A faithless sellout or a faithful servant?
Sermon Tone Analysis
What is he saying?
What is he saying?
Jerusalem has become unfaithful in the matter of justice. What was valuable (justice) has become refuse (injustice) in that the rulers are clouded in their judgment of the needy by their accepting of bribes. Because of this, the LORD will work to restore judges by taking away those in the wrong. After the Lord's work, you will no longer be the unfaithful harlot, but you will be called the Faithful City. This work from injustice to justice will be accomplished by redemption - bought back from what they were sold to - through justice. In other words, justice will be exacted in order to bring you back to the place where you exact justice/are faithful. It is the converts who will be redeemed with righteousness. Those who rebel, in their idolatry will be faithfully judged. Justice will be carried out appropriately.
(v. 21 a - 23) - Opening summary statement - the faithful city has become unfaithful, selling herself...how?
How they sold themselves #1 - They went from being full of justice to harboring people of violence (v. 21)
(22 a - b) Valuable metal has become refuse
(22 c - d) Valuable drink has been watered down
How they sold themselves #2 (v. 23) - The leaders yoked up with thieves
(23 c - d) Yoked up through bribery - a love for money
(23 e - h) They did not defend the needy
(v. 24 - 26) THEREFORE, the Lord, the Lord Almighty [Yahweh], the mighty One of Israel - i.e. the One in total control, in total dominance...
He will comfort himself through righteous vengeance (v. 24 d - e)...how?
He will bring his hand against Israel (v. 25a)
TAKE AWAY: He will purge [refine] them of their rubbish (v. 25b)
TAKE AWAY: He will take away their impurities (v. 25 c)
He will restore:
(v. 26 a) Judges - Governmental figures
(v. 26 b) Counsellers
(v. 26 c - 31) AFTERWARD, this is the Result and Summary of what took place
(26 c - d) It will be a city righteousness (not murderers) and not selling themselves to do wickedness - they will be faithful.
What was the process that took them from harlotry to faithfulness (Redemption through judgment and imputation of righteousness) [converts - penitent] (v. 27)
The impenitent will suffer eternally (v. 28 - 31)
Why is he saying this?
Why is he saying this?
The sovereign Lord is going to restore the penitent people to faithfulness through vengeance and righteousness; and He will eternally banish those who refuse Him.
What is the principle?
What is the principle?
Through pure justice, the Lord will redeem his people to faithfulness.
What is the application (for me as a believer)?
What is the application (for me as a believer)?
The pull of sin is so great upon me that my discernment is often impaired. This impairment is often found to be delightful within my sinful nature. It is through the intimate working of the LORD that redemption to righteousness and faithfulness is found. The swift, faithful justice of the LORD was accomplished upon Jesus Christ to redeem me to a place of righteousness and faithfulness. In light of this truth, how could I allow myself to be allured to be unfaithful when my faithfulness/righteousness has been accomplished as such a high cost?
What offended Prosecuting Party pays for the restoration of the guilty defendant? What offended Judge pays for the offense and restoration of the guilty party?
In addition, the promise of redemption and restoration gives me confidence that there is no suffering that has no light at the end of the tunnel because the ultimate suffering resulted in death and victorious deliverance. In partaking with Christ, there is not suffering in this life that need leave me desperate or hopeless.
Why would this matter to an MCS Student?
Why would this matter to an MCS Student?
(1) The unfaithfulness of a harlot: selling out for something we think will bring us ultimate satisfaction & happiness
(1) The unfaithfulness of a harlot: selling out for something we think will bring us ultimate satisfaction & happiness
We sell out for sex
If the pleasure was ultimate and right, then why do you hide and know in your heart it is not right
We sell out for pornography - pornea
We sell out for athletics
We allow the amazing abilities of celebrity athletes to make us determine what is good/bad:
Lebron's monster dunk last night
Hardin's amazing ball handling skills
So we give ourselves fully to those pursuits
We sell out for money
Getting the first paycheck makes us feel empowered, so we begin to neglect our spiritual disciplines
Ill: Getting paid for eating a cracker that was rubbed in the dirt $1.00
(2) Though the pull of sin is so great, the Sovereign Lord has offered to take our unfaithful selves and restore us to faithfulness in Jesus Christ.
(2) Though the pull of sin is so great, the Sovereign Lord has offered to take our unfaithful selves and restore us to faithfulness in Jesus Christ.
How? The faithful God sent the faithful Jesus who faithfully fulfilled all that was needed.
Jesus was never a sell out!
In Jesus we are redeemed & & & in Jesus we receive righteousness!
Being made right, only comes to the penitent.
This is the only way to have the LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL.
(3) For the Christian, penitence becomes a way of life whereby we can continually enjoy the redemption and righteousness we have in Christ
(3) For the Christian, penitence becomes a way of life whereby we can continually enjoy the redemption and righteousness we have in Christ
The way you continually enjoy and live in view of the LIGHT AT THE END of the tunnel is by
An ongoing life or repentance and faith
Concluding Questions/Exhortation:
What kind of a person were you created to be? A faithless sellout or a faithful servant?
Do you realize that the only way to be a faithful servant is by being redeemed in Jesus and having his perfection put on your account with God?
Christian, do you see that repentance and faith must be a way of life so that you might continually live with view of the light at the end of the tunnel?