Being an encourager
🌎How to be a world changer🌎
• Proverbs 3:27 •
Do good time now cause we're not guaranteed of tomorrow
• John 9:4 •
God said to "help and encourage others"
👀Looking for opportunities to be encouragers😊
Everything falls under these 3 categories
1. Absolute truth
2. Personal conviction
3. Personal preferences
You can NOT perceive personal conviction and absolute truth together.
Don't pass on personal preference as a conviction for absolute truth
7 non-negotiables in our lives that will not change that will create an incredible environment on life, physically, spiritually, everything.
1. Seek God, not sin! Be intentional in pursuing God
• Amos 5:14 •
2. Fear God, not man!
• Proverbs 9:13-23, Malachi 4:2
3. Love God, not the world!
• 1 John 2:15 •
4. Believe God, not the deceiver! Don't be a chump
• John 8:44 •
5. Obey God, not your appetites! Don't let your appetites create idles. Let God's drive be your default