE = DESTROYED; WASTELAND
A people of a surrounded land (v. 8)
(4) The LORD’S compassion towards his rebellious children (v. 9)
(4) The LORD’S compassion towards his rebellious children (v. 9)
What is the principle from the LORD to this people?
What is the principle from the LORD to this people?
The LORD has patiently worked with hopes of your repentance. He is every patient and gracious.
Historically: We see that Israel is ultimately dispersed; but God brought forth a child in whom he was well-pleased.
(5) The LORD’S Christ & his healing (v. 6) - ,
(5) The LORD’S Christ & his healing (v. 6) - ,
Take comfort tonight in knowing that what Israel failed in and what we failed in, Jesus Christ did not fail in:
Israel was rebellious = Jesus was submissive
Israel did not know their Master = Jesus is the Master
Israel bore just judgment of God = Jesus bore the judgment of God for others
Israel needed healing = Jesus Christ brought healing
What is the hope of the Christian today?
What is the hope of the Christian today?
(1) Sometimes we are tempted to believe that bad circumstances are God’s form of punishment upon us, but the Christian rests assured that all punishment for sin has been set upon Jesus.
(2) Sometimes we are tempted to doubt the love and patience of God when we are suffering; but you need only look to the love that God has shown in Jesus, the Suffering Servant.
(3) Sometimes we are tempted to think that we need to be perfectly complicit or God won’t bless us; but you need only look to the Perfectly complicit One and rest in His perfection.
What does such a wonderful Lord like this justly deserve? People who recognize Him, glorify Him, and willingly yield to Him.