Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
I. God values worship and service
A. The value of the temple to mankind
The New American Commentary: 1, 2 Chronicles Main Structure (3:3–7)
Several grades of gold are mentioned in this and parallel passages (3:4, 6,:8; 1 Kgs 6:20–21).
It is arguable that the value of the gold increased as one approached the ark and the most holy place.
This too was overlaid with gold, six hundred talents of fine gold.
The amount is considerable, even enormous
A pair of sculptured cherubim overlaid with gold graced the most holy place (cf. 1 Kgs 6:23–28).
They must have been a spectacular sight.
Their wingspan was twenty cubits.
One wing of each touched the temple wall; the other wing touched that of its partner.
These cherubim stood upright and faced the main hall.
According to the RSV, the cherubim were made of wood overlaid with gold.
The description of Solomon’s temple goes on for 3 more chapters detailing the temple furnishings, the ark of the covenant, Solomon’s prayer and the temple’s dedication in which 142,000 animals were sacrificed.
Not to mention the task force that Solomon employed to build this structure.
Over 150,000 people where used to build the temple.
The expense, the detail, the effort that went into this structure was immense.
The terms opulent, spared no expense, and over the top are appropriate here.
And yet God deserves nothing less.
If this structure were still in existence today it would be one of the greatest wonders of the world.
Its earthly value was enormous.
I can’t even wrap my head around how much wealth went into its construction.
Such a structure, to most, would be inestimable, it would be priceless.
B. The value of the temple to God
Did you catch what God said He would do to this temple?
I will cast it out of my sight!
Why will God do this?
Listen to the parallel passage.
If you go and serve other gods and worship them!
Then I will cast this house, which I have hallowed for my name, out of my sight.
Devotion note Dec 17, 2005
God certainly was not interested in the wealth of the temple that Solomon had created.
God had no problems "Casting Out" the temple if Israel did not obey Him from the heart.
What is important to God should also be important to us.
The most luxurious opulent structure every created and God is ready to trade it in an instant in order to turn our hearts toward Him.
This morning we are talking about priorities.
What are God’s priorities?
If we had to make a list of priorities that God values how would we order these two concepts
Concept one: material wealth; Concept two: service and worship
If we had to number them in order of which God values more how would we rank them?
That is easy right?
Worship and service #1 and material wealth #2 right?
I don’t think that is an accurate reflection of God’s value system or God’s priority list.
Worship and service #3.45x10(75) material wealth
Teaching the teens in the DR about Joseph- you meant it for evil, God meant it for good.
Good does not mean money and things (God doesn’t care very much about those things)
Now I am not saying that accumulating wealth is a bad thing.
We all need some amount of wealth in order to live and provide for our family.
Nor am I arguing that acquiring a lot of money or wealth is a bad thing.
God chooses to bless some with a large amount of material wealth and that is fine.
It is not a sin to acquire wealth or even to value wealth.
That is not the problem!
The problem is when we get our values out of wack.
The problem is when our priority list does not come into line with God’s priority list.
Too often we get these concepts switched around in our hearts.
We get our priorities messed up.
When God is not first in our lives, when our worship and our service to God get outranked by anything else we have allowed sin to creep into our hearts.
You can only have one treasure of your heart.
It must be God.
Your worship and service for God must be your top priority.
How can you tell?
How can you tell what your priorities are?
Moving the curtain rod in our dinning room.
It took literally months for me to get around to it.
I could care less how high the curtains are hung!
On the other hand I made it out bow hunting quite a few times this past season and the Lord blessed me with several successful hunts.
In fact the very first day, on the very first morning, there I was in my stand.
It was more of a priority than hanging curtains.
Somehow, the things are are priorities to us find ways of making it into our lives.
How much is worship and service a part of your life?
That is good place to start on determining its place in your priority list.
God values His name and His glory
A. The value of the furnace
Notice v. 10-
I have chosen you in the furnace of affliction
Chosen- to test a person’s character, similar to testing an object’s quality.
I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
Nobody likes the furnace.
We prefer, what I like to call “cruise ship Christianity.”
What does that mean?
That means that if the choice were up to us our lives would be like living on a cruise ship ever single day.
Nothing would ever go wrong.
All of our needs would be met.
There would be no hardship, no difficulties, certainly no pain and definitely no trials/furnaces!
Yet God often allows believers to go through the furnaces of life.
Why does God do that?
I knew that you would surely deal treacherously,
and that from before you were born you were called a rebel (transgressor)
Why else does God allow furnaces in our lives?
You are obstinate!
(what does that mean?)
You neck is an iron sinew
Your forehead brass
God is saying that our hearts are so hard, they are so stubborn that it is like our necks are constructed out of inflexible iron making it nearly impossible for us to bow our heads, or turn our direction.
Our heads are so hard so impenetrable that it is as if they were made out of solid brass.
(I think this may become my wife’s new favorite verse to quote to me)
< .5
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> .9