Jesus Has the Power You Need
Sermon Tone Analysis
Breaking a mirror on stage - bleeding hand, blind man hitting the floor. But - made my point. Jesus is making a point in this section fo Mark: He has infinite power, and if He has infinite power, He is the God we can trust to rescue us from sin and death.
You’ve had encounters with people where you’ve left confused. What did he mean? What did she just do?
Mark wants there to be no confusion in our minds as to the identity of Jesus: He is the all-powerful Son of God who has come to rescue from sin and death.
This morning: strange story that communicates a powerful truth: Jesus has the power to deliver you from evil and give you life. Evil seems to prevail in this world. School shootings, war, divisive politics, etc. It also seems as if evil is winning in your life. Power of sin and the influence of the enemy have wreaked havoc on your life. Maybe you are there right now. You’re seeing the power of evil destroy lives of people you love, and you feel helpless.
This power is for us! This power Jesus possesses i
On one hand, power of evil on display in this passage. You’ve experienced the power of evil. You’ve seen how the power of sin and the influence of the enemy have wreaked havoc on your life. Some of you are there right now. You’re seeing the power of evil destroy lives of people you love, and you feel helpless. On other hand, power of Jesus on display. The power of Satan and all his demonic forces are no match for King Jesus.
If it seems as evil is winning, there is hope for you. There is One who can give you victory over the power of sin. Power of Satan and all his demonic forces are no match for King Jesus.
Three truths about the power of Jesus from this passage:
No situation is too hopeless for the power of Christ.
No situation is too hopeless for the power of Christ.
Jesus chooses to go where no Jew in their right mind would go - Decapolis - the heart of darkness - an unclean place - gentile territory, a cemetery in a gentile place, a pig farm, where a man lives who is so possessed by the demonic that the townspeople have banished him to this area.
Lots of questions. How did this man become possessed? Man must have lived a life so deep in sin that his life was a wide open door for the demonic to take possession. So lost, so far gone, all hope was gone.
People used to bind him with shackles and chains, but the demonic took greater and greater control of his life - he couldn’t be bound any longer. No one had the strength to subdue him.
People used to bind him with shackles and chains, but the demonic took greater and greater control of his life - he couldn’t be bound any longer. No one had the strength to subdue him.
If you were to go to the tombs - you would hear a grown man screaming night and day in agony - he could not get any relief from the demonic. Cut himself with stones. Trying to end his miserable life.
As soon as Jesus steps out of the boat and onto the shore, everything begins to change. The man runs to Jesus and falls down - The demons know who this is. “What do you want from me? Do not torment me!” These demons who tormented this man are now in fear of being tormented by the One who defeats demons.
Note: up to this point, it’s the demons who have the best understanding of who Jesus is. They know they are defeated.
Vs. 9 - Jesus asked the demon his name - why? Jesus knew but wanted the disciples to know exactly what they were dealing with. “Legion” = 6000 Roman soldiers. Man possessed by many demons.
Demons beg not to be taken out of the country - know eternal judgment is imminent.
Demons beg to not be removed from country and request to go in pigs - why? Not sure… maybe because they know the only other option is eternal judgment.
Jesus grants the request. Demons enter pigs and jump into the lake. 2,000 pigs floating. Bigger question. Why does Jesus grant their request? Not sure. Maybe: 1. He wants everyone to physically see that this man has been delivered. Think about the mess - 2000 pigs floating in the water - a visual reminder for days and weeks of what Jesus had done. 2. A visual of what would ultimately happen - at the 2nd coming demons will be cast in the lake of fire.
What we know: Jesus is in charge. (Demons have to ask permission.) Jesus has power to change a hopeless situation.
No situation is too hopeless for Christ. Everyone had given up on this man, and this man had given up on himself. Jesus hadn’t given up on him.
Have you ever noticed how quick we are to give up? Our churches are full of people who have given up. We give up on others and we give up on ourselves.
Adoniram Judson - first American missionary - to Burma - 24 years old - wife 23 - hostile country - left and never saw parents again - Life-long battle with 108-degree heat, cholera, malaria, dysentery, and other miseries. He lost 7 of 13 children and his wife - but didn’t leave the mission field. Later wrote: “Remember, a large proportion of those who come out on a mission to the East die within five years after leaving their native land. Walk softly, therefore; death is narrowly watching your steps.”
Why didn’t he give up? Hope - the hope of seeing a nation of godless people reached with the Gospel. Why did Jesus go to the Gerasenes? Hope of a people experiencing grace. When we know that no situation is too hopeless - we don’t give up.
Believers - we give up on the lost. There’s someone you think is beyond hope. A family member who has been addicted to alcohol for years - you’ve quit praying and ministering. That friend who is so hostile to Jesus and His church - you’ve given up. You don’t share with him anymore. When you give up on people who are far from Christ you demonstrate a lack of hope in the power of Christ.
Unbeliever: You’ve given up on yourself. You feel like this demon possessed man. You feel overcome by evil - you can’t break free. You’re weighed down by guilt. You feel like there’s no hope for you. No situation is too hopeless for Christ. There really is change for you.
Believer: You cannot be demon possessed, but you can be influenced by the enemy. And, you have been. He’s pulled you away from Christ, and you’ve become so complacent that you’ve given up on walking with Jesus. You’re here. You go through the motions, but you’ve given up on pursuing intimacy with Christ. You can’t remember the last time you read your Bible, shared your faith, etc. There’s hope for you. Christ is calling you.
Believer: you CANNOT be demon possessed. You are possessed by the Spirit. BUT, you can be influenced by the enemy. Consider these verses:
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. .
26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and give no opportunity to the devil. .
26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and give no opportunity to the devil. .
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2016), Eph 6:12.26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27 and give no opportunity to the devil. .
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2016), .
English Standard Version Chapter 3
15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. .
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2016), .
8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 9 Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. .
We far too easily give up, but thank God that we have a Savior who does not give up on us.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2016), .
e given up. We give up on others and we give up on ourselves.
Adoniram Judson - first American missionary - to Burma - 24 years old - wife 23 - hostile country - left and never saw parents again - Life-long battle with 108-degree heat, cholera, malaria, dysentery, and other miseries. He lost 7 of 13 children and his wife - but didn’t leave the mission field. Later wrote: “Remember, a large proportion of those who come out on a mission to the East die within five years after leaving their native land. Walk softly, therefore; death is narrowly watching your steps.”
Believer and unbeliever: Don’t ignore the reality that there is a real war for your soul.
Why didn’t he give up? Hope - the hope of seeing a nation of godless people reached with the Gospel. Do you hope in the power of Christ? Or, do you give up?
No tragedy is greater than choosing to embrace evil and choosing to ignore the power of Christ.
No tragedy is greater than choosing to embrace evil and choosing to ignore the power of Christ.
The disciples weren’t the only ones to see this miracle. The herdsmen saw it as well. 2,000 pigs, probably several herdsmen. They saw the power of Christ on full display - thousands of demons leave a man and enter into pigs.
What they don’t see: a life changed by the power of Christ. What they don’t see: a Savior who values human life more than pigs. What they do see: their livelihood floating in the Sea of Galilee. How would the owners of the pigs respond? They rush to tell the people in the city what had happened.
People come and see the unexpected: this demon possessed man in his right mind. He was clothed (don’t know where he got clothes), he talked with intelligence. He wasn’t screaming. He wasn’t cutting himself. He was normal.
Should have been rejoicing! A changed life, but instead there was fear (vs. 15). They ask Jesus to leave the area! They feared Jesus more than the thousands of demons that possessed the man!
Why the fear? Why not embrace Jesus? Why choose evil over the power of Jesus? Comfortable with what they knew. (Hudson knows mud…)
These people knew sin. They knew evil. They were used to the demoniac. Jesus challenged everything they knew and embracing Jesus meant they would have to change.
To embrace Jesus is to acknowledge Him as Lord, to worship Him, to embrace His agenda for your life. These people were comfortable with the way their lives were going even if it was leading them to hell.
Be honest: everyday you choose evil over Jesus. You choose the American Dream over surrendered living. You choose your agenda over His mission. You choose gossip over building people up. You choose lust over purity. You choose lying over the truth. You choose greed over generosity. Why? It’s comfortable. It’s easier. It’s more attractive.
Today: you’re being confronted by the all-powerful King of kings who is saying, “I will change you,” but you will choose to leave unchanged. You will choose to remain in comfort even if it means pushing Jesus away from you. Like the townspeople, you want Jesus to go away.
Problem: You don’t know what you are forfeiting! Blessings, purpose, growth in Christ, etc.
Could it be that you are far more in love with your comforts than you are with Jesus? Could it be that you are even choosing the demonic over Jesus? Are you rejecting what Jesus wants to do in your life because you are wrapped up in evil?
No witness is greater than a life transformed by the power of Christ.
No witness is greater than a life transformed by the power of Christ.
Jesus begins to leave the area, and the healed man begs to go with him. Jesus had a different plan for his life: Go and tell. (Notice - no discipleship, no training, etc. Just go and tell.)
This area had rejected Christ, but Christ was not rejecting them. He was leaving a witness, a light in the darkness, in this area.
This man did what Jesus said, and everyone marveled.
The power of a changed life! God could choose to introduce people to His love in anyway He chooses. He could write a message in the sky. He could send angels, but instead, He chooses to extend the greatest news in the world through people like you and me.
We all have a pig story. Your story might not be as dramatic as this man, but you were where he was. You were lost and without hope, but Jesus came for you and took your place. We focus so much on excellent ministries, facilities, music, etc. What if we focused on sharing Jesus?
Jesus traded places with this man. On the cross, Jesus was the One who was naked and abandoned. On the cross, Jesus was the One who cried out in agony. On the cross, Jesus was the One who became unclean as He bore the guilt of our sin. He was driven to the tombs, but He had the power to overcome the tomb. He walked out alive and once and for all defeated sin and death. Have you believed?
If you are a believer, you have a pig story. You have been changed by Jesus. You have experienced the power of a changed life through His resurrection. Now, He has left us here to share our pig stories: to share how we have been changed by the Gospel and to invite others to embrace the Good News.
English Standard Version Chapter 10
14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” .
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton: Standard Bible Society, 2016), .
Do not underestimate the power of Christ at work each time you tell your story. Tell your story and see people marvel at how God has changed you.
This morning:
Be honest about the battle. Are you winning or losing? Are you crying out to Jesus?
Choose Jesus over comfort. Where have you settled? Where have you given in because it was must easier or more desirable? Where has it gotten you?
Share with somebody. When was the last time you told your story?