Let Us Reason Together for Resolution
Sermon Tone Analysis
A more targeted audience about insincere worship (v. 10) -
A more targeted audience about insincere worship (v. 10) -
An expression of how the LORD feels about insincere worship (v. 11 - 15)
An expression of how the LORD feels about insincere worship (v. 11 - 15)
He is full (v. 11)
Abomination (v. 13)
Oblation is an offering - not only must the gift be appropriate, but the giver must be holy too. The giver and the giver of the gift were to show for the worth of the Recipient.
He cannot continue to bear it (v. 13)
He hates it (v. 14) - The very essence (soul) of God hates it.
He will not hear (v. 15)
The New American Commentary: Isaiah 1–39 3. God’s Call for Reconciliation, Not Useless Worship (1:10–20)
but these sacrifices were “false,” “abominations,” and “detestable,” terms normally saved for pagan sacrifices like those instituted by Manasseh
The LORD accepts sincerity. The LORD hates hypocrisy. The LORD desires reconciliation. The LORD gives good consequences to those who repent.
Impediments to the resolution of sincere worship: (v. 16 - 17)
Impediments to the resolution of sincere worship: (v. 16 - 17)
Wash you - religious, ritual cleansing
Make you clean
NEGATIVE: Put away the evil deeds
NEGATIVE: Cease to do evil
Learn to do well (right)
Seek judgment (justice)
Relieve the oppressed (encourage)
Judge the fatherless (defend them)
Plead for the widow
A possible door for resolution (v. 18 - 20)
A possible door for resolution (v. 18 - 20)
“reason” - determine what is right
An assumption of sin,
(cf. , “Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.”). Verse 18 does not explain how that transformation was possible through atonement; all it suggests is that God can bring about this change. The imagery employed conveys the idea that through atonement God removed the sins and their stain; he did not just cover them up or hide them (; ).
(cf. , “Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.”). Verse 18 does not explain how that transformation was possible through atonement; all it suggests is that God can bring about this change. The imagery employed conveys the idea that through atonement God removed the sins and their stain; he did not just cover them up or hide them (; ). Smith, G. V. (2007). . (E. R. Clendenen, Ed.) (p. 110). Nashville: B & H Publishing Group.
Smith, G. V. (2007). . (E. R. Clendenen, Ed.) (p. 110). Nashville: B & H Publishing Group.
The importance of the context: it is found in the fact that they are first called to be “willing” / the premise of the message is that they are hypocritical.
The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 1–39 b. The Wisdom of Obedience (1:18–20)
In each case the first verb of the pair is in the imperfect, suggesting ongoing, not-yet-completed activity, whereas the second verb is, in both cases, in the perfect tense, suggesting momentary, completed action
The resolution accomplished
The resolution accomplished
(1) The anointed One is who makes sincere worship possible -
Applying the truths about sincere worship:
Applying the truths about sincere worship:
The demands of the LORD are immeasurably high. In my sinful nature, I find that considering his penetrating vision, I find it impossible to ever feel clean or genuine enough.
An awareness of my insincerity grows, in consideration of this passage. I offer and do; but can only offer as purely as I can, which never seems to be sincere enough since the LORD knows me inside and out.
This awareness can only take me back to him IN CHRIST. It is there where I realize that REASONING must take place and has taken place.
Thus, I offer willingly and obediently with full assurance in Him - in Christ's once for all offering - otherwise, my offering is insincere and hypocritical. It is this full assurance in Christ that allows me to feast immediately on the good though circumstances are bad - since he is the living bread and the living water.
Invitation Exhortations:
(1) Thus, if you are in your unbelief, only Christ can make your worship genuine
(2) If you are already in Christ, continually being confronted with the supreme holiness of God should drive you back to faith in the sufficiency of Jesus, so that when you do worship - it is truly sincere.