Justification Before God
Justification Before God.
1. Promised in Christ. Isa 45:25; 53:11.
2. Is the act of God. Isa 50:8; Ro 8:33.
3. Under law
a. Requires perfect obedience. Le 18:5; Ro 10:5; 2:13; Jas 2:10.
b. Man cannot attain to. Job 9:2,3,20; 25:4; Ps 130:3; 143:2; Ro 3:20; 9:31,32.
4. Under the gospel
a. Is not of works. Ac 13:39; Ro 8:3; Ga 2:16; 3:11.
b. Is not of faith and works united. Ac 15:1-29; Ro 3:28; 11:6; Ga 2:14-21; 5:4.
c. Is by faith alone. Joh 5:24; Ac 13:39; Ro 3:30; 5:1; Ga 2:16.
d. Is of grace. Ro 3:24; 4:16; 5:17-21.
e. In the name of Christ. 1Co 6:11.
f. By imputation of Christ’s righteousness. Isa 61:10; Jer 23:6; Ro 3:22; 5:18; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21.
g. By the blood of Christ. Ro 5:9.
h. By the resurrection of Christ. Ro 4:25; 1Co 15:17.
i. Blessedness of. Ps 32:1,2; Ro 4:6-8.
j. Frees from condemnation. Isa 50:8,9; 54:17; Ro 8:33,34.
k. Entitles to an inheritance. Tit 3:7.
l. Ensures glorification. Ro 8:30.
5. The wicked shall not attain to. Ex 23:7.
6. By faith
a. Revealed under the Old Testament age. Hab 2:4; Ro 1:17.
b. Excludes boasting. Ro 3:27; 4:2; 1Co 1:29,31.
c. Does not make void the law. Ro 3:30,31; 1Co 9:21.
7. Typified. Zec 3:4,5.
8. Illustrated. Lu 18:14.
9. Exemplified
a. Abraham. Ge 15:6.
b. Paul. Php 3:8,9.
[1]Torrey, R. 1995, c1897. The new topical text book : A scriptural text book for the use of ministers, teachers, and all Christian workers. Logos research Systems, Inc.: Oak Harbor, WA